Mom in the hospital.

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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by LINDA RN »

More doses of the antibiotics IV will help.
Be sure to get her on the probiotics as soon as she is home!
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by crickadoodle »

Yes, Linda, that was my plan. I think she'll be on oral antibiotics at home, possibly. I'm hoping she is done, though. I plan to start making sure she has a daily dose of vitamin C of 2,000 mg to keep her urine where the bacteria can't grow there. I know the fact that she has an ostomy bag and it is emptied from the front has made these UTIs easy to get for her. We are going to redouble efforts at good hygiene and then the vitamin C. I think we can keep this from happening again. We always take probiotics at night, but I'll give them to her more often to replinish her system.

Well, I'll be home bound for a while, until she is strong enough to get around on her own for bathroom trips. I usually can get away between her meals to do errands, grocery shop, etc.

Thanks, everyone, for all the prayers. So glad to have my mom. She gave me quite a scare.
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by crickadoodle »

Thanks, Mary, I do see it in tiny print way at the bottom! I'll see if I can delete two of my posts -- to see if it works!

Nope, still can't figure it out. It doesn't let me press anything with my cursor, unless it's just my computer.

There is an "x" to the right side of the "!" of this post on my screen and when I put my cursor over it, it says "delete" -- but it is only on this post and no other. So I guess you can just delete your last post, maybe. ??
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by tprouty »

I'm so glad your mom is feeling better, Crick. How scary and stressful for her and all of you.

Many times recently I've heard about the elderly parents of friends having a UTI, and everything about them was completely thrown off track. Sometimes it gave symptoms like dementia, stroke, completely changed their personality -- really scary stuff! So glad she's better.

I know you'll be glad to get her home where you can be in control of her nutrition again. Prayers still coming your way.

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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by Joyful Friend »

Crick, so glad your sweet Mom is doing better. You are an inspiration to us, because you give loving care to her. Love and prayers, JF
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by LINDA RN »

So happy you are getting your mom home again.

I looked at the bottom on the page and it says I can delete my own posts but I don't have any way to do it either.
Maybe that functionality is coming soon.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by crickadoodle »

Ok, Mom wasn't doing so well when she first came home because she had so much fluid, I guess from the IV fluid. Well, I was quite concerned because her breathing was labored and she had even more trouble getting around than ever before. I posted my concern on Facebook and a friend suggested looking for a natural diurectic and she mentioned lemons. Well, I had no lemons in the house, but a bunch of limes. So, I gave Mom lime in her water. In three days she has lost 10 lbs. of fluid!! She lost 6 the first day. Needless to say, she is feeling much better. Can you imagine carrying an extra 10 lbs. of fluid?? I'm not sure if she's lost it all. I think she might have a few more lbs. of fluid she can lose before being back to normal. I weigh her in the morning and she lost 6, then 2 1/2, then 1 1/2. So I'll weigh her again tomorrow morning and find out. She also has a doctor's appt. tomorrow with a doctor in town. We were able to get her back in with her former doctor. A few years back when Mom started the dementia and had all the other problems, he wanted us to find a new doctor, because he felt her special needs required it. Well, we had to travel to the New Orleans area and whenever she needed medical attention it was very hard. So, now we'll have a doctor in town. So glad, but will miss her other doctor because he was really good with her.
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by LINDA RN »

So happy things going well for your mom.
The fluid build up from the IV fluids would have come off very gradually, but adding the limes getting it ogg sooner was certainly to her benefit. I need to remember that when I find myself retaining water.
The only other natural diurectic I know id corn silk.
But since the lime juice worked so well, stay with that.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by crickadoodle »

Linda, how would you do cornsilk? Would you make a tea with it? Just curious, because we are sticking with the lime juice. I love natural remedies. They are so much gentler on the body -- especially important for the elderly. We have home health and a physical therapist coming in 2 times a week. The physical therapist is a classmate from high school, who I'm actually great friends with his sister, but hadn't seen him in probably 25-30 years. (Oh, unless he was at his niece's wedding a few years ago. I do not remember.)
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by LINDA RN »

I bought corn silk capsules at the health food center, Nature's Way brand
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Re: Mom in the hospital.

Post by Singforjesusmichele »

Glad to hear your mother is better...... O:-) happy week! Michele
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