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There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 2:24 pm
by joecaracappa
I've been real slow getting results this time so last night after I walked the dogs (my warm up), I took them home and went back out the door, picked up the pace ever so slightly and walked until I felt a slight burn in my thighs (for me probably less than a mile).

Do you know that guy Jared who is the spokes person for SUBWAY? He supposedly lost a ton of weight eating low calorie sandwiches but what they don't tell you (well they do but it's in the fine print) is that everyday he walked for miles! The man is an inspiration! I could only imagine how much quicker he would have lost weight if he ate our way, but he did lose it and he did it eating the foods he loved (as we do).

Now, Jared is a lot younger than most of us (he was only 23 when he was introduced to us in 2000) but my feeling is that even he had to start out slow. So what if we (those of us who think exercise is a four letter word) started out taking a hike to the end of the driveway, work our way up to the corner and back , around the corner and so on. Everybody is different, we have lots of diabetics in the group and I myself have been a member of the crappy knee club for many years so we need to exercise our caution as well.

Personally, I don't think I can afford to ignore exercise any longer and the one thing I did notice last night at dinner time and this morning at breakfast was how motivated I was to strictly adhere to those LDL foods.


Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 3:45 pm
by Joyful Friend
Good for you, Joe!!!  Exercise is good for us, just like LDL foods. :thumbsup:  JF 

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 9:39 pm
by bgsumom
Congrats Joe!  I made a promise to myself back in October that I would walk 30 minutes a excuses.  It has become such a part of my daily routine that on days that I can't get outside to walk or up to the senior center to use the treadmill, I walk around my condo with upbeat music to complete the task.  I have much more energy which also led to some exercise classes and to some line dancing, etc, etc.  It does inspire you make other healthy choices including the foods you choose to fuel your body.  I've made a lot of new friends through exercise and am no longer a couch potato! Keep up the good work and it will eventually pay off.

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 7:49 am
Just remember that Jared had to do alot of exercise to counter the effects of all that bread and processed meats.
He also only ate 2 subway meals per day with no snacking.
Thinking about it now, it is good he was young doing a "diet" like this. Really missing alot of essential nutrients.
I think I heard he is not eating like that now (certainly hope so) and that he is eating a better variety.
But you are right, exercise is very important.
For those just starting out who have been eating junky food with no exercise for quite some time, it would be better to do what Roger said, to eat only LDL in abundance to kill all the cravings before you start launching vigorous exercise. (Walking short distances is not vigorous exercise).
Begining vigorous exercise can stimulate appetite so it is best to get the cravings under control first.
I know that lack of exercise is probably the reason for my stall.
Weather is warmer, 3 day weekend coming up.
I've run out of excuses!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 10:41 am
by stl_viewer
"He also only ate 2 subway meals per day with no snacking."


Did not know that. 

I can't help wondering how much--or if--the colder weather impacts us, as far as losing/conserving weight, regardless of whether we exercise or not. 

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 2:33 pm
by joecaracappa

I agree with you the way, one of the reasons we do not see Jerad too much anymore is because SUBWAY is more interested in promoting their "Five Dollar Foot Long" deal.

Isn't that something? They go from extreme to another!  :wrong:

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 3:12 pm
by witheraway1
Well, they got smart and because of that they have lots of business and don't have to close their doors like some.
Makes sense to me!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 9:25 pm
by LittlePrincess

I couldn't agree with you more.  I ate off plan mon, tue & wed. because I didn't have any food in the house and no time and no energy to get some.  It only took three days for my stiffness and swelling to return to my body.  Yesterday I was on plan except for one thing.  Today was LDL all the way and I'm sure I will wake up tomorrow feeling better still. 

This time around I too am going to add exercise to my routine.  I didn't last time.  I still lost 85 pounds in 14 months, but I want it faster this time.  I also want to feel healthier sooner and build some good muscle mass.  Y'all remind me I said this when I have a month where I gain instead of lose because of this very thing!  :tongue:

Subway is just like any other fast food chain.  They don't really care about people's health.  They care about the bottom line. 

Blessed and Loved,

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 18th, 2012, 1:11 pm
by Joyful Friend
I think Subway is a healthy choice if one chooses well from their menu.  I have ordered the salad with double grilled chicken.  It is delicious.  Every now and then we go there.  In airports, it is probably the best fast food.  It is a busy place.  I am also an exercise addict.  However, due to circumstances, I sometimes haven't exercised for a month, and I still maintain, so my weight loss wasn't due to exercise.  It was because of the consistency of staying red book LDL.  My appetite has gone down a whole lot, but there are days that I still want a volume of food, so I eat LDL foods in abundance.  It is a wonderful woe for weight maintenance.  I went from 18 to 8 in Levi.  I lost and have maintained.  I wear size 4 at dress barn and at Christopher Banks--flared skirts.  It was hard for my brain to wrap around the size change.  I wear a lot of suits, so after weight loss, Macy's had their suit sale.  Two days before the sale I put 6 suits  on hold--didn't try on.  I was there the morning of the sale, and those suits were too big.  The sales clerk gathered up the 8's and I was once again surprised.  They fit.  I haven't had to replenish for two years--unbelievable that I could wear one size. LDL helped my body to re-shift its weight.  My hips went down in size in relation to waist size.  Now, I still have never indulged in white sugar products nor pizza from shops.  I have no plans to do so even though they are still part of my family's diet. I can only give God praises for allowing me to read LDL and for delivery from cravings.  The most improvement has been in health.  Thanks to Roger for sharing and to all on the boards for ideas and encouragement.  :thumbsup:  JF

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 2:34 pm
by joecaracappa

I measured my walk in the car and it came to appx 2.0 miles (no wonder my thighs were burning).

When I dressed for church yesterday, I managed to squeeze into a size 48 slacks that I could not even come close to last Sunday.

I also find myself thinking twice before I stick something into my pie hole!


Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 3:45 pm
Way to go, Joe!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 5:17 pm
by LittlePrincess
Joe that is awesome!  :D  You go boy!!! 

Blessed and Loved,

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 23rd, 2012, 1:37 am
by Sharolyn
Joe, I am impressed by your courage to exercise! When I quit smoking over 8 years ago, I worked up to walking 3 miles a day. Not sure why I picked that time. My problem is that I didn't stay motivated to continue with it! About 3 months into that exercise routine, we started having boar hogs & wild dogs running loose. We live about 10 miles out of town in the country. I started carrying a stick with me and then decided that stick probably wouldn't do me much good if I were attacked. So, I turned chicken and stopped walking. But, I know me........if it hadn't have been that excuse, it would have been another!  *grrr* But, what really tickles me is that I've been on LDL for a month & I haven't "cheated" once!! Not ONCE!! That is so not normal for me! Now, maybe once this woe becomes second nature, exercise won't be too far behind!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 23rd, 2012, 1:19 pm
by joecaracappa
Sharolyn wrote:we started having boar hogs & wild dogs running loose.

My counterindications are broken sidewalks and gang banges  :shock:

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 1:10 am
by Sharolyn
My counterindications are broken sidewalks and gang banges

:tongue: ;D Joe, I would gladly take the broken sidewalks! But, gang bangs?!? I think I'll take my chances with the wild animals around here......

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 1:09 pm
by joecaracappa
Sharolyn wrote:My counterindications are broken sidewalks and gang banges

:tongue: ;D Joe, I would gladly take the broken sidewalks! But, gang bangs?!? I think I'll take my chances with the wild animals around here......

Don't underestimate those sidewalks! I caught my foot on one the other night and stumbled for 20 feet before I came to a stop! When you are as fat as I am, you do NOT want to fall! Gravity is not my friend!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 1:17 pm
by snowbirdie
hi sharolyn,
      Judie here.  Where do you live that you have scary animals around?  I live in northern Minnesota and have wild mean animals too. Big bears wolves badge rs wild cats mountain lions and on and on. I don't go into woods anymore. One time i was working in the ga rden and felt like something was watching me.  When I looked a round there was two lynx watching me. I always left my four wheeler running so I jumped on it and took off. I said the heck with that scrawny garden  I went to the farmers market from then on. So take care don't let them get ya.

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 6:19 pm
by joecaracappa
Yeah! We are not on the menu!

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: March 2nd, 2012, 6:03 pm
by Sharolyn
joecaracappa wrote:
Sharolyn wrote:My counterindications are broken sidewalks and gang banges

:tongue: ;D Joe, I would gladly take the broken sidewalks! But, gang bangs?!? I think I'll take my chances with the wild animals around here......

Don't underestimate those sidewalks! I caught my foot on one the other night and stumbled for 20 feet before I came to a stop! When you are as fat as I am, you do NOT want to fall! Gravity is not my friend!

LOL Joe & snowbirdie!! I live in the country, right in the middle of Texas. The nearest town is 6 miles away & it's only feed stores! So, I drive 10 miles in the other direction for groceries, bank, doctors, etc. We have 10 acres & raise chickens & goats. We usually have a vegetable garden, too. We moved here when my husband retired 18 years ago. We see a lot of possum's, squirrel's, skunks, raccoon's, fox's, deer. Occasionally there will be a wolf or two. And of course, the usual stray dog. But, at night is when you can hear the dogs or wolves howling in the distance. We love it here.

Re: There's a Little Bit of Jared in Us All

Posted: March 2nd, 2012, 9:16 pm
by LittlePrincess
Sharolyn how would you feel about adopting a 50 year old divorcee with a cute dog?  :laughing:

Blessed and Loved,