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Posted: August 15th, 2007, 10:44 am
by EnJae
Carla may be busy today. How is everyone doing? Anyone want to check in for W.O.W.?

I weighed 213# this morning.

I've had a challenging few days. Had a jury summons card in the mail recently so I went to the county courthouse Monday morning. In my town the process is usually fairly quick. 5x the number needed to seat a jury are called and culled down through the morning. Trial usually begins after lunch on the first day.

For some reason it took ALL day the first day to get it narrowed down to 12 jurors. I was one of the ones picked and was in court from 8-5 yesterday. Then I had to go to work for 2 hours after court (on both Monday and Tuesday).
Today I get a bit of a break because the lawyers and the judge have to take care of some business and the jury was released until after lunch time today.
This morning I am going to work (in a minute, actually) and then I'll grab some lunch and go back to court. But by having the morning off I am able to get my work out of the way this morning and have an evening free tonight. Yea!

Gotta run,
Talk to ya'll later.


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 12:55 am
by robnveronica
Well, my Wed. check in has GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS. BAD NEWS...weighed for first time in months on Mon cuz some people at work decided to do a  10 pound weight loss "challenge" over next 6 weeks and we needed a base weight. That was unfortunately a 10 pound gain from a few months ago. BUT the GOOD NEWS is....since today was Wed. I officially weighed in for LDL...and found that by adhering much more strictly (in part from challenge and in part to just get back on track 100%) I already lost 4 of those added 10. SO, here's to next week's wow and next month's weigh in!


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 4:26 am
by BookGuy
Well, it sounds like you had Good News/Good News.  The good news that you weighed yourself and was able to modify your diet before you gained another pound. You must be thrilled.  Congrats on the extra 4 you lost too.

I am too large to weigh on our home scale, so until I lose a couple of hundred pounds I belong to Weight Watchers, just to use their scale.  I weigh every Wednesday, and this is my second week weighing in since being on LDL.  The first week I lost 7 pounds, and today I weighed and have lost 7 pounds this week too.  I am feeling very grateful to have found LDL.  I don't expect to keep up this initial rate of weight loss, and I am fine with that.  See ya next Wednesday!


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 5:52 am
by margo
Ugh...did not lose one darn pound....neither has my hubby....but we're keeping on with LDL and expect to see some change next month.  We made some changes per suggestions of Niki to stop the fruit juice and eat whole fruit in the morning.  We cut out any mayo and i have not put olives in our lunch salad.  I know now that i use one tablespoon of olive oil in my popcorn...  I also stopped eating late in the evening because i go to sleep so early....but last night, for instance, i just needed something so unfortunately i went to bed with a couple of handfuls of grapes in my stomach -- but normally that would have been a small bowl of lentil.....

i don't know what other changes i can make..

Thanks all and God bless...


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 9:32 am
by niki
princess veronica....i am SO happy to hear that you're back on know that the subjects of the realm look to see what you're eating in order to emulate you....with great power comes great responsibility(gee, where have i heard THAT before?).....NOW, start cookin up those BEANS....................the bean queen


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 9:51 am
by niki
hi margo...everything you're doing now is fine....what you should do is stay off the scale......i lost a nice amount of weight initially(something like 7 or 10 pounds in the first month or two)...but then i didn't lose anything for 2 months....i didn't weigh myself,either...i did what i recommend to everyone...get clothes that are tight on you and wait until they fit.....when they fit,wear them....and get other clothes out that are tight....i don't know anyone who doesn't save clothes that they like that they "grow" out of.....
  most people experience what i did....a nice initial loss and then a plateau......THIS is because a lot of that initial loss is fluid....all those unhealthy carbs and sugars make most people retain more fluid than they normally depending on how much fluid you're retaining, your initial loss will have to average out your loss over a total period of time....people lose nicely in the beginnng and then they think they're going to continue losing that way throughout...that's not going to happen....let's do lunch is NOT a's a lifestyle change.....IT IS what works....
  so, enjoy the well....that was fine if you ate before bedtime as long as it was ldl allowable AND you were hungry...but, you are up so early and go to bed so should be eating more during the SHOULD be eating until you're really full....i'm going to take a chance and say that you've been careful about amounts because you thought it would make you lose....i hate portion control....FORGET about portion control.........portion control DOESN'T work.......all the people that lose so BEAUTIFULLY on these diet programs that feature portion control, WHERE are they 6 months later?.........
  so keep doing what you're doing...stay off the scale(tom says scales are for fish).....and be patient........niki   


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 1:25 pm
by margo
Hi Niki...Hi all!  THanks for the encouragement...and hit the nail right on the head!  It's a question of patience of me.  It's one of my weaknesses and i'm always working on trying to be more patient with myself and with others (read, hubby!  ;D)....

What i had today so far...

8am - 9am
one cup of coffee -two packs of splenda and a bit of skim milk
one diet pepse
1/2 peach
1 apple

i was still reaaaaally hungry so i had a small bowl of lentils and three egg whites on top with a corn on the cob with a touch of olive oil

i just finished my lunch which was some of the beef/turkey burger mixture  on top of another bowl of lentils
another corn on the cob

later i'll have a big salad and some beans
later i'll have some watermelon and some popcorn with a tablespoon of olive oil on it
probably will have some frozen grapes

that's it!
thanks in advance to all investigative food police



Posted: August 16th, 2007, 3:19 pm
by niki
hi've been doing this for a while,so i'm going to make a couple of suggestions based on what you ate 8-9am the soonest that you're hungry?......because i know you go to bed really early and get up really early.....i would have liked to see you eat earlier than you are so that you can space out the times that you eat a little better.....and when you get up in the morning, i would have liked to have seen you eat WAY more fruit than you ate this morning...if you're up at 4 or 5, i would think you could start eating earlier than 8-9(like 6-7) should make a nice BIG fruit meal as soon as you're hungry enough for it....if you're still hungry after the fruit, i would suggest you try a bowl of popcorn at THAT your main meal at 12...that's not too early for someone who goes to bed at 7....and you should eat SO much that you're full for AT LEAST a few 3, eat salad or bean soup or fruit....or all 3...if you're going to bed at 7, you really shouldn't be eating after that 3pm yourself to someone who goes to bed at 11...they'll eat their salad or soup or fruit at like 6 or 7...even if they eat at 7, they've still stopped eating 4 hours before bedtime.....
   in my opinion, you're waiting too long to start eating and you're eating too much too close to the time you're going to sleep.....
   i drank crystal light when i first started on let's do lunch....but when i read that the artificial sweeteners give you cravings and how bad they are for you, i switched to a pitcher of filtered water with a lime squeezed into i think you should rethink the subject of artificial sweeteners.....
   and i know that roger has said that eggs could be eaten at any time, but the only time i eat them is as my protein of the day...if you're eating protein at your main meal PLUS beans, you're getting PLENTY of hair and nails are better than they ever were on let's do lunch...that tells me i'm getting plenty of only ate egg whites(i understand)but my concern is not only for the's not good for ANYONE to eat too much, what you kind of did was create another meal or ate that as breakfast because 1 1/2 pieces of fruit is nothing.....that for me is a snack and not a meal...
  so consider all this stuff and see what you think......i love giving you input because i know you'll consider everything i say carefully......niki   


Posted: August 16th, 2007, 9:47 pm
by EnJae
BookGuy wrote: (in his signature line) "Every temporary defeat brings a seed of an equal or greater opportunity -  just don't eat the seeds (they are not LDL approved)."

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! :D


Posted: August 17th, 2007, 5:23 am
by margo
Hi everyone....Hi Niki...

Yes, i generally am not hungry until around 8-9am.....but i can force myself to eat earlier....i could eat at 6am but i'm sure i won't be very hungry.  right's about 5:15am and i have no hunger....i DO have thirst and want to i promise i'll replace one of the diet drinks with water...and i'll eat earlier and see what happens....

Last evening i planned to have watermelon and popcorn but i didn't...instead (because i had company and it was really hot)...i made smoothies for us and our company and i didn't need anything else....and, yesterday since i did not eat anything substantial after my lunch which was early in the day, i feel much lighter on my toes this morning and my stomach looks like it went down some.  But also....since we had company i couldn't even climb into bed until 10:30!!! 10:30PM!! Ohhhhhh the agony!! ;D

I'll try what you say Niki and try to eat more whole fruit earlier in my day and then i'll see if i can stop eating after 4ish.....

Yes, you're right, I am certaining taking all the advice to heart and am making a concerted effort to use those suggestions for me and my hubby!  He's so tired of having a pot belly (although i can see some changes to his backside and upper belly since we started on LDL) and he wants to see some weight come off in pounds....he admits that his pants fit more comfortably but can't figure out why that is happening if his weight is not actually decreasing.....

Thanks again everyone and God bless....Please enjoy the weekend!



Posted: August 17th, 2007, 10:21 am
by niki
margo.....i'm just fine tuning a couple of things with you...but, i think you're doing GREAT and like i said before, you just have to wait to lose....if i were you, i'd stay off the scale now until you get up in the morning and feel thinner.........sincerely,niki


Posted: August 17th, 2007, 3:05 pm
by margo
Yes...i have been keeping off the scale...i just got on it the other day because i am weighing myself once a month around the 15th.  Are you saying that i shouldn't get on the scale at all?? You mean like cold turkey???? (mmmmm.....turkey)



Posted: August 17th, 2007, 5:04 pm
by niki
that's right, baby............cold turkey..........can you do it?..get a pair of pants out that are snug on you...when you get up one morning and feel thin, try them on...if they fit, jump on the scale.....i had a pair like that(and still do)and there were times i tried them on EVERY DAY....if they were still snug, that didn't discourage me...but, those numbers on the scale?...i hate them............niki 


Posted: August 18th, 2007, 3:26 am
by margo
Yes! YES!  i CAN do it!!

But first...let me tell you how my eating day turned out yesterday....It wasn't what i expected or wanted to do...but...alas..:

i woke up around 5am i think....or maybe a bit earlier

6-7am - frozen grapes, apple
            cup of coffee skim milk and splenda

8am- bowl of popcorn and diet soda

10am - i was i ate:
          bowl of lentils
          left over salad from dinner the night before
          ear of corn with nothing on it (i love it like that!)

1:30pm - sirloin steak strips - not too much --
              corn on cob
            salad with walden farms ranch dressing on it
            roasted bell peppers and onions
          sauteed mushrooms in a bit of olive oil and garlic and parsley

4:30 or so  - peach and grapes
                  fruit smoothie -

at this point i intended not to eat anything more....but......

7pm - my stomach felt like it really needed something and so i ate another small bowl of lentils....

8:30 - 9pm - went to sleep...

i am thinking that maybe if i feel so hungry again in the hours before bedtime that i can have some fiber drink or something that really doesn't take any energy to digest as i that okay?

Have a great day everyone....


Posted: August 18th, 2007, 3:41 am
by EnJae
Hey Margo;
[What in the world are you and I doing up at this time of night?  :-\]

Your food choices sound delicious!
May I ask what are the ingredients of your protein drink?

And, I think that if you were hungry that late, then lentils were a good choice. The problem comes when we eat meat too late at night, and when we eat out of habit instead of hunger.
I like to eat a banana if I am hungry late at night.



Posted: August 18th, 2007, 4:01 am
by BookGuy
You guys are not the only ones up late... this brings up a questions for me... at dinner time and later, am I allowed and encouraged to have LDL recipes, as long as they don't have meat?  I was thinking the protein in the lentils or beans is only allowed at lunch.

Help - still trying to "get it".



Posted: August 18th, 2007, 4:36 am
by EnJae
1) niki advocates not eating for several hours before bed.
2) I eat whenever I am hungry. I don't like 'rules'.
Which of us in sleeping peacefully and which of us is up typing in the middle of the night? (laughing at myself)


Posted: August 18th, 2007, 10:12 am
by robnveronica
What in God's Green Earth were you all doining up in the middle of the night?! That's the time your body is SUPPOSED to be resting and revamping for the next day!!!! I for one was asleep like all good children should be!!

Margo, eat more at those earlier times! If you're hungry that soon it sounds like you weren't completely full! I have a smoothie ususally around 6-7 am and it keeps me full til noon. I have huge salad w/ beans and corn and lean meat for lunch, then depending on how I feel either popcorn, fruit, veggies, or even sometimes lean meat for dinner around 630/730 pm. I don't go to bed til 10 or 11 but I'm fine. Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes our bodies mistake thirsty for hungry! Try drinking more water if you're not drinking a lot. I drink Ice tea all day long, that may be why I'm not as hungry til later. the beginning eat until full, satisfied and whatever is LDL allowed whenever you need it. And you can have the "Light protein" of egg, beans at any meal! It's really the heavier protein of meat that we try to limit to lunch.