Happiness cake-ldl friendly

Wonderful fruit dishes as well as other LDL approved treats!
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Happiness cake-ldl friendly

Post by snowbirdie »

                    Happiness cake

  1 cup of good thoughts
  2 cups sacrifice
  3 cups forgiveness for others
  1 cup kind deeds
  1 cup consideration
2 cups own faults, well beaten
      Mix thoroughly; add tears of joy,sorrow, and sympathy. Flavour with love and kind service. Fold in 4 cups of prayers,faith an enthusiasm. Spread in all daily, Blend with human kindness.Serve with a smile at all times and it will satisfy the hungar of many people less fortunate then ourselves.
    Original by Barb Matthews. Found in an old cook book. 

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Re: Happiness cake-ldl friendly

Post by BigBen »

U tricked me miss Judie, I thought U were really gonna give us a cake recipe & I could ask U to send 1 to me.  I think my mom used to have this taped inside 1 of her cupboard drawrs.  BB
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Re: Happiness cake-ldl friendly

Post by snowbirdie »

Sir Ben!

  OH cake is a no no. You can only have this kind of cake. If I had a good cake recipe I would bake 1 for u and send it right off. I have been working on making a becan tart. You know like a Pecan pie.But so far the results have been not good. I'll let you know when I have one.
              Miss Judie
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