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Save time and money by canning your own beans! (or meat)

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 7:48 pm
by Carolina
Hi All,

I'm glad as a "Newbie" that I have lots of canned beans to save time and money. I have developed a shortcut to canning beans that is safe and approved by my relatives who own a canning factory. For those who do not have a pressure-canner, it is an investment, but if you plan to stay on LDL it will be worthwhile. Pressure canning is a must with beans. Due their low acid content, a water bath is not safe.

Use wide-mouthed jars if you have them as they're easier to clean and it's easier to get the beans out once their canned.
A 2# bag of dry beans yields 3-1/2 quarts canned beans.


Sort and rinse beans.
Pour 1-1/3 cup beans in quart canning jar and add water to fill to 1/2 inch from the top of jar. Add 1 tsp. salt or 1 tsp. season salt. (You can omit  salt.)
Place lids and bands on jars and process 90 minutes at 10 pounds pressure (do this following the directions for your particular pressure-canner). 

Canning Meat:
I use this same method for canning any meat. For example, when boneless/skinless chicken is on sale I buy a quantity and can it. I use wide-mouthed pint jars (a pint holds one pound meat) I cut each breast half into about 8 pieces (it shrinks and makes it own broth during processing). Add 1/2 tsp. salt or season salt and process 90 min. at 10 pounds pressure. The result is juicy, tender chicken ready to make into chicken salad or any other recipe calling for cooked chicken.

I hope this helps this makes things easier and more economical for others on their way to Skinnytown!


Re: Save time and money by canning your own beans! (or meat)

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 10:57 pm
by CodingQueen
Thanks Carolina for posting this... :thumbsup: My grandmother use to can everthing from beans, vegetables to meat and I really need to get back into it.

I wasn't going there (posting canning) because I'm already known for being the problem child (and I don't even have red hair like the red headed step child) by RT.... :laughing: Right RT?

Hey, someone has to keep him on his toes and aggravate him when Little Mary's not around... :laughing:

But on a serious note, we all appreciate your post and Welcome you to LDL. You'll find that RT and Little Mary are very helpful when you have questions regarding the LDL program and they truly care whether you succeed or not. And so do all the other members of the LDL family.