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Acorn Squash seeds????

Posted: February 2nd, 2010, 9:04 pm
by libra007
I was preparing my acorn squash tonight to mixed with pineapple and as I was removing the seeds I was wondering if they would be LDL acceptable as a snack.  I know people take the seeds from many different squash and dry them the same as pumpkin seeds.  So I was thinking I would rinse them and spread them on a pan and put them in the oven.  I would spritz them with a little water mixed with sea salt.

Re: Acorn Squash seeds????

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 10:50 am
by libra007
Thank you!!!  I'm so glad I asked.  Something that seems so simple and healthy.  I will disgard them immediately, lol.