I'm on my way

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Re: I'm on my way

Post by MsHeirloom »

Yeah!!  Good for you!!!  Pat yourself on the back; you have chosen health :rose:!  Pam
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Oh so glad you all are chiming in hear! JKate, just a reminder to read chapters 2-6 of the book over and over till the way of this eating program becomes second nature to you.
Several things that have helped me to not be tempted is: I eat till full whenever hungry (or even just when I think I am having a craving), (The book give great suggestions as to specific foods that will help with specific cravings like fruit for a sweet craving, beans,peas or corn for a craving for starchy stuff.)
When the no no food is around, I do not let myself feel deprived, I decide if I am going to eat it and if the answer is yes then I figure out just how little it will take to satisfy me. This helps me not feel deprived! Sometimes all it takes is one bite to satisfy. Or if I am feeling like I need to treat myself so I don't feel deprived , I think of some LDL food that I really love and I have that instead. ie pineapple, grapes which I still think of as a treat.
other words from Roger that help me, is if you don't like it don't eat it! On the old diets there were lots of foods you had to eat that were just plain yucky! With this woe, it is imperative to eat only foods you love, as much as you want till full as often as you need to! How great is that??
By the way got on the scales here at work and I do believe I am now down 30#'s!!!!! woohooo!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by Joyful Friend »

Wonderful, Hopeful!!!!  :thumbsup: :D  Jkate, good healthy decision.  :D Joyful Friend
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

So the scales were teasing me! I have jumped back up 3-4 lbs :'( Yeah I know I should stay off of the darn things but I just get so curious. *scyth* Well, guess I should just be thankful I am still in my 160's.......... thankfully I know from reading the post on this msg board that this is not unusual and I just need to perservere. It just brings up diets of long past where I lost weight great at first but the the weight loss slowed till it stopped all together and never lost anymore. Well I guess If I stay at this weight (and not gain) I could be happy. :tongue:

Ho hum!!!!!!!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by crickadoodle »

Hopefull -- you are doing so well.  Don't get discouraged, but stay encouraged!  You've come so far!  :thumbsup:  You know I reached my goal and mostly by eating fruit for breakfast and dinner with the big meal at lunch.  Well, since reaching my goal, I started eating a big bowl of popcorn with my husband in the evening.  I've enjoyed it, but I noticed that I tended to put on a couple pounds, but I'm sure it'll come off quickly.  I just do best without popcorn.  It can be an occasional treat for me, but I have to stay away from making it a daily habit.  I still hop on the scale every couple of days, just to check how changes affect me -- like the popcorn.  I don't want to let any weight creep back on and get me back where I was!  :thumbdown: 

You are being very wise in your eating and you are making progress and that weight that came on will go off just as easily!  We just have to get focused on the big picture.  Keep up the great job!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Thanks Crickadoodle for your encouragement. I know you are right. I have already dropped a  few of those extra pounds. I do have popcorn frequently, mostly at work. I had not thought that it slowed me down but maybe I should drop it for a week to see if it makes a difference.
I am still  loving this way of eating! I was sharing LDL with another coworker and she thought from my enthusiasm that I had just started with this WOE.  ;D Yah I am pretty excited about not having to go hungry and still loosing weight.
This coming Sat is my cousin Christmas dinner in Topeka, KS and I am 26 lbs lighter than I was last year. I am looking forward to some nice complements  :rolleyes: Well what can I say! I also want to go prepared to share this WOE with whoever will listen. There are many in my family who would benefit from loosing weight. Some even have close to 100#'s to loose. Would be nice if I could be an encouragement to them.
Anyway will let you all know how that goes.
It is great that while I might get discouraged about not loosing as much as I would like as fast as I would like I never have to face the "I am so hungry all the time" Or "Ugh, I just hate the foods I have to eat!"
Now that is what is so great about this woe!
Because of that one day at a time is truly so much more easy than I would have ever dreamed! Yeahhhhhhh!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by LINDA RN »

Image  Thank you Pam for the insight of "wasting" food. I have been a plate cleaner since I was old enough to remember. I hate to waste anything. Now I see that it was a bigger waste to pack on the extra pounds. There is alot of psychology that goes into obesity that has to also be countered on our way to skinnytown.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Linda, I had to battle that one too. Was raised with the having to clean my plate. It is great to be released from that. Now, it seems I just stop when I am full even if there is only one tiny little bit left. I also have a compost pile that helps me feel like I am not wasting food. I am hoping to get some compost worms also. Then,,,,,You know, Got to feed the worms... so it's not a waste..
Hey we got to do what we got to do.. :D
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by LINDA RN »

hopefull wrote: I also have a compost pile that helps me feel like I am not wasting food. I am hoping to get some compost worms also. Then,,,,,You know, Got to feed the worms... so it's not a waste..
Hey we got to do what we got to do.. :D

Image LOL, my DH reminds me it is not wasted. Scraps go to chickens, dogs, cats and horses. And what they don't eat just goes out on the plowed ground to feed the worms! Put the food out and the worms will appear!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: I'm on my way

Post by wendysgoodnews »

We also were raised to clean our plates.  When I was a kid we had to sit there until it was all done even if we didn't like it.  Sometimes that meant long hours!  I hadn't thought about that since now when I am full I quit but I don't waste it I say here Mike(my husband) I can't eat anymore so you finish this ok.  Since he was raised like I was having to clean his plate he doesn't want to see it go to waste either.  I guess my eyes are now open nice and wide on that.  Here I have been so proud of myself for not overeating and being able to leave food uneaten. LOL  Now I know when I can't finish I will dump it and not feel the least bit guilty and I won't force my poor stuffed husband to eat more then he accually wanted either.
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Well had a great family Christmas dinner Sat and came away feeling great. I had several comments on how skinny and nice I look. I am about 30 lbs lighter than last year and wearing size 12-14 depending on they style! Woohoo. Still stalled as far as the weight loss goes but am now settling in with being oh so content with this way of eating.
Had a couple pieces of candy at the dinner and afterwards had some grapes and found the grapes much more delicious. I have now loaned my book to my cousin  so hope to see them on the train to Skinnytown soon!!!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by VickiLynn »


How nice that your family had commented on your weight loss.  Don't worry about the stalling you are experiencing because if you continue to eat like you are doing now, the pounds will once again come off.

My husband, who is eating all those delicious LDL foods with me, and I both experienced a weight stall and found that when we increased the amount of food (mostly more beans) we were eating, it somehow got our bodies to jump start into losing weight again.  Are you eating enough to be stuffed, not just full?  Are you eating a lot of beans or foods that include beans?  This is just a suggestion because I don't know your eating habits, but what I have told you worked for my husband and me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy LDL New Year -- Vicki
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by VickiLynn »


How nice to see another gentleman on the boards  :thumbsup:

My husband started LDL with me on July 5th because I thought this way of eating might improve his high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.  Well, here is what happened: He has lost 35 lbs, his blood pressure is normal, his total cholesterol is in the normal range (he still has to work on getting the HDL number up), and his sleep apnea went from 65 episodes per hour to 8 an hour (he has to get down to 5).  The results were far above my expectations, and along the way I lost 25 pounds and reached my goal weight of 136 a couple of days ago (my body may still want me to lose more; I can live with that  :laughing: ). 

The blessings of LDL have made our lives happier, healthier, and it is so easy to maintain -- no hunger, no cravings, no eating boredom, and you don't have to exercise!

Keep up the good work  *hug* . Merry Christmas and Happy LDL New Year -- Vicki
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by crickadoodle »

All of our Christmases are merrier because of LDL this year.  Thank You, Jesus, for the great gifts You've given us all -- first Yourself and most recently this wonderful way of eating You've led us to. 
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by wendysgoodnews »

I agree to that!  Usually by this time of year I am so bogged down by the sugar goodies I wouldn't hardly be able to function during the day to make it to night time and back to bed.  I love the way I feel so enegetic and healthy so thank you to Jesus and to Roger for this WOE to see us on to and through the New Year.  It is exciting to me to see that some of you will be meeting your goals in 2010.  I want to be at the half way point by this time next year and will be just that much healthier.  Praise God!
Merry Christmas to every one and a Happy Blessed New Year
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Thanks so much for all the encouragement! Vickilynn, I do think I will increase my beans. I had been thinking of eating more as I have gotten so that I don't eat till stuffed. Will give that a try for awhile and see what happens. Can you believe we can have this eat more conversation in referance to loosing weight!!!! Ain't it great! I sure love this way of eating. guess I've said that over and over but hey, its true!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by o2bthin »

Bobbi - just stopped in to wish you a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I've enjoyed reading your posts - you are doing so good, girl.  You're right...it seems a little unreal to be thinking of EATING MORE to lose weight...in what universe is that possible??  Isn't LDL a miracle (as Ms Heirloom says)?  Ain't God good?? 

Happy LDL Eating and a prosperous 2010! 
Started LDL - Sept. 8, 2009              
Beginning weight - 247                 
Goal weight - 147 or less

'Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.'                   III John 2             

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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Thanks so much O2bthin for your well wishes.
I just got back from Colorado and helping my sister deal with my folks' stuff after they had to be put into a secure assisted living. Glad we had done a lot of for thinking and had a general idea of what we would do. Sure was no fun. Very sad to see my Dad doing so poorly. Sat was their 63rd wedding anniversary and my Dad did not know my Mom. Poor thing she had tears in her eyes and I could not keep from crying. That is life but still not easy to deal with.
That being said, did get a lot of complement on how good I was looking! Coming back on the train I packed up 2 boxes of momentos etc to bring home. One of the boxes was 25#s, just a little less than I have lost! Oh my goodness was it heavy. And to think I was carrying that much and more around on my body! No wonder my knees hurt and I had such a hard time getting up and down stairs.
I am so thankful for this way of eating. Also the scales say I did not gain any weight! Wow am I thrilled again. With Atkins anytime I varied even a teeny little bit I gained. Woohoo!
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by julie409 »

Hopeful -  So sorry you are dealing with your parents health issues. It is very sad to see them decline - Unfortunately we all usually go through it but that doesn't make it any easier  *hug*

Lugging around that 25 lb box sure was an eye opener. YOU made me realize how much my body is relieved as well. Today I carried a 20 lb watermelon to the car. It was huge and heavy to pick up. Now I am thinking that just a short while ago, I was carrying around almost 3 of them. OY! No wonder I have more energy now!  :thumbsup:

You are doing terrific and I know we will hear more about your success bc now you have the key!

Julie :rose:
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Re: I'm on my way

Post by hopefull »

Yes, I do think LDL is the key to healthy successful weight loss. I am still waiting to hear from my cousin and husband and my daughter in law to see if they have actually started eating this way and if so how they are doing.
I am still loosing weight. Slow but every time I get discouraged I look back at last month's weight and lo and behold the weight I am discouraged at is less than last months! Sure can't be discouraged with that. Also have to be so grateful to be 28# lighter than I was when I started!!!!!
Still loving this way of eating and hoping to continue to pass my success around to all who will listen.
Had a few days where I ate some candy.........I just don't beat myself up and am so glad to eat my fruit and veggies. Another best thing about this woe is that an occassional bad for me food does not put 5#'s right back on!
Thanks for all the support!
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