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Posted: July 2nd, 2005, 10:26 am
by nmac
I am a female senior citizen who has tried to eat healthy my entire adult life. I have never felt the need to diet and have not followed a diet program...that is until I read Let's Do Lunch!

Your premise that the Let's Do Lunch program will leave its followers with no food cravings intrigued me. The cravings I hoped to eliminate were for ice cream and bread & butter. Two weeks after following the program, eating the sweetest fruits and fruit smoothies, as well as eating foods with beans, corn and peas in them, and using olive oil and soybean oil in and on my unhealthy cravings were gone, and to my surprise I lost 10 pounds. Needless to say, I am hooked on Let's Do Lunch and will be eating this way for the rest of my life!
