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Posted: March 29th, 2009, 8:34 pm
by omigosho
Hello All
I am 42 days into this journey and have lost 20 pounds.  I am amazed.  I know my loss will slow down but it continues without plateau so far

I am missing cereal.
I have looked at the site but was wondering about specific brands that are OK to eat once in a while...
I would like to eat a bit for dinner with my fruit is that ok also? 
Let me know.

I so appreciate your support and input. 

Jennifer Goshow

Re: Cereals

Posted: March 29th, 2009, 8:49 pm
by robnveronica
To combat the craving try eating more of the allowable carbs: Beans, peas, corn, Popcorn etc. ONLY after trying that if you are truly NOT satisfied should you turn to an Occasional acceptable cereal. That said those would be: steel cut oats (or slow cooking oats), no sugar shredded wheat, no sugar added corn flakes. AGAIN these are only IF you can't satisfy the craving with something more LDL approved. (that's my take on it anyway!) Remember the more a food is processed, the more likely to cause more cravings or cause you to stop losing weight. Glad you're doing so well.  Stay on the train to Skinnytown and you'll get there. This isn't about losing fast or slow it's about eating healthier for life!

Re: Cereals

Posted: March 29th, 2009, 9:24 pm
by niki
omigosho wrote:I am missing cereal.

  hi jennifer........once i'm completely on track, i can't eat any cereal or grains if i want to lose weight........i use the grains along with extra protein in the first couple of days to jump start stabilizing my blood sugars that time, my favorite thing to have is rolled oats that i add a little water to and top with whatever fruit i want(bananas, blueberries or apples)then loads of cinnamon(helps stabilize blood sugars)...the less you cook them, the longer it takes to digest and therefore the longer to release sugar into the blood for me.......
  just be careful, because most people lose a nice amount of weight in the beginning(depending on how much fluid you retain)so you don't want to put yourself in a place where you stop losing because you added too many extras.......i mean, there's NOTHING like having your clothes hanging on feeling in the world...........and why wait?..........especially when there are so many foods you can have in unlimited amounts....
  i knew i would not lose, when i saw the word "occasional" i read "never"..........and i did well.......

Re: Cereals

Posted: March 29th, 2009, 9:48 pm
by Sweet_Pea

Sounds like you are off to a great start.

God bless and have a great week.

Hugs, Carrole


Posted: March 30th, 2009, 10:35 am
by omigosho
Thanks for the advice.  No cereal. 