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Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 12:18 pm
by Tori
To use the journals section, please do the following:
  • Create a new topic with your username
  • Daily list the foods you have eaten
  • Link the recipes you use, if they are posted on these boards (optional, but helpful for others!)

I hope you all enjoy this new feature, and find it helpful for staying on track!  :-*

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: June 5th, 2009, 3:39 pm
by kathub
Tori,  I want to add posts to my journal, I am not sure how to do it.  It looks like I need to start new everyday.  Can you assist me.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 6:28 pm
by gander
I have been on LDL for about two weeks. I am loving it. I was so happy to find away to cut out sugar and cravings with out going stark raving hungry. I knew if I did go hungry I would eventually gain back all I have lost plus more. Thank you Roger for sharing this information with all of us. Being a diabetic I realized I would have to moderate my fruit but It is still working. I look forward to every meal. My cravings only come when I am not strictly :tongue: on track. I love corn and peas
  • Break: sugar free cereal, soy milk
Lunch: chicken tenders pan fried w/o oil, peas and corn, spinich, salad. I love reading all your great stuff.


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 5:38 pm
by Sicilian Mama
I am on my second day... Breakfast - Big slice of Watermelon and a plum
                                  Lunch - 1 rotisserie chicken breast w/0 skin
                                              3 bean salad with juice drained
                                              2 ears of corn on the cob, raw (I like it this way)
I went shopping and got hungry, so I bought some Dried Mango slices, no sugar, no sulfur, called Just Mangoes, and ate 4 slices to curb my hunger while driving... they did the trick.  Then I drank a huge bottle of water.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 7:49 am
by Victoria

How do you link to recipes that you use?


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: October 14th, 2009, 12:03 am
by Twoshoes

Can you help?  I'm finding that if I type in a reply box more than the space visible, the whole thing jumps about and doesn't want me to see the bottom part, because it can't scroll down.  Any ideas as to what to do please?


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: November 5th, 2009, 1:28 pm
by huntnsweetheart
I started my day with bout 5 scrambled eggs (only ate half) and an apple, some coffee and lots of water i have another half hour to go until lunch where ill be having 6 ingredent chili does this sound bout right? this is the first time that i havent been hungry midmorning....normally when ihad breakfast before i was always hungry bout an hour or so later so i snacked on what i could find...i hope im on the right path here i plan on getting more fruits AND veggies later when i get off

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 5:50 pm
by liz6733
Today was my first day on LDL.  I got the book on Friday and read...Yesterday, I went shopping and bought what I needed to comply with the diet.  I feel a little apprehensive...there's a lot of food!  I guess it's okay, one of my defeats in past diets has been hunger!

Breakfast: 2 corn thins with cherry all-fruit
              10 HUGE grapes
              a small apple   
              a large coffee with creamer

Lunch:  LDL burger ( :thumbsup: YUM - delicious!!)
          3 bean salad
          10 or 12 HUGE seedless grapes

Dinner:  The plan is:
            Spaghetti Squash
            Fat free spaghetti sauce
            sprinkle of romano cheese
            frozen grapes


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 6:29 pm
by Sicilian Mama
In the beginning, you can eat all those food, as often as you like, eat, and eat, and eat until you find you can't eat that way anymore...

It WILL happen.

You are supposed to eat all LDL foods with abandaon in the beginning... this is very, very important to train your body to crave the lovely foods on the plan.

It's great that you have broken them up in breakfast, lunch and dinner... but you don't have to be stringent in the beginning.

Just eat!

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 9:17 pm
by Joyful Friend
Liz, Welcome.  There is absolutely no hunger with this (woe) way of eating.  Just remember to eat all you want.  I couldn't believe that I could eat all the fruit, beans, corn, peas that I wanted and lose.  I did, and after 4 months, I'm at ww goal, but plan to let my body choose where to stop.  It is slowing down.  Don't count those grapes, eat them by the bowl.  :D  Joyful Friend

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 8:23 pm
by Scotsgal
Hi All,

My book has arrived.  What a read..........Need to read 3 times at least as RTW keeps saying.

Seriously, I am so pleased.  I have spent the weekend reading the book.  I am onto my 2nd reading..... I have not weighed myself but I think my clothes are better fitting.  Fab website.  Will come back for updates.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 9:16 pm
by Beth B.
Good for you Scotsgal!  Looking forward to getting to know you!  You'll love the plan and sounds like you are already having success!


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: February 28th, 2010, 3:37 pm
by leisuregranny
Can someome tell me how to post a link in my food journal to a recipe I've used from the boards?  I know that it is helpful to me whenever I see a link to a great recipe, but I haven't figured out how to do it myself.  Thanks.


Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: March 4th, 2010, 2:06 pm
by crickadoodle
I just go to the address at the top of the screen and copy it and then paste it in my post.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: March 4th, 2010, 4:37 pm
by leisuregranny
Thanks, Rhonda.  I'll try that.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 2:22 pm
by ilovemy1966mustang
Trying to get started. I will have to reread the book to make sure I am doing this right. Tired of being this big!

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 3:14 pm
by barrypaxton

Welcome to the best eating plan ever!!! We are glad you joined us. We are all here to help each other. If you have questions, just ask. We'll be glad to help you. Also, Roger posts quite often on here and he'll be glad to give you advice.

This is the best way to lose weight and get healthy.

Happy eating.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 6:16 pm
Welcome ilovemy1966mustang,

Being sick of being the size you have become is just the incentive you need to make this happen for you. It does work, but it is not a quick weight loss plan, it is however a healthy way to eat and weight loss is a side effect. Those who have lost a tremendous amount of weight in the begining soon slow to to a healthy 1-2 lbs per week, and the losses will be as consistent as you are. I know exactly how you feel. I have been there and now my motto is, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". I still have alot to loose but getting 42 lbs off and dropping 2 clothes sizes has really made it worth it all. I am here for life. Hope you are too.

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 9:45 pm
by Joyful Friend
I lovem66m, as Linda and Ollie told you, this is a woe for  weight  loss for life.  I have been on it for over a year, and I love it.  Reread the book, and EAT, Eat, Eat  LDL foods.  The weight and inches  will be gone forever.  :thumbsup:  JF

Re: Welcome to the Journals Section!

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 7:44 am
by VickiLynn
Welcome to the best way of eating EVER.  I too have been eating the healthy LDL way for over a year (am at goal) and can attest that being able to eat, eat, eat until full does work.  It's a hard concept to wrap your head around because other "diets" don't encourage it.  LDL is not a "diet", but as one of our other members reminds us, LDL is a "Livet" way of eating. Too many new members try to use LDL the way they are used to doing on other eating plans and fail because they don't eat enough to keep from being hungry.  On LDL, the more you eat, the more you lose.  Sounds like something too good to be true, but it works!

I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but dropped three dress sizes before my body said it was happy at the weight I currently am today.  You will find success on LDL and all of us on the boards will help you out in any way we can; all you have to do is enjoy every bite of fantastic LDL recipes you find on the boards or in your LDL book and you will be on your way to a slimmer, healthier new you  *hug* ... Vicki