Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

No you are not too old and if you stay on the LDL plan, your body will be healthier. You will live longer and have more energy to do the things you want to do. I do enjoy eating and that is what makes this WOE so great. I have had periods of estrangement with children or grandchildren and found that sometimes when children have a different lifestyle they reject you. They may come back in your life when they mature some. But I know how painful that can be, and my usual response is to eat, but having things that I can eat helps a lot. Life is good, especially when you consider the alternative. Keep up the good choices, it will change your life and your body.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

Hello everyone. Well, I am back from our caravan trip and pleased to say that I lost 1 kilo in the month I was away. I was only expecting really to maintain as there were times when I couldn't be as strict as I would have liked. I really missed my frozen grapes (no freezer) and a few other things were not possible. I did manage however and took my popcorn maker etc.
I am pretty well set into the routine now and a few people have commented on my weight loss. Had a big clothes toss out as I have gone down one dress size at least.
There is no way I can manage on just 3 meals a day though. I just can't eat large amounts at one time so I am having a morning snack, afternoon snack and evening snack but eating all the right things. Main meal with meat, chicken, fish is pretty well always lunch.
If we go out I will take my own snack which is usually something made from popcorn flour, dates, bananas or such and this way I don't feel too much left out. I also will take my chickpea, banana pancakes. If I have to order a mail meal I stick to roast of the day and or veges or salad. No bread or sweets of course.
Grapes are still difficult as out of season here and I am having to buy really expensive American grapes so am limiting them. Soon our tropical fruits will be coming in season which will make for some variety.
My bowel after 4 months or so is still not adjusting to all the beans, peas, corn etc. I guess it is something I will just have to live with. Its not a gas problem, just a greater slow down due to the fibre.
My arthritis has been quite bad which makes exercise difficult and I had a fall (no broken bones Praise the Lord) due to pushing myself a bit much.
Hubby has a tendency to follow my pattern of eating and he lost 3 kilos on the trip which he cannot afford to lose so now I am trying to fatten him up. LOL.
Hope everyone is doing well. :-BD
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by LINDA RN »

Hi Jeni,
Been enjoying reading about your journey in LDL.
I too have had slow motility problems and it is an issue that slows the weight loss.
A couple years before LDL I was having serious gas issues with nearly everything I ate.
I heard about the need for probiotics and began taking them.
The gas issue completely resolved and I felt so much better.
When I started LDL in November 2009 it took 5 months of strict LDL eating before I lost anything.
But then 15 or 20 pounds seemed to fall off over night.
I was doing well and not having much problem with gas so I only took probiotics occassionally.
This past year I have been more aware of the slow motility.
There were times when I felt my whole colon was completely full all the time and I only passed daily the amount I ate that day. It is a terrrible bloated feeling and not normal. We are supposed to empty out and I can definitely tell the difference when I do.
So now I take the probiotics daily.....they do help the motility.
And when I feel like I am "backed up" I take an Asai Berry Cleanse.
Just take something natural occassionally.
You will feel the difference. Hope this helps.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

thanks Linda. Now I come to think of it I haven't had any probiotics since being onLDL. I have taken them in the past with no effect but I should give them a go on this new diet I guess. With colonic inertia and no desire to have a bag I take lots of magnesium and other stuff which may well slow down weight loss.....but hey, I am on something that is working for the first time in my life so I am not complaining. the charity shop got a huge pile of clothes this morning. Quite a few people are commenting on my weight loss but none of them are prepared to go to the extreme I have gone to. (yes, they think LDL is extreme because they have read about it.) they don't like the idea of a lifetime of eating this way.
For breakfast I whizzed up popcorn and frozen corn, spring onion and parsley and an egg and made patties and ate them with cooked tomatoes. Needs a bit of extra seasoning I think but ok. Lunch was a stir fry with tempeh and lots of veges and tea will be a banana shake and some crispbread. My snacks will be dried apple slices, corn thins and popcorn and frozen grapes.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

I thank God because He woke me up this morning and it's a beautiful day. I hurried to the library and knew there would be a lot of post to read. I did well on Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday. I went to my friend's for dinner and to watch her televised segment on med-watch. She had a gastric sleeve surgery 3 months :ymsick: ago and they are following her progress. After a big salad for dinner (which I picked all the croutons out of), she brought out some sugar free chocolates and wanted me to try them. She said, "only eat 2 because they can cause diarrhea and horrible gas pains." However, she gave me a sample of different candies to take home. The 2 I ate were very good and after I got home, I figured, if they give me diarrhea, maybe they will go straight through and I won't get the calories. Of course I was completely ignoring the fact that they are highly processed and full of fat and chemicals.I ate them all!! :ymsick: :ymsick: I will not eat them again!! I suffered terribly all night long and still have some gas pains. I am not eating anything until this passes and I fill hunger again. I saw some refrigerator boxes at the apartment so this may be the day I get my fridge!! :ymparty: I have a bunch of grapes to freeze!! Veggies, eggs and butter to refrigerate. I will make a big pot of beans and LP's "Knock your socks off" soup. I can finally eat my own cooked meals and leftovers. PLEASE learn from my mistakes and stay away from chocolate flavored chemicals!! Life is a learning experience and so far I have 100% survival rate, thank God. ^:)^
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

I made this stuff which is a substitute for custard to have with fruit. I used a tin of chickpeas, 2 bananas. 1/4 cup rolled oats, vanilla, 2 slices of pineapple, stevia and some water and juice and blended it up furiously. No cooking. It is quite nice with fruit.
I am no recipe expert. Maybe it is already in the recipes or maybe someone could fiddle with it.
I did the spinach stuffed chicken breast for lunch today. Well, it wasn't exactly stuffed. More like layered, chicken on the bottom, spinach mix in the middle and chicken on the top. It was really lovely.
I know how to make mince (hamburger to you). The really cheap one become as lean as chicken breast. You fry it up, drain off the fat, pour through boiling water, then pour through more boiling water and all the fat is supposed to be gone. I use half this with half turkey breast mince but I have a feeling I should be doing the same with the turkey mince as well. No idea what they might sneak in.
Because I didn't want to run another fridge and having so much fresh stuff wouldn't fit into our medium sized fridge, I bought a really big cooler box and I put ice blocks and cooler bricks in and it keeps stuff cool. It will be especially helpful in the summer holidays when we have a lot of visitors.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by LINDA RN »

Your LDL custard sounds yummy
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

Thanks Linda. Its okay but have to do some more tweaking. The nicest thing I have made is the Banzo biscuits which I added some carob powder to. It was just right.
I am still having to eat 6 times a day and I am still hungry but I think that may be the colon thing but not letting it worry me.
It is so funny to have my pants falling down all the time and I hate belts. they are so uncomfortable. I still get the belly bloat at times but I am working on that.
blessings Jeni.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by LINDA RN »

As long as your clothes are falling off and you don't feel deprived, keep on going the way you are.
Just proves you can eat the way you need to and still loose weight if what you eat is LDL friendly
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

I eat a lot and although I am losing slowly I am still losing. I ate more fruit, smoothies and popcorn over the Halloween season, but I did not eat any candy. After eating all that sugar free chocolate I learned my lesson, however I was tempted and remembered what I wrote on the boards and did not want to be a hypocrite. I had 3 little boys come to my house, but I told them all I had to offer was fruit. Their dad said that's better! My grandson came to help me move on Sunday, so I have more of my things. He wanted some bananas, so that is how I paid him. I am so happy to have 1 grandchild left in town. Life is sweet.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

Well, here I am again. I think I have been LDL for about 6 months now and have gone down one dress size. One more dress size down and I will be happy. I can't persuade any friends to join me. They think I am amazingly disciplined.
We are still eating American grapes at $10 a kilo. Everything fresh is awfully expensive and meat has gone through the roof.
Most of my red meat is kangaroo which is very, very lean.....free range I guess and even the kanga sausages are extremely lean. Not cheap but I wait till it is in the cheap bin getting close to use by date and then freeze it.
I make the pancakes with popcorn flour, bananas and stewed apple and eggs and they are fantastic. I can take them with me as a snack.
Made a really good custard so I can put a little on top of my fruit. 2 bananas, half a cup of skim milk, some cornflour and 2 eggs. Beautiful and creamy and pretty close to real custard. That amount will do me several times. Just a bit of a change from plain fruit and I really don't like yoghurt all that much.
I was running out of clothes but the op shop had a rack with a bag full for $6 special and a friend came with her pants that don't fit her anymore and now I will be ok for a while. I also bought a gypsy skirt from the Free Trade Downunder shop that was at church last Sunday. One size fits all with gypsy skirts!!!
We don't have Thanksgiving and hubby and I don't do the xmas thing. We celebrate Jesus every day. At least I don't have to worry about celebratory food although our Connect group are going out for a xmas lunch at the pub. We will skip that and go back to their house for desserts and hubby can have pudding and I will take my own dessert.
Cheers to everyone.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

Good to hear from you and hear your success story. I have gained 4 lbs. over the holidays. I am doing strict LDL and have fruit and soups ready to eat. I love to eat and all my friends know that, I guess they think I don't cook so they offer me leftovers. Last night after eating some things I shouldn't have, I turned down an offer for leftovers. :-o There are some things I shouldn't have around the house. I went to the Salvation Army to help serve and they didn't need any more help so I had lunch there, and made a new friend. Life is full of sweet surprises.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by jsprik »

Hi everyone...I found an active board!!

What happened to everyone??? These forums are like a ghost town! I have been doing Trim Healthy Mama, myself. I lost like 10 pounds right away, then gained a few back and haven't been able to lose anything for a while now...but haven't really been on plan 100%.

I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about coming back to LDL...the only thing that holds me back is that it's quite a bit more restrictive. But there are things about it that I love. I just don't know....anyone have any experience with Trim Healthy Mama?? Any advice????

I just really want to get back on track as far as losing weight and getting healthy...


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by Bethesda »

Hi Jsprik, I like LDL because its the only diet that has ever worked for me and I don't have to count calories all the time which drives me nuts and I don't have to control portions all the time. It certainly is difficult at certain times like eating out and I can imagine if you had a family it would also be difficult. There are just the 2 of us and hubby is happy to look after himself at times.
I am lucky inasmuch as I love the foods on the diet like corn on the cob, popcorn, grapes and other fruit and veges and meat. I love the popcorn pancakes and chickpea muffins. We went out for a drive this afternoon and we took coffee and I took dried apple rings and hubby had a muesli bar. It was pretty good really.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

This is the only plan of eating for me. I have maintained my weight loss for over a year and starting to go down again. I love this program because I feels God is helping me help myself. I love unprocessed foods and although I had stuffing and dessert at Thanksgiving and am battling the cravings again, life is good. I woke up this morning and some did not. I have another day to praise Him who died for my sin and His mercies are new every morning.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by LINDA RN »


Like the others, I cannot do all the counting and portion control stuff that allows you to have the junk food just in portions. This WOE dishes up only the best and healthiest. There are some things on Roger's "illegal" list because even though those things are healthy, they are not conducive to weight loss. The whole point here is to stop the cravings. I have given in to the sweet treats and am paying dearly for it and not just weight gain, but painful swollen joints also. I am getting back on track. It is hard to throw away food when you are a habitual plate cleaner and penny pincher, but I have to do it. It was easy when it was just hubby and I and we both were committed but now have daughter bring home left-over's from fast food places. But I need to recommit. Everyone stalls no matter what plan you do. You have to be in prayer for wisdom as to what is causing it and what you need to do. It is usually an individual thing but do share as there may be one other individual you may be able to help when the breakthrough for you happens. For me I have noticed cravings and constipation issues. I am beginning to think it may be a magnesium deficiency and have started taking Chelated Magnesium. I feel better on it, but cannot accurately report as this past week I had a run-in with a stomach virus and am just now feeling a bit better. Plan to get on track now with LDL and supplements again and will report any successes. Hoping to see you liven up the boards again.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by omalani »

We are stimulated to return to those uncomforting comfort food when we are stressed, bored, sad, happy and celebrating with others, lonely, overwhelmed, over-worked, tired, and on and on as the list goes on. When we are in the presence of food, we eat, so surround your self with LDL foods that you love. I went to the potluck today and stuffed myself with veggies and salad. I brought grapes for dessert, and they are so sweet that I don't even feel the need for chemical foods that pass for dessert. When the pastor was returning home I told him to take some grapes to eat on the way. He said earlier that he quit eating processed foods, that are laden with chemicals. He was so thankful. Life is more fun when you share experiences with others. Let's light up the boards to help each other during the holidays.
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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by jsprik »

Well, I think I am going to use up what I have of the THM stuff (almond flour, coconut flour and flax seed and such) and then just go back to LDL. That is the only thing that ever really worked for me and that I really felt like I could stick to long term. I really didn't feel like I had to cheat on that. I stayed on it for 8 months with no problem...until my husband convinced me that I could go off for the holidays and get right back on after. Well, I went off and never got back on. :(

Tomorrow I am starting over. I am not setting any major goals as far as a size I'd like to get to or a certain weight. I think that just hinders me because I get frustrated when I don't get there....I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I want to be happy when I go our in a sundress. I want to be able to wear a sleeveless shirt and not be self conscious. I would like to be able to wear shorts or a short (not mini) skirt and not be ashamed of my chubby legs. I would LOVE to be able to wear shoes that are the right size for my short feet, but that fit the width as well! I always have to buy a 6 instead of a 5 or 5 1/2 because they are too narrow in the smaller size. I want to be able to shop in the regular sizes again, where all the cute clothes are!!

So there you have it. Tomorrow starts the beginning of my new life. I am recommitting to LDL. I am recommitting to not only losing weight, but getting healthy and treating my body right!

Who's going to join on my little choo choo train to skinny town, skinnyville, smallsville, whathaveyou?? ;)

C'mon, it's gonna be fun!

Live, laugh, love and be kind! xo

Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by LINDA RN »

I'm on board!!!
Last edited by LINDA RN on December 7th, 2014, 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Let's Do Lunch...and become NOT HUNGRY!

Post by jsprik »

WooHoo!!! Let's do this, Linda!!! :p

Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

look me up on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoannaReneeSprik
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