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Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 9:38 am
by LittlePrincess
Hey All,

Well, I just had to pop on and let you guys know how I'm doing.  I haven't been on the boards much lately because I'm working ALL the time these days.  Let me apologize in advance for the length of this message.

After havin such a good May, June was a bad month for me.  I had a lot of stress (mostly beyond my control) and while I didn't cheat eating any off plan foods, I did have protein for two meals in one day twice and I felt like I was eating more food than I should have been.  Even though it was all LDL food. 

One night last week I got off of work and I was in tears all the way to the grocery store.  I was out of fruit and some other things so I HAD to shop.  I bought the things I needed and then decided I was going to pig out on LDL pizza.  So, I bought the stuff for those too.  I cried all the way home from the grocery store as well.  But something happened to me when I got home.  I said to myself, "Girl WHAT are you doing?  While you can have this pizza, you're NOT that hungry and if it's not hunger then food won't fix it."

So, I had my fruit and a few corn thins and went to bed.  The next day was a better day and I was so happy I didn't use the food to medicate the feelings I was having.  For me, this is HUGE progress. 

Anyway, I went to the doctors office yesterday, not knowing if I had lost and worried I may have gained.  I stepped on the scales and four more pounds were gone!  PRAISE GOD!!!  I am now at 280 pounds.  This is the lowest weight I have been at in over 10 years.  And while I still have a LONG way to go I know that I will make it to my goal weight.  Anyone who would like to say a prayer for me, I would appreciate it.  I want to get down to 119 pounds.  On my five foot nothing frame, I think that is a good goal.  My next goal is to hit the 100 pounds lost goal.  I'm only 23 pounds away.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.  I couldn't do this without you guys.  I really couldn't.  God Bless you all.

(In Faith)  Little Princess

Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 9:52 am
by robnveronica
WOW LP. You're doing wonderfully and to be able to say "You're not hungry and food WON'T Fix it" ....that is a major accomplishment! I know. Many times I've used food as my pacifier! You're good to go all the way down to that next 23 pounds goal!!

Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 10:55 am
by graceface66
Hey LP,
            Way to go! You can do all things through Christ! He is with you always!
                                  God bless you!

Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 12:10 pm
by Race Fan
Way to go Little Princess!

Your progress is GREAT!  I'm praying for no stress in your life and continued success with LDL!



Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 1:47 pm
by CJ
I am really impressed with your accomplishment! I know exactly what you are going through. Sometimes my good friend, Will (Will Power) isn't around when I need him. Like last night, I was so hungry I actually started to feel sick. Once I got to the kitchen and opened the fridge helplessly looking for a quick fix of anything, the first thing I saw was bright red strawberries - cleaned and ready to eat. Soon they were history! Luckily for me they curbed my hunger and I was able to make a healthy salad. Big... but healthy.

I was thinking that had the strawberries not been ready to eat, it would have been so much easier for me to grab something unhealthy to gobble up. It is probably a good idea to always have the fruit & veggies cleaned and ready to go.

God blesses you!

Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 1:50 pm
by EnJae
LP; WOW!!! 77#s GONE!!! WHOO-HOO!!!

Carla; GOOD JOB. I'm glad you were ready with the strawberries!


Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 2:05 pm
by Forever Young
Way to go girl!!!  You will lose those next 23 with ease!  We are all cheering for you...and we know you will make it!!!  Keep on keeping on...on LDL and you will make it!  Keep us posted as you travel along.

Carla,  What a good job of planning ahead.  I think that LDL takes a little planning ahead to keep us on track.  It is different than what we did before though.  Before we just wanted to get our hands (mouths) on something to eat...and I wasn't even conscious of what it was until it was gone or almost gone...and then figured what difference did it make anyhow as I had already blown it.  I usually try to keep some fresh fruit in the refer.  I like to have peaches, pears, nectarines, strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. from which to choose...and also FROZEN GRAPES.  It just helps to sometimes have a couple of bites to hold me over until mealtime.

Happy 4th EVERYONE!!


Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 5:08 pm
by margo
That's great progress and big congratulations!!

Sometimes i have days when i'm more hungry than other days.  Today for instance, i drank less fruit slushy this morning and so by lunch i was even hungrier than normal...i had lunch around 1pm and ate two big pieces of chicken whereas normally thesedays one large piece will do.  I had a bowl and a half of bean soup and a green salad and an ear of corn.  i was thoroughy full and satisfied with that....Although i had hoped to eat less and less each day,i see that some days i just need more of something...

i also can relate to eating from stress.  The hunger i feel since i started LDL is a different hunger from stress and tension hunger and i has a point where it is satisfied....i never had that before.....that's a big blessing...

Have a wonderful holiday!

God bless...

Re: Four more pounds!

Posted: July 4th, 2007, 1:04 pm
by CJ
Jeanne, you certainly hit the nail on the head when you said, "I wasn't even conscious of what it was until it was gone or almost gone". Me too.