fast food

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fast food

Post by linsteve »

Can anyone give me some idaes of what to eat while traveling?Thanks Linsteve
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Re: fast food

Post by crickadoodle »

Fruit travels well.  As you get to know the basics of this WOE (way of eating) you can make wise choices at restaurants.  I'm finding I can go to most restaurants and pick out something from the menu.  Tonight we went to Golden Corral, because they honored veterans and my husband's uncles war stuff was on display.  I was able to pick lots of vegetables and some lean looking meat and salad.  I was very satisfied.  I wouldn't eat like that every day, but I made wise choices.

Also, it depends on what kind of traveling you're doing and for how long.  I've heard of some people bringing cans of beans and mixing up several cans and eating that. 
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