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Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 10:15 am
by Deb M
Help!!  I’ve been on the Let’s Do Lunch diet for 3 weeks and have gained 2.5 pounds!

I have been dieting or at least restricting my eating since I was 6.  I have had success w/some diets through the years but keeping it off has been another matter.  I’ve lost the 20-25 pounds I needed to lose - it is just the same 5-10 pounds over and over.  When I first heard Roger in an online interview, I was intrigued so I ordered the book.  I think I got an older version because I ordered it as a used book on-line. 

I began reading the book right away and was discouraged to see that the main foods of the diet were beans, peas, and corn.  I hate beans and peas!! :P As I continued reading and went to this website, I got excited over the chance to lose weight and not feel deprived and hungry all the time - my main problem with regaining weight.  As I thought on it, I realized that I have grown the ability to at least tolerate some types of beans, and I had learned to eat peas as an example to my 4 children.  So I began.

The first week was very strange.  I would eat until full.  Even though I was full - to the point of uncomfortableness, I didn’t feel satisfied.  It was hard to accept feeling full but wanting more!  I reasoned that this must be the cravings.  I found some recipes w/beans which I thought I could tolerate to see if that helped w/the cravings.

The 2nd week was a little easier.  The cravings weren’t quite as bad.  On weighing myself, I had lost 5.5 pounds.  Not as huge an amount as many but I was pleased. 

By the 3rd week, I had more of the foods that I needed and was getting used to cooking different things for myself as well as meals for the rest of the family.  I would cook some things that were LDL friendly for supper then have for lunch the next day.  I felt that I was sticking to the diet very strictly.  I had even stopped eating the small amount of 70% chocolate that I enjoyed (I usually ate 3 pieces out of 30 - 5 gr. Carb & 4gr. Fat).  When I weighed myself this morning, I had gained 2.5 pounds!  I’m very discouraged!!  If I’m losing weight, I can put up w/this diet and maybe even learn to enjoy foods I have always disliked - the recipes I’ve tried so far have been great.  But, if I’m going to continue yoyoing in weight like I did before, I might as well enjoy all the foods I ate before.

Sorry this is so long!  Any advice?

Re: Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 10:44 am
by tcasola
Deb M:

Here are some advice to you (and all the newbies): (A) make you read Roger's book over and over, especially during the first few weeks/month. In each reading, you will find you will grasp concepts you have missed.  (B) Make sure you eat as often as you can and as much as you want of allowable foods, UNTIL YOU ARE FULL (not STUFFED).  (C) Stay away from the scale. This isn't a good barometer to measure if you are or aren’t succeeding. (D) Give it time. Give it at least 2 months before deciding if it is or isn’t working for you. (E) Finally, post any question you have. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask. And if you are, please feel free to email me (or others) personally. We’re all here to help each other.

Remember to eat a balance LDL food plan. Just eating beans and fruits aren’t going to do it. You need proteins too. Suggestion (if not already done) for the next week, write down everything you eat. Then post it. There may be something that needs to be corrected. When I first started LDL I swore I was doing everything correctly. I did a post and posted what I was doing. Roger, Niki and Mary were loving enough to give continued encouragement, but also pointed out what I was doing incorrectly. Again, I swore I was doing everything correctly, but now I know differently.

Some of us (me include) believe scales should be used only for fish or piano ... However, many others like to weight themselves regularly. They feel it helps keep them on track. Either way, remember there are other “scales” you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common” activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.

Your increase could just be a "womenly setback". Remember, the amount of weight lost is affected by many factors. Everyone loses weight at different rates. It has to do with age, gender, one’s weight, exercise, etc.. Many may compare their lost to someone else’s, and get discouraged. Sometimes it is not the number of pounds that someone loses in a specified period of time that is important. A 10 pound lost to one person could be as affected as a 30 pound lost to another. Think of it this way: If a 300-pound person loses 30 pounds, a 200-pound person loses 20 pounds, and a 100-pound person loses 10 pounds – the 300-pound person didn’t necessarily loose more weight then the other two. All three lost 10% of their body weight. Plus, if you are toning up muscle – your weight loss may seem slow, when in fact you are replacing fat with muscle, and your pant sizes are decreasing. Someone weighing 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25 is carrying around 50 pounds of extra fat. That same person weighing 200 pounds with 10 percent body fat would be carrying only 20 pounds of fat.

As Roger Troy has said many time: You need to eat as often as you can and as much as you want of all the non-fattening starchy carb recipes. Seems the body can't tell the difference between a non-fattening starchy carbs and a fattening starchy carbs . When you eat the non-fattening starchy carbs you eliminate your cravings for the fattening starchy carbs.

He also states: You also need to eat as often as you can and as much as you want of all the sweetest fresh fruits (or fruit smoothies) until your body just doesn't crave the sweets anymore. Once again the body can't tell the difference between fruit and/or regular sugar, so when you eat the fruit sugars it eliminates your cravings for the regular sugar foods.

Remember, just because a food or drink is "fat-free & sugar-free" or "low-calorie" does not necessarily mean non-fattening. Lots of low-calorie foods have very fattening ingredients in them; likewise, lots of sugar-free foods have very fattening ingredients in them, and lots of fat-free foods have regular sugar in them (very fattening).  Always remember that it's not "calories in, calories out", but it's "ingredients in, ingredients out".

I hope this helps

Re: Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 10:47 am
Hey Deb,
I'm not sure whats going on.....could it be possible that before LDL you were walking around in a slightly dehydrated state and now that you are full of fresh fruits and veggies your water weight is up some?  The big question is how do your pants feel?  Sometimes we are losing weight and inches and the scale is not a good judge but your tight jeans or tape measurer work well.  3 weeks is way too soon to know if its working for you or not.  The body is is very resistant to let loose of the last few pounds and it sounds like you dont have much left to lose.  Instead of dropping that last bit of weight....the fat cells will fill up with water in order to hold their regular shape.  Its not till you persist and dont go back to your old ways that your body will finally give up and then a big whoosh of water you were retaining finally lets go and the scale FINALLY moves.  Thats why its so important to not get discouraged and keep on this plan.  If you are following it correctly YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.  I suggest you try the fruit and soup flush.  It might be just what you need to get rid of that pesky water weight your body is holding onto.  We dont want you walking around discouraged when you have finally found the answer to your prayers!!!
Most importantly remember this isnt about QUICK WEIGHT LOSS....ITS ABOUT PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS!!!! 
Love and God Bless

Re: Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 4:33 pm
by niki
Deb M wrote: I’ve lost the 20-25 pounds I needed to lose - it is just the same 5-10 pounds over and over.

  hi deb...if you don't have a lot to lose, you won't lose it overnight...most people when they go on let's do lunch, lose a nice bit of weight initially depending on how much fluid they retain and how much weight they need to lose....roger tells everyone not to weigh themselves more often than once a month, so i didn't weigh myself before and didn't weigh myself until i was on it for a month...i went twice for 2 months not losing ANYTHING.....i didn't go on the scale...once i realized i wasn't going to lose that quickly, i stayed OFF the scale and took my friend tom's advice that scales are for fish........i got clothes out that were so tight i could barely fit into them and i waited for them to fit....i would not set myself up for failure by going on the scale at the wrong time.....
  i went off for christmas and i struggled to get back on track for a month and a half..WHEN WILL I LEARN?...........i had gotten down to my thinnest weight fitting into a size 8 suit....i gained 6-7 pounds that it will take me all year to take off........with all the flushing that's been going on around here, i've been drinking loads of tea(regular tea..herbal tea)to flush myself out, too...i woke up saturday morning feeling thin and got on the scale and found that i gained 3's body is ALWAYS thinking it's in the desert.......
  i don't care about any of that...i'm back on track for the last month and i'm detoxed from junk food..that's ALL i care about.......
  you got some great advice from roger, tom and and reread it and turn your focus on changing your eating habits and off of losing weight.....
                              very sincerely,niki

Re: Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 12:20 pm
by Deb M
A big thank you to tom Debbie, Roger, & Niki. Praise the Lord for all of your graciousness and patience - I'm sure you've given similar answers many times.  I know, I know...I need to stay off the scales. :)  Thanks for the extra encouragement and other ways to judge weight loss.

I appreciated the comments about eating as often as hungry.  Because I felt so full at meals, I was surprised to feel hungry in just 2 -2.5 hours and wasn't sure what to eat so I'd snack a little on grapes, popcorn or soy nuts but not usually until full again.  Eating whenever hungry is a hard concept for me to accept.

Roger, thank you for the list of foods that will make me feel full faster and longer.  I'm a little confused though.  Shouldn't I be careful about how often or much I eat of certain foods like...rice, crispbreads, corn thins, etc.  Is meat the only food that should be eaten just one meal a day?

Yes, I think I do have a problem with water retention.  Thank you Debbie & Niki for your comments there.

Niki, you're an inspiration!  Thanks!

Wow, there was so much good stuff in what everyone said.  I wish I had more time to answer.  I'll try to keep a food log and send it in.  I'm sure I need some correction.

Thanks again!!

Re: Help!! I'm gaining weight!

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 12:50 pm
by tcasola
Deb M,

This old post may help you with which foods you can and can’t have.

I must warn it’s a little dated, and Roger’s philosophy on certain items has changed. That’s why it’s best to get the newest book, and read many times.

Meats should be eaten once a day – preferably at lunch.

The term occasional treat means "once in a while". Basically, if you're tired of all the other "allowable" treats, and have nothing else to eat, then have an "occasional" treat. But don't have these types of treats more then twice a month. Doing so may slow down your weight loss - especially in the beginning.