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101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: March 14th, 2009, 1:12 pm
by Gwennaford
TomC's old post pops up under different names occasionally, so thought I would bring it up as its own topic.  

Time to bring this up again for all the newcomers!  One of the most important things you need to be successful on Let's Do Lunch is to be a dedicated label reader! 

Re: Master List of forbidden foods??!!
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2007, 11:15:10 AM » Quote 

From an article written by Cassandra Marx:**

To make it easier to identify the sugars in packaged food products, here is a list of a hundred alternative names for hidden sugars

1.  Amasake
2.  Apple sugar
3.  Arabitol*
4.  Barbados sugar
5.  Bark sugar
6.  Barley malt
7.  Barley malt syrup
8.  Beet sugar
9.  Brown rice syrup
10.  Brown sugar
11.  Cane juice
12.  Cane sugar
13.  Caramelized foods
14.  Carbitol
15.  Carmel coloring
16.  Carmel sugars
17.  Concentrated fruit juice
18.  Corn sweetener
19.  Corn syrup
20.  Date sugar
21.  Dextrin
22.  Dextrose
23.  Diglycerides
24.  Disaccharides
25.  D-tagalose26.  Dulcitol*
27.  Erythritol*
28.  Evaporated cane juice
29.  Florida crystals
30.  Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
31.  Fructose
32.  Fruit juice concentrate
33.  Galactose Glucitol
34.  Glucoamine
35.  Gluconolactone
36.  Glucose
37.  Glucose polymers
38.  Glucose syrup
39.  Glycerides
40.  Glycerine
41.  Glycerol*
42.  Glycol*
43.  Hexitol
44.  High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
45.  Honey
46.  Iditol*
47.  Inversol
48.  Invert sugar
49.  Isomalt*
50.  Karo syrups
51.  Lactitol*
52.  Lactose
53.  Levulose
54.  "Light" sugar
55.  "Lite" sugar
56.  Malitol*
57.  Malt dextrin
58.  Malted barley
59.  Maltodextrin
60.  Maltodextrose
61.  Maltose
62.  Malts
63.  Mannitol*
64.  Mannose
65.  Maple syrup
66.  Microcrystalline cellulose
67.  Molasses
68.  Monoglycerides
69.  Monosaccarides
70.  Nectars
71.  Neotame
72.  Oligofructose*
73.  Pentose
74.  Polydextrose
75.  Polyglycerides76.  Polyglycitol*
77.  Powdered sugar
78.  Raisin juice
79.  Raisin syrup
80.  Raw sugar
81.  Ribitol*
82.  Ribose rice syrup
83.  Rice malt
84.  Rice sugar
85.  Rice sweeteners
86.  Rice syrup solids
87.  Saccharides
88.  Sorbitol*
89.  Sorghum
90.  Sucanat
91.  Sucanet
92.  Sucrose
93.  Sugar cane
94.  Tagitose
95.  Threitol*
96.  Trisaccharides
97.  Turbinado sugar
98.  Unrefined sugar
99.  White sugar
100. Xylitol*
101. Zylose

The link: http://articlesunlimited.holisticnetwor ... _diet.html


** Credit goes to the original author for creating the original list and to Tom (tcasola) for posting it. 
*I have amended my copy of the list as have I discovered more new names since this list was originally printed.  Sugar alcohols is a whole new category of lab-created sugars, largely missing from the author's list.  According to Wikipedia they are supposed to be preferred by diabetics because they theoretically don't spike blood sugar - HOWEVER -  they are created by hydrogenation, which is supposed to be very bad for you.  I don't know.  Just passing along what I have read.

Now please follow the link below, and launch the very informative video clip from a recent "Today Show" program.  It's about 5 minutes long, but fairly entertaining.  Note:  Roger Troy still recommends limiting dairy, even fat free, because he feels it is fattening.


[I am deleting my previous posts of "100 Names for Hidden Sugars" where I can find them and substituting this post.]

Re: 100 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: March 14th, 2009, 3:39 pm
by robnveronica
Thanks Gwennie for bringing this up to the top. Sure makes it easier to remember why we say you have to really check those ingredients!!!

Re: 100 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: March 14th, 2009, 4:38 pm
by Gwennaford
No kidding, V!  I'm being forced to lose the habit of buying anything in cans, or already prepared in some way.  Trying to develop the habit of preparing everything from scratch.  It's a bad time hog, but cooking in bulk & freezing ahead helps.  And it is SURE to add years to my life that I will enjoy later, right?  :thumbsup:

Last month the store was having a 10/$10 sale on Green Giant "Simply Steam" frozen veggies.  Still expensive, but very yummy & convenient.  I spent a good 15 minutes digging through all the varieties & getting the ones without sugar.  I picked up several packages of peas that I thought were the same.  When I got them home, guess what?  The "Baby Peas" were safe.  The "Baby SWEET Peas" contained nothing but peas, sugar and salt.  Same story with the Del Monte canned tomatoes.  The ones w/Zesty Mild Green Chilies were all good.  Same brand with green peppers & onions had sugars listed 3 or 4 times.

It's not always a large amount of sugar high on the list that is the problem.  Sometimes it is the number of times it appears throughout the list.  My
fave crunchy raisin bran cereal had sugars listed SEVENTEEN TIMES in the ingredients.  They say that stuff is cumulative so a fraction here & there can easily turn into several grams before you're finished.

For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I encourage you to read the following thread about sneaky sugars & watch the video clip from the TODAY show...

Heres to a processed-sugar-free life...  :angel:
Loves, Gwennaford

Re: 100 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: March 14th, 2009, 5:37 pm
by patsyfay
I think it bears repeating that food manufacturers know that sugar is addictive and they add it to products so you will get addicted to it and buy it again and again.  Also, sugar, like salt, is a preservative.  Why else would certain products have a shelf life of 50 years or why would fast food restaurants put sugar in all their bread products? The only thing is doesn't preserve is US!!!

Re: 101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 11:38 am
by Singing4Him
Wow Gwen - I didn't realize there were soooooooo  :shock: many names for sugar! I know you did this some time ago, but thanks!

Re: 101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 12:02 pm
Jeez............that is not right on sooooo many levels.  It is truly amazing the possibilities!  Going to have to laminate it and carry to the store!! Kidding of course, but honestly - that is a crazy amount of potential hidden sugars!

Re: 101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 4:22 pm
by Singing4Him
Gwen - I do not see Sucralose - is that a sugar? It may not be and that is why I don't see it...I bought a can of Del Monte No Sugar Added Sliced Peaches (per the book) and when i was reading the ingredients, I saw that...can you or someone else help me with this word?

Re: 101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 4:25 pm
Sucralose (also known as Splenda) - This is an LDL approved sweetener....

Re: 101 Names for Hidden Sugars

Posted: June 16th, 2009, 4:37 pm
by Singing4Him
LMSP wrote:Sucralose (also known as Splenda) - This is an LDL approved sweetener....

Coolest - that is now I know! Thank you so much LMSP.