Beth B's new journal

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Beth B.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: fresh fruit, smoothie
L: ldl soup
D: 1 corn thin w/1 slice ff cheese melted on top, ldl soup,
S: frozen cherries, popcorn
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: smoothie
L: chili
S: fresh fruit
D: salad, fresh fruit

This morning I woke up with symptoms of a migraine coming on.  I rarely get them but for me they are usually brought on by stress.  Since I am not under any stress at the moment, I got to thinking about what I ate yesterday.  Last night I had a can of soup that is LDL approved, but it is the first processed food I think I have had since I restarted.  I have been sensitive to MSG since childhood so that was the first thing I thought of, but nope--the can says "no MSG added", so either it is a fluke migraine or my body didn't like the extra preservatives.  

We are having company for dinner but I plan to skip the main entree and dessert and have just the salad and fruit.

I am soooo happy to be back on track.  I had often read others post about not being tempted by off-limit items, and I thought, "yeah right, that could never be true for me" but I am happy to say, it IS true.  When I stay true to LDL and eat until full, those things do not even tempt me.  We entertain guests a lot and my husband has his big meal at dinner most nights, but what I like about this plan is that it is very doable.  The key is being prepared, eating until full, and giving and receiving support from these message boards.
Last edited by Beth B. on December 31st, 2009, 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

It felt great to wake up today clear headed and not feeling bloated from a night of overindulging.   I restarted LDL on December 21.  We had most of our celebrations done by then and it just seemed like a good time to get a start on the new year.  Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to weigh, but the first day of a new year seemed like a good time.  I am down 7 POUNDS!  In 11 days!   I took my measurements today since I hadn't done that when I started.  We leave tomorrow for Phoenix and I can't wait to get outside and exercise.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year and if you got off track, just jump right back on!

Dec. 31
B: smoothie
L: stirfry
D: a couple bites of a not quite ripe enough cantaloupe (I was not hungry, but thought I should try to eat something before going out for the evening)
New Year's eve party (about 11:30) I still wasn't really hungry, but I had a few bites.  I brought a fresh fruit plate.  A younger guy at the party was really enjoying it, and he commented how people don't seem to bring fruit to parties and how there are usually no healthy choices.

Jan. 1, 2010
10 AM: 1 glass of diet coke (not hungry, don't want to get in the habit of drinking diet soda again)
Noon:  2 eggs, 2 corn thins, a few bites of pineapple
Late lunch/early dinner:  LDL soup, smoothie
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by jkate »

Beth ~ Awesome - 7 lbs already!!!! Keep up the good work. I have been eating Nonstop this morning since I started eating about 9:30 a.m.

Frozen grapes
had some pecans in there too - that is an old habit I need to break when I eat grapes I have a few pecans with them - I do love that!

Now I am cooking some broccoli - ate a few raw pieces then put it on to cook. Also have a big pot of soup stewing on the stove for lunch. Maybe I can do as good as you and stick to the plan!
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

Hi jkate, you're doing great! My husband always has cashews around so I understand about the pecans.  They can be hard to stay out of.

We left snowy cold Iowa on Saturday.  The temperature was 23 below zero.  We are now in sunny Arizona and it has been WONDERFUL to get out and walk!  We rented a condo so we have a kitchen and stocked up on groceries last night.  Our 24 year old daughter is with us.  My sister lives close by (I'm going over there today to help her take down Christmas decorations).  It's been great to get to spend time with our daughter and family here.

Jan. 3
B: left the condo w/no breakfast--hadn't bought groceries yet.
had a few cashews
L: 2 eggs w/ spinach, onion, peppers, a little feta cheese and avocado, grapes, pineapple
D: smoothie, 1/4 of a plain sweet potato
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Hi Beth B.  :rose:
I was curious about you because my name also is Beth. Ann is my middle name. My maiden name started with a B. I also live where there is a snow and ice. Actually I live in Canada.

I enjoyed reading your journal. I noticed though that you haven't posted for awhile .... but I can understand that as there has been weeks when I haven't been able to post because of circumstances and busyness in my life.

LDL is agreeable for me though! I am happy it has some of my favourite foods....fruit, popcorn, chilli etc. and the advise and helps have been wonderful!

Take Care!
From Bethann  :)
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

Hi Bethann!
It was so nice to get your note.  Thank you for taking the time to write.  I was just thinking about posting something here today.  I've been reading the message boards and staying on track, but I just decided to take break from journaling.  

What part of Canada do you live in?  I have been a few places in Canada--canoeing in the boundary waters as a teenager, Toronto, Niagara Falls, and  the cruise ship port in Victoria.  I would like to go back some day and spend more time in Victoria and I've also always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island (I love the Anne of Green Gables series and the movies).  Too bad they are at opposite ends of the country--I might have to do it in two separate trips!

My first name is Carole, but I've always gone by Beth.  There were three girls named Beth in my elementary school classes, so I guess it was a popular name.  I have known several Elizabeth Ann's.  Are you an Elizabeth?  I was named after Beth in my mother's favorite book "Little Woman." I always thought that was kind of cool until I realized that that character was the sickly one who ends up dying!  (oops!  hope I didn't spoil the story for any of you!)  I have a sister named Ann so that name was already taken in my family.

I agree with you, I love LDL foods!  I love reading the recipes but I haven't made many.  I do love getting ideas from them but I've kept it simple by putting soups together from what I have on hand.  I have not cooked any beans from scratch yet.  I almost always have a big smoothie every day with lots of fruits and greens in it.  I also usually have a big salad once a day.  Today I have an acorn squash that has turned from green to orange, but someone on the message board assured me it is still not too old, so I pricked it with a fork and have put it in the oven to warm a bit to make it easier to peel.  (again, these instructions came from the message board when I commented about how I hate to peel squash--everyone is so helpful aren't they.)  I'm going to substitute it in a soup recipe that calls for butternut squash.

I will look up your journal.  Again, thank you for checking in!  Are you on Facebook?

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Re: Beth B's new journal

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oops! Forgot about the squash in the oven and came home to what looked like a shrunken head in there!  It was not salvageable. I had a smoothie for supper instead on the way to a friend's house and had no trouble declining dessert there.  I normally drink a lot of water, but today I have been super thirsty all day and drinking even more than usual.

B: smoothie
Lunch: salad, salmon, ldl soup
Dinner: smoothie
snack: popcorn, orange, banana

We leave for South Africa on the 29th and we really won't be home much until October so I've been going through everything and giving away stuff we don't need or use anymore.  I try to do this every year before we go, but there are 2 closets in particular I haven't dealt with in a LONG time and it's where everything I'm not sure I should save goes.  Well, I'm being pretty ruthless and my husband is too.  I hope we don't have any regrets.  I've made 2 trips to Goodwill and tomorrow I'm going to burn a lot of papers and boxes.  My goal is to go through every room, closet, and drawer before we leave.  Our daughter came home and went through a lot of her stuff and brought down a couple of big boxes to donate and I found some good stuff in there!  Her first sewing project, a sock monkey, was in there!  She doesn't know I rescued him yet.  She made it for a former boyfriend and when they broke up, she demanded custody of it.  He's coming to S. Africa with me where he can be free.  Won't she be surprised/shocked/confused when she comes to visit us there this summer and finds him there waiting for her!
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Beth, Thanks for your reply!!!  :)
That is so interesting!!  :rose:

I'd like to travel more in Canada as well!  :) I've been the same places as you have! lol ....Also I would love to go back to Victoria and other places in British Columbia and I so much would love to go to Prince Edward Island. I too love  *love* the Anne of Green Gable books and the movies!! (I wished my parents had spelled my second name with an "e"  :rolleyes: lol)
If you decide to take an extensive trip in Canada you could stop, take a break and visit with me in the middle because that is where I live.  :D I love it here, it is so beautiful with all the lakes, rocks etc. but the winters are too long and cold for me. I don't mean to complain though as I have a lot to be thankful for!! ;) ...and every amazing summer I forget about the long, cold winters!  :)

I haven't known very many Beths though I did have one in my class. No, I am not an Elizabeth as my Mother didn't like the name Liz so she thought it best to just call me Beth.  :happy: This is fine with me! I like the name! My Mother loved the Little Women book and this was a big influence in naming me plus her middle name is Elizabeth. I have loved the Little Women books as well and my husband was cute one Christmas and gave me 3 or 4 movies of them. (One had Elizabeth Taylor in it) That was great fun to watch them all!!  :)  :happy:

That's interesting about the squash! I'll have to remember that hint! Thanks!
I have a smoothie most every day as well!  *love*
I make beans from scratch a lot except when I run out of time of course. (I am suppose to watch my salt intake.) I like to make a big batch and freeze them or put them hot into spegetti(sp?) jars and immediately put them into the fridge .... I have been impressed how they seal then. This was something new for me but probably others have been doing it for a long time as I found out my in-laws have been doing that with food. I just keep them in the fridge just in case though.

Yes, I am on Facebook! It would be great to see you there! :-)  
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Oops!  Is there a LDL Facebook group or something? ....I may have missed something being so busy ....
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by bludaffodil »

Here's the link to the LDL Facebook page: ... arch 

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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Thank you so much Kathy!  :rose:
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: no time, popcorn on the go
L: salad w/grilled chicken
D: smoothie
Snack: fruit salad

B: smoothie
L: 2 boiled eggs, salad, green beans
D: smoothie
Snack: popcorn, banana

The last two days lunch has been at restaurants with not much of a salad menu.  All iceberg lettuce, which just seems to have no flavor at all after getting used to all the delicious greens and veggies I've been eating.  I do put greens in my smoothies so at least some.

Hi bludaffodill, thanks for stopping by!

Bethann, my sister Ann always wanted an "e" on the end of her name too!  That is a cute story about your hubby giving you the movies!  Where you your relatives in IA and S. Africa live?  I am in the Des Moines area of Iowa and in South Africa we are in the province of Limpopo about 3 hours North of Johannesburg, but we work all over.  I keep reminding my husband that 2011 is going to be the year of road trips in the US and who knows, maybe Canada as well.  I don't think he believes me--I told him I would love for him to come with me and he says he will, so I guess we'll see.  I announced this in 2008 when I realized our calendar was already booked through 2010.

We visited my husband's parents today. They live about an hour and a half South of us.  Our daughter Kelsey went with us.  She is our youngest and is 24 years old.  Our middle son and his wife live with us and take care of the place while we are gone.  They are both busy with work and life that we don't see them as much as you would think we would, but we love having them here.  Our oldest daughter (my step-daughter) is married and lives 6 miles from us and they are the parents of our three grandchildren ages 5, 8, and 11.  We enjoy them a lot.

I hadn't heard about putting beans in spaghetti jars.  How long do they keep that way?  Is there a way to know for sure that they are sealed?
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

In Iowa they live very close to the Minnesota Border, Lake Mills and surrounding areas. In South Africa... Kroonstad.
What do you do there in South Africa? (or is that too personal?)

I hope you can take your U.S. road trips and we Canadians would welcome you as well!  :rose:

I wonder about the beans also so I have been keeping them in the fridge and we go through them pretty fast so it is okay. They sure do pop when they are opened. I think that means they have been sealed. ?

Until later... :rose: Take Care!
Last edited by Bethann on January 19th, 2010, 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: smoothie
L: chili
D:grapefruit, chili
Snack: popcorn

Hi Bethann,
It's not too personal!  We are in a rural area near the town of Mokopane, formerly called Potgietersrus.  It is in the Limpopo Province.  Our home is located at Shikwaru Game Lodge/Farm. We have good friends in Kroonstad.  We are probably 5 hours away from there, but we usually get there about once a year.  Our friends live on a farm just outside of town.  It's a small world isn't it?!

I would think if the jars pop they are sealed.  I made chili today and had it for both lunch and dinner.  It was a little spicy for my taste but I was still able to eat it.  The kids had it for lunch and they liked it. Hope you had a great day!  I'm on my way to check out your journal!

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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

You are doing amazing!!  :rose:

How long does it take for you to fly to South Africa?
We need to contact our relatives there .... we haven't heard from them in a long while. I would love to visit there someday...
(And I have found out that anything is possible .... being surprised with 2 trips overseas to see our oldest son in the last 2 years. :) )

A close friend of mine has visited her father in S. Africa .... she grew up in Zimbabwe ... her Father had to move from there to South Africa. It's been interesting to see her pictures and hear her stories!
Recently I watched the movie "Faith Like Potatoes"! Have you heard of it? It is a true story from South Africa. What an amazing film! I laughed, I cried, I repented! The scenery was amazing also!

Have a wonderful day, Beth!  :rose:

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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: smoothie
Snack: diet Pepsi
L: at a tea room--ordered the least fattening option
D: popcorn
Snack: might have an orange tonight

Bethann, My response to your post ended up getting so long that I sent it as a personal message instead.  It is so nice to get to know you!

Hope you had a great day!
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Great Idea!
Thanks! :rose:
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

B: smoothie
L: LDL soup--no meat or fruit as I was planning to eat my main meal at dinner
had an apple before leaving for the restaurant
D: Restaurant--coming down with a lousy cold and nothing was sounding good.  I just wanted to be home--was planning to have a salad with grilled chicken, but the only thing that sounded good on the menu was their chicken soup which was in a heavy cream sauce.  All of their soup were either heavily creamed or had sausage in them.  I kept looking for something less fattening.  I ended up ordering a pasta dish that had a chicken broth base with sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. The pasta was mixed with italian sausage and broccoli. I ordered it w/out the meat and asked for extra broccoli and did not eat the extra broth.

Today so far:
Woke up feeling a bit nauseated.  Wanted something salty like saltines, but since I had the white pasta last night, I did not want to submit to cravings for white processed items so instead I had some pistachios--probably 1/3 cup w/out the shells.  Felt better after that so I made my smoothie and popped some popcorn so I'll be prepared for any salt craving that comes my way. 

I am happy to report that my appetite has leveled out and that I can easily go between meals without snacks.  I used to constantly snack so this is huge for me.  My husband and daughter have noticed my weight loss, but so far no one else, but that's okay it won't be long!  I am planning to weigh January 28th.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by VickiLynn »

HIP, HIP, HORRAY for you!!  You made the best choice at the restaurant that you could considering the alternatives.  Keep up the good work.  Don't forget to let us know the results of your weigh-in on the 28th -- I'm hoping that you'll have positive results  *hug* -- Vicki
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