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Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 5:39 pm
by Gwennaford
To my LDL family -- You know I've been anxiously waiting for those last two or three pounds to drop since CHRISTMAS, to make my first 100 pound goal. They finally did, but the next month, the scale showed I was back up 17 pounds.  ARRRGH! ! !  I was so sick of talking about it, waiting for it, planning around it -- I just FINALLY made up my mind to forget about it.  I'm so happy eating this way I don't care if I never lose another pound.  I'm over it.  I even took my ticker off my profile for that reason.

HOWEVER -- Some of you may remember last Christmas when I was so thrilled to be able to squeeze into my 34W jeans.  Today, without losing a single pound in six months, I fit easily into 24W jeans that I haven't worn since I got sick in 2001.   That's FIVE sizes smaller with no measurable weight loss.  AND I've taken 14 inches of slack out of my wheelchair seatbelt.

In case you don't know too much about women's clothing sizes, I will tell you that 34W is absolutely the largest size you can buy off the rack (OTR) in the fat women's stores.  After that you have to go to the tent catalogs.

Today while Michelle and I were closet diving for "new" clothes (one step up from dumpster diving, in my house - LOL!)  I ran across pieces for a dress I was going to sew for myself that I had cut out of a pretty bed sheet.  I never finished the dress because I got too sick to sew and thankfully, a neighbor lady gave me some giant clothes she had bought from "the catalog".

It's impossible to explain how much better you feel about yourself when you can finally wear OTR instead of bed sheets that you formerly used as armchair covers.

Again, I will never stop thanking Roger Troy Wilson, and praising God for bringing him, Let's Do Lunch and all of you into my life!

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 5:48 pm
by tprouty
Oh wow Gwenn!!!  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :rose:  *hug*

That is sooooo awsome! You definitely are the poster child for good reasons to put away that dreaded scale! This is similar to your first several months experience with LDL, isn't it? Way to go! From a 34W to a 24W!! You are gonna be stylin' now! I'm so glad for you -- I know it feels so good -- if your knees would take it, you've be dancing all over the house!

Once again, WAY TO GO, GWEN!


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 5:53 pm
by heretotheend
Thanks be to GOD!! Maybe alot of us won't  be hopping on the scale so much now. Inches are better than lbs.


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:01 pm
by Gwennaford
OH - BTW -- About my knees.  I'm so encouraged by my progress that I've decided to accelerate my knee replacement schedule.  Instead of waiting until I lose another 100 pounds (no longer a goal of mine) I'm going to start immediately.  I feel very confident that once I'm ambulatory again, my size will continue to drop, probably even more dramatically.

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:02 pm
by greenheron
Gwen, that's just amazing!  You must be so much more comfortable and happy with your progress.  Being able to dig out clothes you forgot you had is a joy!

That's something we talked about back in the low carb days....even while you're not losing weight, your own body is changing...your weight is redistributing.  Going by the fit of your clothes is often more telling than the darn scale!

I often read about people who I think are about the same weight as me, or close to my height, and their size is so much smaller than mine!  Can't completely understand why, except that I have pear genes.  And pear jeans.  Thank, Mom.  :tongue: ;)

But you are so right:  The scale is only ONE tool, and not always the best.  Bloodwork, energy level, satisfaction, relief from aches and pains, and a tighter belt notch....we can celebrate all of them!

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:11 pm
by Gwennaford
heretotheend wrote:Thanks be to GOD!! Maybe alot of us won't  be hopping on the scale so much now. Inches are better than lbs.

That's the hope, Martha!  I THOUGHT that restricting my weighing to once a month was adequate to not be giving it too much priority in my mind.  But immediately as soon as I demonstrated to myself the scale's lack of importance in my life & I deleted the ticker, it seems my "mind/body connection" was triggered to release whatever it was that was holding me back.  Anyway, that's Mike the Therapist's theory and it sounds real good to me, so I'm going with it!  LOL 

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:16 pm
by Jazmyn
OH GWEN!!!!! I am so thrilled for you!!!  *hug*

~Jaz  *love*

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:17 pm
by mrsj
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I love it when nice thing happen to nice people.
Gwen you give us all such hope too. 
So happy for you,

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:28 pm
by Gwennaford
Oh, I knew they were back there, Greenheron, I just never thought I'd be able to wear them, based on the scale not having moved.  You can imagine my surprise & excitement when I decided to see just how far I could pull them up and ......      OOPS        .........  they slid on easily without any resistance -- OR any elastic, I might add ! ! !


I know your weight redistributes occasionally, but where the heck has it been going?  Mike asked me if I have hollow legs or something!  LOL

Bone structure does count for a lot in your clothes size.  I'm one of those people that truly does have big bones.  Once I actually reached WW's goal weight for me of 143 pounds.  I was a walking skeleton draped with skin.  I wore a size 2 dress, but I'm not that tall - only about 5'6".  My poor body rebelled at that low weight and I immediately bounced back up to 153 pounds and stayed there.  Never even made it through maintenance.  Finally they advised me to drop out and quit wasting my $$ if I wasn't going to get serious about staying on the program.   :shock: :shock: :shock:  That was in the old days before you could get your doctor to set a higher goal weight if needed.

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 6:29 pm
by sibelclair
That is really wonderful Gwennaford. I am really happy for you. You must be so proud of yourself...  :thumbsup: *love*

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 7:21 pm
by savannah
Way to Go Gwen *love* are truly amazing....asking God to bless you and that you have a speedy recovery from your surgery....with todays technology....its wonderful how fast one can heal...My good neighbor friend had a much needed hip replacement last year....kept putting it off but finally did it and she is soooooooooo happy she finally went through with will be too....

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 2:08 pm
by LittlePrincess
Okay Gwen,

You made me cry happy tears!!!!!!!!!  :'(  (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))  I've told you so many times how incredibly beautiful you are, inside and out.  It's so wonderful that you are experiencing all of these wonderments of the universe!  You are and continue to be SUCH an inspiration to me.  I love you sweet woman!!
Congratulations!!!  ;D

(In Faith)  LP

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 12:02 am
by MsHeirloom
Gwen- You are such an inspiration.  Just keep keeping on and I am sure that the scale will budge and the clothes will fall off! :D  I wish you the very best with your knee replacements and look forward to you becoming more mobile.  Pam

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 6:33 am
by bowe
Thank you for sharing ab the jeans fitting in spite of the scale's lack of cooperation.  YOU are one of the reasons that I am trying to stay true to the plan. I read your posts everyday and they always amuse, touch, tickle, inspire, or encourage me.  Thank you for just being your own special self and sharing your journey with us.   

Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 7:55 am
by GEM

[size=120]They hoisted her onto the back of a firetruck and the marshall led the parade out of the station...[/size]


They threw bouquets of every size and color, flowers to celebrate HER GRAND NEWS...




Bands played in triumph across the land...





Everywhere people danced in celebration...


And the LDL site went wild, everyone screaming her name!

Gwen!  Gwen!!  Gwen!  We love you!  The SCALE lied!


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 10:11 am
by Ginny M.
Gwen,  CONGRATULATIONS cannot even begin to say it all  :rose: . . . but GEM did!!  Your inspiration gives me hope that my day will come (a year or so??).  Keep it up.

Please let us know when you will get your new knees.  I got mine at age 52 and haven't looked back (I have been Clogging for 3 years now).  So you really CAN be Dancing in the Street!!

Love  *love* ,


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 11:08 am
by Honeygram
WOW!  What a video!  I'm celebrating the loss of my first 10 lbs. today!  When it comes to the scales though, Gwen, you have me beat.  I'm not ready to give them up.  Congrats that you have--that is growth!  You are an inspiration.


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 12:37 pm
by Shera
Gwen.....ok.....well I am speechless. In an extremely happy way.
Wow, you rock!
I am very inspired by your story as we have quite a few similarities in our lives.


Re: Personal Proof the Scale LIES !

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 12:56 pm
by GEM
Ginny M. wrote:
Please let us know when you will get your new knees.  I got mine at age 52 and haven't looked back (I have been Clogging for 3 years now).  So you really CAN be Dancing in the Street!!

Love  *love* ,


Hey Ginny,

The closest I ever come to clogging is stopping up the shower drain when I shampoo my hair.  But I've always wanted to--clog, that is, not back up the drain.  (I know you're lurking out there, NJ, behind your dark glasses  :cool:)  Bet you have great legs and hips, even if the knees are falsies right out of a box.  So how did you get started?  Do you wear the mile wide skirts and the starched crinolines?  Do y'all clog just for fun, or in competitions, too.  I just love it when the line comes clogging in and the fiddles play and all the do-si-doing starts.  And if some couple's carrying in an American flag, my heart just starts banging around in my chest, I can't breathe, and I get tears in my eyes...and I'm not even clogging.  (I'm just trying to get through the crush to the cold drinks concession!)  That's some fine hobby y'all share.