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I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 1:11 pm
by jbintrim
I have not recieved my book yet, but already I am scared to death to start a new diet and fail. I want to lose wait, but I am scared to try again. I am tired of being overweight and tired of always feeling tired and bogged down. Is this diet very hard to follow and will I learn to enjoy it? So many times when your on a diet you fell sufficated. Please tell me I can do it.  Thank You

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 1:17 pm
by isthis4me
You CAN do this  :thumbsup:  the main reason, this is really not a D I E T............. if you look at it this way you will surely succeed. That and all the WONDERFUL people here and the oodles and oodles of testimonies, journals and recipes you WILL do this


Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 2:58 pm
by jbintrim

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 3:12 pm
by Eljayne
I'm new too and scared of yet another failure as well. However the support here seems to be excellent and I, as a Christian appreciate the "prayers" message board. The commitment is mine, the support comes from others - we can do this!  Eljayne :thumbsup:

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by MissBizzyLizzy
it is super easy!  YOU CAN DO IT TOO!  i am new here and to LDL as well.  i started a week ago.  it's so weird because after you get it...of how the diet works and you go shopping for all these yum healthy don't want the icky unhealthy stuff.  my husband ordered pizza the other night...complete with bread sticks and chicken wings.  i was like 'i'm so not eating that'  it's so bad for you.  i myself could not believe how much sugar these companies add to our food.  when you can make perfectly GREAT healthy food.  just give it a try!!  :thumbsup:

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 4:50 pm
by sval59
I have failed a lot of other times in my life....failed to keep the weight off after working so hard to get there.  For the first time EVER I don't think I'll have that problem again, honestly.  If you follow Roger's book, your cravings will change.  You will start to want the LDL foods and not want the foods that have caused you to struggle with your weight all your life.  This is the most amazing part of the LDL plan.  I have no desire now to eat the bad stuff (after 6 months of eating LDL foods).  My husband commented this morning that he knew I was committed to losing weight because I had walked by 3 chocolate kisses laying on the counter all week.  In the past, those kisses would have been history.  I told him I don't want them and I meant that.   I no longer have to make the effort not to eat them because they don't appeal to me any longer.  It's amazing and I thank God for Roger and this plan all the time.  It truly is the answer to ridding yourself of the frustration of excess weight for the rest of your life.  Good luck on your journey and don't be afraid.  If you follow the plan, you will succeed!


Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 6:15 pm
by LittlePrincess

It works.  Believe it and follow the plan.  It works.  It works.  It REALLY REALLY works.  I promise!  It works!!  ;D

(In Faith)  LP

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 6:40 pm
by sibelclair
I know how you feel, I was scared too a few days ago. Then I started to look at the recipes and try some and they are quite good.
I still have some cravings but when it happens, I eat some grapes and it calms the craving.
You'll see, it's easy to follow.
And if you need support, you'll find it right here!!!


Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 7:39 pm
by greenheron

I'm right where you are. I started about 5 weeks ago at 231, am now just below 217, and am aiming for 160.  If that works, (or WHEN it works! ;) )  I'll keep going and hopefully get down to about where I was in high school...135 or so.

I think the only way this could "fail" is if I said "I'm not doing it anymore."  I can see the results.  I know it works.  I know from reading others' posts that some people will stall for a while and then start losing again.  I like the foods I'm eating.  For me now, there isn't a good reason NOT to be doing LDL. 

We went to our favorite pizza place the other night because DH had a free birthday pizza coupon.  He and DS had our usual 5-star cheese crisp...white cheeses and white sauce on a thin crust with rosemary sprinkled on top.  Luscious.  I had *one*  bite.  It was tasty.  But I ate no more of it and had a grilled chicken salad as my meal.  If I had decided to eat more pizza, I know that the next day I'd be eating watermelon and butter bean potato cakes and baby carrots.  The pizza (that I didn't eat ;) ) wouldn't have been a "cheat" or a "failure" would have been a choice, and the vast majority of my choices are so much better than they were a few months ago that I can feel GOOD about those choices.

Do you miss eating fruit?  Do you smell the popcorn from your coworker's cubicle and wish you were allowed some?  Do you want to sit down to a big bowl of chili?  There are SO many different food choices.  Be brave and try things you never have, but if you don't like them, don't eat them again.  You shouldn't ever feel suffocated, because you have the FREEDOM to fill up on great-tasting meals and snacks.

This is an ongoing process....a learning you can learn along with us.  What works for you?  You won't know until you follow LDL honestly for a while, see what you like, what you don't, how you feel, and how much you start enjoying that strawberry smoothie for breakfast!  Give it a good honest try for at least a month.  That should tell you whether you'll be happy.  I think you will. 

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 9:56 pm
by LeslieB
You can do this!!! I am afraid too, but all of the support and success stories make it much easier.  You are not alone.  At first glance, I was just looking at what I couldn't eat now I see everything I GET to eat.  Not to mention the health, energy and weightloss benefits.  Go for it and do it for yourself!


Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by turkkm
I was apprehensive at first too.  I am coming off of a low carb diet 2 years ago when I lost 40 pounds.  I felt on top of the world!  However, since that time I have floundered and tried all different ways to maintain the loss, only to gain back 25 pounds of it.  So, going into this, I just don't want to fail and gain more back.  The whole time I was on the low carb, all I did was crave this way of eating should suit me just fine!  I think it is good to admit feeling a bit scared.  So, thanks for bringing up the topic, jbintrim. 

Now I have a related did some of you figure out your goal weight?  I don't want to make mine too high just because I am afraid I can't get to what my real goal wieght should be.  But, I want to be realistic too. 

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 2:09 am
by LittlePrincess

This is an EXCELLENT question.  I think we all have different ways of picking our goal weight.  I picked 119 pounds because I am only five feet tall and it's under 120.  ;D  But the honest fact of the matter is, that if you eat this way for the rest of your life, you WILL reach your IDEAL weight according to the way God designed your body.  I think it was Little Mary who said that she actually ended up smaller than her goal weight and it just happened naturally.  Isn't that cool? 

I am just as guilty of this as anyone, but I swear I think we all place too much emphasis on numbers!  I mean seriously, if my clothes are fitting me and I'm feeling healthy and able to move and have all sorts of energy, I shouldn't be so concerned with a number.  I should be praising God that I'm no longer over 200 lbs. overweight!  So I'm hoping and praying that I get to that place emotionally as I move along in this journey.  And who knows.  Maybe God's ideal weight for me is even lower than 119.  Only time will tell on that, but at this point I'm just trusting and knowing that LDL works and that no matter what my ending number is, it's WAY better than my number now.  ;D

(In Faith)  LP

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:27 am
by Gemini the Younger
Eljayne wrote:I'm new too and scared of yet another failure as well. However the support here seems to be excellent and I, as a Christian appreciate the "prayers" message board. The commitment is mine, the support comes from others - we can do this!  Eljayne :thumbsup:

Beautifully expressed, spoke straight to my heart...and my fears.  Thank you.

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 1:01 pm
by jbintrim
You all are so wonderful. I have to admit I am still scared, but reading your comments, I see other people have been where I am at. Thank you all so much.

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 1:25 pm
by ArmyWife1125
Keep your chin up, I'm new also and more scared to fail than anything else.  It seems like this is the place to be for support.  Best wishes to you!

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by GreatDaneLady
I thought/felt the same way when I was in line at Borders purchasing the book.  I thought wow, I'm just wasting more money on another book that will end up in my plastic bin of diet books.  I even told my husband my reservations before we walked up to the counter.  He just looked at me and said, well you'll never know unless you try it and so what, even if it's not the one you haven't wasted that much money (we had a 40% off coupon for any purchase that day). 

I started reading the book and kept saying "wow, this guy sounds like me!"  "Listen to this honey!"  "Maybe there's something to this!"  I could tell he was getting bored with the stories, but he stayed positive (for my sake I think).  My husband is skinny and can eat anything he wants!  He tells me he doesn't care how I look and compliments me frequently, but I think he's finally starting to understand that this isn't about how he sees me, it's how I see myself and how I REALLY REALLY don't want to get the dreaded diabetes diagnosis!

I think when you read this book and you read the stories, you'll see how he's walked the path that we have and it will give you hope and the courage to blaze forward!  If I can stick to this with a husband who gorges on sugar and all kinds of stuff that I love the taste of, you can too!  After only 3 days, I have NO cravings for sugar!  It's unbelievable!!!!!!!!!

Another blessing I've been given is from a family who couldn't keep their puppy b/c they had to move :(  I had wanted another dog for a while but couldn't justify spending the money since I'm STILL looking for a job!  Anyway, she's been such a blessing b/c she's cheered me up and even when I've been too depressed to want to exercise I do it so that she stays healthy -- plus since she's so big it keeps her more calm in the house. LOL.  The added benefit is that she is great company on walks!

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:38 pm
by niki
GreatDaneLady wrote:I thought wow, I'm just wasting more money on another book that will end up in my plastic bin of diet books. 

  it's funny that you guys should be talking about this...i remember going to different libraries and barnes and nobles where i could read the book without buying it because i didn't want to waste my money on a worthless diet book...
  i just said to myself, "i wonder what kind of dog her friend gave her"......duh......a great dane since you're the great dane lady.....haha....................i like big dogs, too.....i had 2 dobermans over the last one, i had put to sleep almost a year ago....she was a REALLY bad dog, but i missed her SO much....she thought my grandson was her puppy and my grandson cried so much that first night i had her put to sleep....her hips were really bad...she came to the point that she couldn't walk....i had to carry her through the parking lot to take her to be put to sleep...and i went by myself....

Re: I am so scared of failing

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by electricj1316
Everyone has given you such great advice! I agree with what everyone else is saying. I think everyone is scared in the beginning because most people here have had so many failures, but if you stick with ldl you will see that this "life change" not diet will work for you. You won't feel like it is a diet because there are so many great things that you can have!
