Beth B's new journal

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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Hi!  :)
I just thought I would drop by and say hi!  :rose:

Thinking of you!
I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Love in Jesus,
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

Just updated my ticker and waiting to see if it will reset itself or if I will need to edit my profile.  I've lost 20 pounds. We arrived home on Wednesday and drove straight to the hospital where my mother in law has been admitted with bleeding ulcers.  I had an appointment with my arthritis specialist and she is very happy with my improvement.  So am I!  I had a follow up appointment with the sleep specialist and finally got the results of the test I did in January.  I have sleep apnea.  I still can't believe it.  The dr. said she had been trying to reach me but of course we were gone.  She was quite impressed that I had taken her suggestions to heart and she is very happy about the weight I've lost and she wants to retest me before prescribing me a c-pap machine.  I talked her into waiting a bit to give me a chance to lose more weight.  June 18th is the day.

B:  lite half salt popcorn, fruit smoothie, iced tea
L:  Wendy's manderin chicken salad w/out almonds and crisp noodles, a drizzle of salad dressing, iced tea
Snack:  banana, popcorn
D:  going to a commencement banquet.  I preordered chicken and will see what healthy sides they have.

I've been drinking lots of water but haven't kept track of how much
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Hi Beth!  :rose:
So glad you are back safely!
You've had an eventful time in so many ways!
How is your Mother-in-law?

Did you loose weight while you were in South Africa?

Your menu looks great! How did the commencement banquet go?
Congratulations on your arthritis improvement! Wonderful!  :rose:
I am going to try to loose more weight in June also. Isn't it exciting? LDL is great!  :rose:

I know a number of people (including my sister) with sleep apnea and if I keep having sleep issues I may also see a Dr. about it .... I am thinking I should cut out coffee first? and work on exercise and being outside more as well....

Take Care!
Bethanne  :)
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Beth B. »

Hi Bethanne!
I am so happy to be back to the LDL website!  I only lost 4 pounds while in Africa (one pound per month) but it sure beats a gain!  20 pounds total.  I haven't measured yet, but I'm sure I have lost more inches because now that I am home, I am fitting into a new section of my closet!  Also, everyone is noticing that I have lost weight.  I also got a new haircut and a few people haven't recognized me at first from a distance.  It's kind of fun yet a little unnerving.  I like being in the background and not attracting attention (good or bad) so I've got to be guard that even positive attention doesn't derail me.

My mother in law was released from the hospital today.  They think the cause of her bleeding ulcer was the medicine she has been taking for years for her arthritis.  I am on the same medicine so when I saw my arthritis doctor I talked to her about alternatives and I am going to try something different.

The banquet was nice.  I had salad, chicken (I scraped all the sauce to the side) and green beans.  The dessert was already at each place setting but as soon as I ate I turned my chair completely around to hear the speaker and avoided temptation.  A funny thing happened at the banquet.  A couple sat next to us who we did not know.  As we were chatting, we discovered that not only had I graduated with the woman but we were in home room together every day from 7th to 12th grade!  Our class had 456 people in it and we were not close friends but it was fun catching up.

Do you drink coffee in the evening?  I will email you the tips that the sleep specialist gave me.  The pain specialist is the one who recommended I see the sleep doctor and both the sleep doctor and I thought it was going to turn out to be a waste of time, but I am so glad I went.  The sleep apnea is a big motivator for me to keep losing weight.  The doctor said a lot of women develop it when they are peri-menepausal.  I told her our bed isn't big enough for two c-pap machines!  Jim just decided to do LDL with me today so maybe we will be able to get him off his machine someday. 

Good to hear from you, friend!

C. Beth
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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B: smoothie
L: salad, ldl soup
grapefruit (no sweetener)
D: salad and fruit
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Well, I had to weigh today.  I was trying on clothes and I couldn't believe it--some clothes I didnt' even have a chance to wear.  Oh well, they will hopefully benefit someone else because I am dropping them off at the Salvation Army today!

I've lost a total of 27 pounds and 7.75 inches lost.  My goal is to be under 200 by my next doctor appointment which is on June 18th.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Congratulatons on such a great weigh in and look at all those inches you have left behind. 
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Beth, you have done so well!
Congratulations on fitting into a new section of your closet! EXCELLENT!!!  :rose: :rose: :rose:
Being slimmer does present some problems   :) ...for me too! Good for you dropping those clothes off at the Salvation Army! I have a huge bag I should drop off .... I'm struggling with time and when I have the time I haven't had a car (having to share with my kids)!
You are similar to my daughter ... she likes to be in the background too but she is such a sweetie as are you!  :rose:
I try not to drink coffee after 3:00 .... THANKS!  :) I would appreciate any info. that could be helpful ... sleep problems are frustrating  :'(
How wonderful that Jim will be doing LDL with you! That should be encouraging! I wish my relatives with sleep apnea would join me in this way of eating!
I admire  :thumbsup: how you did at the Banquet! The two I went to earlier in March I ended up giving up! Buffets are so much easier for me!  :blink:
Take Care!
Bethann  ;) (with an e)
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by VickiLynn »

Beth B. wrote:Well, I had to weigh today. I've lost a total of 27 pounds and 7.75 inches lost.  My goal is to be under 200 by my next doctor appointment which is on June 18th.

HIP, HIP, HORRAY for you!  I don't know how many more pounds you need to lose by your June 18 doctor appointment. But knowing that you are committed to LDL you will try your hardest to get under that 200 lb. goal you have set for yourself. I am in your corner rooting for you  :thumbsup:  :)  :rose:
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Thanks Wendy, Bethanne, and Vickilynn!  I was at 203 yesterday and 202 today, although I'm not going to change my ticker yet.  I went months without weighing and now 2 days in a row!  Today went well.  It was our wedding anniversary and we went out to dinner.  I had a salad and salmon.  We went for a walk when we got home.

My husband has now been on LDL for 3 days.  His morning blood sugars have been day 1: 176, day 2: 140, and today 101.

Bethanne, I agree that buffets are much easier then banquets where food is set down in front of you, but I made it through.  I will find the sleep tips the specialist gave me and send them to you.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by VickiLynn »

Beth B. wrote: It was our wedding anniversary and we went out to dinner.  My husband has now been on LDL for 3 days.  His morning blood sugars have been day 1: 176, day 2: 140, and today 101.


Best Wishes on your wedding anniversary  :rose: . If I read your post correctly, your wedding anniversary is June 3rd.  So is mine!  Ron and I celebrated 10 years together yesterday and I have never been so happy.  Ron is my third husband and I am his third wife.  So I guess the old saying "third time is a charm" can be applied to us.  I have a sister whose current husband is her third and she says the same thing!  Well, so much for that.

I am so happy to hear that your husband is eating LDL too and that his health has improved in only three days  :thumbsup:.  MY DH has been eating this way with me for 11 months and he not only is at goal weight but his health has improved dramatically.  I hope for your husband's sake he realizes that LDL is the answer to maintaining his blood sugar and continues to eat LDL with you.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Thanks Vicki and happy belated anniversary to you!  We just celebrated 21 years.

My daughter and I went through all my clothes and we were RUTHLESS!!  I have plenty of room in my closet now!  We came across my mother's wedding dress and Kels tried it on--it looked beautiful on her!  My parents got married in 1953; I got my photo album out to show her pics of my mother on her wedding day.  Of course, I kept the wedding dress!

We went out to dinner with friends tonight and they wanted to know what I've been doing--they said I looked 10 years younger.  Yesterday when I was talking to a friend about LDL, I realized that on my ticker my start weight is what I weighed on Jan. 1st.  I restarted before Christmas in December, but I guess I didn't weight myself at that time.  I know in late November I weight 238 so I am actually down 36 pounds.  I'm going to go ahead and change my ticker to show this.

B: coffee
mid-afternoon: banana
D: salad, salmon
Snack orange

I was really busy today and just didn't think about food--this is amazing to me!
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by VickiLynn »

Beth B. wrote:My daughter and I went through all my clothes and we were RUTHLESS!!  I have plenty of room in my closet now!  We came across my mother's wedding dress and Kels tried it on--it looked beautiful on her!  My parents got married in 1953; I got my photo album out to show her pics of my mother on her wedding day.  Of course, I kept the wedding dress!

RUTHLESS is the only way to go when cleaning out our closets to get rid of clothes that no longer fit -- good for you!  Also, your daughter is one lucky lady to have her grandmother's wedding dress and to have it fit her.  My granddaughters won't have that because my youngest sister wore my wedding dress and veil and I don't know what happened to it after her special day.

Beth B. wrote: We went out to dinner with friends tonight and they wanted to know what I've been doing--they said I looked 10 years younger.  Yesterday when I was talking to a friend about LDL, I realized that on my ticker my start weight is what I weighed on Jan. 1st.  I restarted before Christmas in December, but I guess I didn't weight myself at that time.  I know in late November I weight 238 so I am actually down 36 pounds.  I'm going to go ahead and change my ticker to show this.

Losing weight does make us look younger so I am happy for you that someone complemented you.  Also, congratulations on the 36 lbs you have lost since November.  LDL rocks!  In fact, I had my yearly checkup with my doctor on Thursday and she commented on my weight loss and said I looked really good!  She then asked how I lost the weight so I told her about LDL. The only thing she was concerned about was the no dairy, but I told her I take a calcium supplement for my bones.  She said I was doing the right thing.  She then said the LDL way of eating is probably a plan she would recommend to her patients so when I got home I emailed her the link to the LDL website so she could look for herself.  I'll check back with her later about her thoughts on our way of eating.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

36 lbs! Wow!  :rose: I'm impressed!

Take Care!  :rose:
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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I am so happy to be back on track!  Just weighed and I'm down AND I'm under 200.  Happy day!  Here's the link to another thread I've been posting on if you are interested. ... pic=9899.0
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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I'm going to give another try at posting what I eat.

B: coffee w/splenda
walked 1.5 hours
L: soup
    half cantelope
D: de-lettuced salad w/grilled salmon (at restaurant--I ordered the salmon w/no sides and made my own salad at the salad bar)
    frozen grapes

I had a bag of cut up veggies left over from a veggie tray so I put them in the blender with a bit of V8 juice, browned hamburger and onion, and combined it with the veggie base on the stove and added 2 cans pinto beans and a little more V8 to thin it down a bit.  I seasoned it with Monterry Steak seasoning. I made this yesterday and texted my son "made soup" he called me right away from work--he was on his way to get fast food for dinner.  Perfect timing, I met him at work with a "Jethro bowl" of this hearty and healthy soup.  He loved it!

Met an intresting guy on my walk today. His name is Mark Turner and he is walking across America to raise money and awareness for clean water in 3rd world countries.  We later took him out to dinner and got to know him better.  He is almost 1/2 way.  Very inspiring!
Last edited by Beth B. on September 30th, 2010, 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Oct. 1
B: smoothie
    Book club brunch--nothing LDL so I ate small portions
L: Panera's--ff veg soup & apple
D: Restaurant--salad bar

Oct. 2
B: 1/2 cantelope, banana, coffee
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Well, I journaled one day!  Been out of town for a few days and wasn't on the computer. 
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Re: Beth B's new journal

Post by Bethann »

Hi Beth!  :rose:
I'm serious about loosing again! I'm tired of maintaining! I told my oldest son Derek (on Skype) he would have a new Mother when I pick him up in Wpg. at the airport in December so I would like to loose more weight by then. (Also He hasn't seen me since I lost the 30 lbs.)
How are you doing?
I have missed you!
*hug* Beth
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Re: Beth B's new journal

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Wow Bethanne, Derek will be so impressed!  I've had a break through this week and I am also serious about losing more and not just maintaining.  It's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.  I've been pulled in every direction like you, so we will just have to keep encouraging each other to stick with it!  I'm so impressed that you are completely off of coffee!  Good for you!


PS I've missed you too!
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