Omalani's excellent adventure

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by omalani »

June menus:
B. Scrambled eggs and salsa, peaches and sprinkle of granola
L. Chicken taco salad with ranch drsg., chips and salsa
D. Watermelon
B. Refried beans with steamed egg, watermelon
L. 3 corn thins with hummus, sweet onion and tomato slices, salad and peaches
Snack: banana, peach and apple.
D. Shirataki angel hair pasta with TVP sauce, watermelon
B. Scrambled egg with salsa
L. Fruit salad
D. Veggie soup
B. Scrambled egg with veggies, watermelon
L. Salad and veggies
D. Watermelon, corn thins with hummus and veggies
B. Vegeburger with condiments and watermelon
L. Sub salad
D. Fruit
B. Scrambled egg and salsa, watermelon
L. Salad with corn and beans and southwest drsg. and an apple
D. Veggies and salad with grilled chicken, apple
Snack: Granola with 1% milk and banana
B. Yogurt with frozen blackberries and a sprinkle of granola
L. Grilled chicken and salad with ranch drsg.
D. Taco shell and taco salad.
B. Fried garbanzo beans and an egg, cantaloupe
L. Eggplant parm. and 2 peaches
D. Spaghetti sauce on steamed broccoli, cantaloupe
B. Watermelon/strawberry smoothie
L. Turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato on corn thins,
D. Potato, salad, and steamed veggies, leftover meat and fresh fruit
Snack: 2 sweet freedom NAS crunch bars :ymdevil: not a good option
B. Yogurt, oatmeal and fresh blueberries
L. Asian salad with sliced almonds, rice croutons, and Albacore, 2 peaches
D. Steamed veggies, sweet potato, and root beer float (diet A&W/NAS light ice cream)
B. Skipped
L. Potluck: Chili cassarole, salad, pico de gallo, fruit salad
D. Same as lunch and potato salad
B. 3 turkey links and an apple
L. Salad with water packed Albacore, 3 corn thins, and fruit salad
D. Watermelon, corn thin with hummus and cucumber
B. Refried beans and an egg, an orange
L. SW salad, chicken and corn with salsa ranch drsg., nectarine
D. Meatloaf and salad with lime/EVOO, and rice crackers
Snack: Popcorn, apple and peach
B. Fruit and greens smoothie
L. BLT on corn thins, ear of corn, Salad with blue cheese drsg.
D. Salad with ranch drsg., chicken and broccoli salad and grapes
Snack. Peach,nectarine and a banana
B. Banana pancakes
L. and salad, fruit salad
D. Soup and salad
Last edited by omalani on June 30th, 2016, 1:12 am, edited 23 times in total.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by omalani »

Fasting for labs and ultrasound 2 mornings this week and I am a breakfast person. I have not been sticking to my menus!! I still eat LDL but I need more discipline in my life. Life goes on. :D
Last edited by omalani on June 4th, 2016, 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by omalani »

Today is a blessing! I woke up in my right mind, my blood sugar levels are normal again and life is good. God's mercies are new every morning. Thanks to LDL I am down a few lbs. I know this works for me because I eat a lot and enjoy eating and have only fluctuated 10-15 lbs. from my initial weight loss 2 1/2 years ago. I am ready to go to goal now. This is my quest!! I'm-possible!! All things are possible with God.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by LINDA RN »

You go girl!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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Yesterday was such a blessing! I spent the day in OKC at the grand opening of the Voice of Hope SDA Church. The prayers, testimonies, worship and music were inspiring. There was a concert at 7:30 pm and I won a door prize, a Vivitar digital camera. What a blessing before Krista's wedding in June. I haven't had a camera since you put film in them!! I didn't have a choice at lunch so I ate the plate I was served but refused dessert because I had brought an apple and orange with me. I ate almonds, an orange, and some gluten free crackers that I had in my car at 6 pm for a snack and ate dinner when I got home at 11 pm. I am back to LDL this morning. Life is very good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I enjoyed visiting with Gina and her kids when they came for Joshua's H.S. graduation. They flew back to Alaska on Tuesday. I miss them. We had fun and I got to swim with the kids several days. We ate out too much and I ate too many non-LDL foods but I am back on program again. I had a colonoscopy and upper GI scope which was pretty good. The hardest part was being on a clear liquid diet on Memorial Day while everyone was grilling and eating out. No signs of cancer or serious disease. I am doing well. God is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by LINDA RN »

We missed you at Marie's Dedication today. Too many non-LDL snacks though. I succomed :-s
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I am taking a friend up to OKC for cancer treatments tomorrow. Then I will be leaving for Iowa on 6/8. I will be gone a week, then home for the summer except for impromptu trips. I plan to go to camp meeting in July. Life is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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Good morning from Lawton. I guess I missed the bad weather again. The wedding week flew by and I ate way too much. I am back in my own little corner of the world so I am going to get back to basics. I will write down my menus and cut back on some of the fruit. I ate the typical American diet, wheat and sugar, potatoes and pasta. I started almost everyday with granola and had sandwiches for lunch. Now I have those old cravings back!! Life is open to new choices and second chances.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by omalani »

I am going start recording my menus again. I seem to be more accountable when I do. I don't understand why it takes 2 weeks to get rid of the weight I gained in 1 week?? Life is puzzling at times. :-o

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I am not going to buy any more canned food but eat what I have and the food in my freezer. I need to clean out my cupboards and get ready to move. The house deal fell through this time, but the family is still looking for a place, so I am preparing to make the move to Iowa, whenever that is. God will provide, life is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by mtngirl »

Hi Leilani,

My cupboards are also getting bare, trying to get rid of non LDL food. I still need to be consistent with
my menus. Confession - I hate to post when I have cheated!!! Do we all feel that way? I did save to draft my menus for Sunday and Monday.

Will pray for you and your moving situation.

Have a great day,
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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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Yes we all hate to admit when we cheat and I hate to admit that I sometimes start over 3 or 4 times in a week. I also have days when I start eating at lunch and keep eating till I go to bed. I eat a lot but as long as it is fresh fruits and veggies raw, I don't seem to gain. The beans and corn help too. They seem to go through rapidly. I keep waiting for the day that I will start eating less. God is good and He provides.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I had a great 4th and lunch at my friends. I ate a lot of meat and salad, and baked beans. The dessert was not calling my name and the watermelon was so sweet. I had no desire for store bought cupcakes. My weight has been stable, not where I want it to be. It's OK for now. Life is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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At the library today, computer is still blackout. I have a house guest from Alaska and she and my grandson, Jacob, are away most of the time. They have inspired me to start walking in the morning before it gets hot and the air is full of pollutants. I have walked the last 2 morns and surprisingly enjoyed it! I seem to have extra time without the computer and facebook. My weight continues to go down since the 4th! However even fat free baked potato fries sent it up a few lb. Me thinks I ate too many! Life is very good. Hang in there all my good buddies.

PS: I watched a TED lecture on you tube about Phase four water by Dr. Gerald Pollack. Amazing. Check it out.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I went to Oklahoma city today with my grandson and his girlfriend. We went to the art museum and saw the Pachouli glass exhibit. It is so beautiful! The special exhibit was the years and works of Henri Matisse. I am inspired again and will get my art supplies out again. God is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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Continued my daily walk this morning and talked with a man who was mowing his lawn. He invited me to use his yard swing any time I was tired. I am feeling stronger and even though it has only been 4 days I find it easier to get up off low chairs where I struggled before. I did watch a movie last nite, with all the commercials and got a little crazy with granola bars. They are the healthy kind but I would have been better off if I had eaten fruit. Of course I know that TV and snacking are a trigger for me. I have decided to maybe dabble with art in the evening. I can paint on water color paper, then fold it and make cards. My little great granddaughter loves getting mail. I need to stop at the post office and pick up some stamps. I need moderation in my life. Life is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by LINDA RN »

Problem with most granola bars is the "whole grains." Popcorn or watermelon for snacking!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

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I'm back in Iowa again to see Lillian my 2nd great granddaughter. She is beautiful and is 1 week old today. She has thick dark brown hair but gets lighter daily it seems. Her grandmother, my first born had hair the same color and it grew out blonde at the roots. At 9 mo. old she had blonde hair with light brown tips. Guess she thought blondes had more fun. My daughter now has any color hair she wants. I can't believe Jennifer is a gramma of 2 and expecting 1 more in Jan. It is much hotter in Lawton, so I am enjoying under 100 temps.
I am eating lots of fruit and salad, which I brought with me. I had refried beans and an egg this morning.
I hope to get my computer fixed while I am here. I have been unable to post menus, but I still have paper and pencil! God is good.

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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Post by omalani »

I am back in the library again! I hope to get my computer issues worked out. I am losing again, but when I eat wheat flour and sugar I get terrible heart burn and regurge. Need to stick to LDL to feel better. Life is good.

I know what I'm doing, says the Lord.
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Jeremiah 29:11

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