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Party Punch LDL Style???????

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 2:30 pm
by abertrand
My friend made party punch the other day and I was thinking that we may be able to "change" it to fit our LDL menu.

1 large can pineapple juice
1 large can of water
2 pkgs cherry kool aid  (We could use sugar free)

You freeze it and then take it out to thaw about 30 mins prior to drinking it.  I took it out and didn't let it thaw the other day and ate it like a slush.

I'm a newbie to this site and diet so I don't know if this would be a good recipe to use or not. 

Re: Party Punch LDL Style???????

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 2:41 pm
by Gwennaford
The book says that sugar free Jello is okay, so I don't see any reason why S/F Kool-Aid wouldn't work in this to make frozen fruit pops.  Especially since you're diluting the juice 50/50 with water.  I wouldn't drink too much of it as a beverage because it's better to get all the pulp & fiber from the fruit & not just the juice.  But for a cup of slushy refreshing party punch - Mmm - go for it!

Do they make Splenda sweetened Kool-Aid?  I might use unsweetened kind and add my own Stevia.  I know Roger is not a fan of Crystal Light as an everyday beverage because we wants us to limit artificial sweeteners.  I understand they can trick your body into thinking it's getting real sugar, spiking blood sugar and causing cravings.

Keep up the good questions, A.  And welcome to Let's Do Lunch!