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Re: Whereabouts of Glen Mahan?

Posted: October 13th, 2016, 5:14 am
by Glen M
Hello Roger!
I don't know how old this post is but I dropped in this morning and happened to see this. Hope you are doing well! Good to hear from you,
God bless,

Glen Mahan

Re: Whereabouts of Glen Mahan?

Posted: October 14th, 2016, 5:23 am
by Glen M
It's so good to hear from you and so thankful that you are well! I've had a few very stressful events happen in our life in the last few years. During those stressful times I started eating non LDL food for comfort and out of old habits and gained a lot of weight back. I didn't gain all my weight back but almost all of it. Since gaining that weight back it has caused me a lot of health issues and pain. I am desperate to lose that weight again that I lost but have been having a tough time getting back on the wagon, so to speak. So, I'm reading my book again and trying to get started over again! I'm remembering some wonderful victories that I had and what a wonderful feeling it was to reach those weight goals, I will never forget them! I hope that getting active with the message boards might give me a little boost! I fully believe that God let me find "let's do lunch" originally when I found the article in the "First" magazine. I have never read that magazine before that I can remember nor have I read it since finding the LDL article since then! I went to a local bookstore (we were out of town on vacation) and found the red LDL book. I believe it was the last copy they had in that bookstore!
So, I'm hoping and praying that I can get back on this wagon and begin to lose that weight again. I'm very upset that I have allowed myself to gain this weight back but I can't anything about that now but I can change it from this day forward.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my message!
May God continue to bless you and your family!

Re: Whereabouts of Glen Mahan?

Posted: September 3rd, 2018, 10:13 pm
by Glen M
Hello dear friend!
Just thought I would drop in and see how you are doing? Hope you and your family are doing well!
Look forward to hearing from you soon!
Glen Mahan