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coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 7:23 pm
by snowbirdie
Hi all,
    I don't know if anyone uses dreamfields pasta or not but here is a site to get a coupan for 1 dollar off.  I use it maybe once a month for myself but rest of family uses it a little more often. It really doesn't spike the blood sugar. Of course it is up to each person to use or not to use this product.


Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 7:35 pm
by niki
meanwhile, i bought it the last time pathmark had it on sale for $2/pound and forgot to print out the coupon....i'll remember the next time i buy it...........that IS how they do it, judie, isn't it?...or do they mail it to you?........
  i just looked for my post on dreamfield's and i see it on the boards right under's really something that this is SO passes the italian test.........i had said that it was my pastor and his wife who i heard about it from, who are both diabetics and use it without fluctuating blood sugars...but, i didn't mention that they're BOTH italian............i have broccolirabe already cooked in my freezer...once i go off for christmas, this'll be the first thing i cook........niki 

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 9:23 am
by snowbirdie
hi Niki
      You know I think it is an eye thing with me. I love my spaghetti sauce,chicken soup and so on with white beans  just as well a with spaghetti, But for some reason even just a few strands of spaghetti noodles make it better. I think that is nut stuff! Those noodles are very good for once or twice a month I don't want to even think of making it a habit. Judie

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 10:48 am
by snowbirdie
    Do you have a recipe for your spaghetti and broccolirab you would like to share. We can't always get broccolirab here but sometimes it is available.    Thanks.

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 6:35 pm
by niki
hi don't even need a trim the thicker stems and soak the lightly saute garlic in olive oil(don't let it even change color..i hate burnt garlic) and add the broccolirabe with a little water(depends on how much liquid you like...if i make one bunch, i'll add a cup or two of water)...i like to slice the garlic in really thin slivers(as thin as i can get it).it definitely needs salt and a few shakes of crushed red pepper.......i would say you cook it for 15-20 want it to change color and get soft.........
  i make this when i go off let's do lunch because when i'm on i don't eat any occasional foods...but, it's not the pasta's the fact that i don't know where i would ever buy fat free grated cheese so when i do this i use regular grated cheese......and, by the way, it should be grated cheese AND freshly ground black pepper on top.....niki

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 6:40 pm
by niki
snowbirdie wrote:hi Niki
      You know I think it is an eye thing with me. I love my spaghetti sauce,chicken soup and so on with white beans  just as well a with spaghetti, But for some reason even just a few strands of spaghetti noodles make it better. I think that is nut stuff! Those noodles are very good for once or twice a month I don't want to even think of making it a habit. Judie

      hi judie...i think that's fine and i think you're doing great....niki

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 31st, 2008, 3:57 pm
by dakotagirl
If Dreamfields Pasta isn't available in your area, you can purchase it online from their website:

We moved to ND a year ago and I took some of Dakota Growers regular pasta back to Missouri with me when we went back to visit our children/grandchildren.  The grandkids swear that it is better pasta than any other they have eaten and now put in regular orders for me to bring it when we visit!

Re: coupon-dreamfields pasta

Posted: December 31st, 2008, 8:51 pm
by patsyfay
Thanks for the caution, Roger.  Sometimes we'd like to add wheat in some form to our menu just because we miss bread, but being armed with the right information will help us stay away from it.  Thanks again!