type 2 diabetics

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by thyroid »

Hi Doreen,
I am a type II Diabetic also, I also have neuropathy, and am on the same meds that you are. I have been on ldl since Dec.2008, I haven't really lost any weight to speak of. I keep bouncing back and fourth, but it will come. My A1C is 6.6
    I know I sure feel a lot better even though i haven't lost the weight!!!!!

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

thyroid wrote:Hi Doreen,
I am a type II Diabetic also, I also have neuropathy, and am on the same meds that you are. I have been on ldl since Dec.2008, I haven't really lost any weight to speak of. I keep bouncing back and fourth, but it will come. My A1C is 6.6
    I know I sure feel a lot better even though i haven't lost the weight!!!!!

  marie.....diabetics lose weight with more difficulty...plus, you have an underactive thyroid like i do...........i lost an average of 4 pounds a month on let's do lunch....but, there were 2 months 2 different times that i lost nothing...then, i would get up one day and feel thin and find that i'd lost 5 pounds....i see that you eat a lot of beans :thumbsup:.......continue doing that...in fact, the more beans you can manage to eat, the better..........if i were you, i would eliminate ALL occasional foods, which is what i did to lose weight myself(or maybe you already have)..if you already have, then keep up the good work....you'll lose all the weight you want to lose...............sincerely,niki 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Gwennaford »

Marie & I both hit the tacos pretty hard... maybe that's why we haven't lost weight!  :rolleyes:  I had to cut out the daily corn thins 'cause I could tell I was gaining.  Marie & her hubby both play golf though, so they are getting good exercise, which I'm not.  Niki, do you do anything for regular exercise above what you get in your daily job?
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

Gwennaford wrote:  Niki, do you do anything for regular exercise above what you get in your daily job?

  i have this syndrome thing going on....here's how it goes.......i'm great on let's do lunch for weeks going into months.....i'm power walking 3 miles most days(or at least 3-4x/week).......THEN, i eat something i shouldn't for whatever reason..that sets me on a course of eating things i shouldn't be eating....i then have less energy and stop walking(over the period of time that i'm eating things i shouldn't).............
i was very careful in what i was eating before my daughter's wedding....i had a size 12 and a 14 of the same dress and i wanted to fit into the 12........I DID....but, what led up to that was that i had a cyst on my back that got infected...i got a surgeon from my job to open his office for me(to open and drain it)and he said,"i CAN'T do that here..i have to take you to the or...AND you'll have to spend the night in the hospital so i can give you iv antibiotics and pull the packing in the wound before you go home tomorrow"...and THAT was the weekend before my daughter's wedding.....so, i call it "the infection diet".........the week before that happened i was running 101-102 fevers, so i wasn't eating much....i ate at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding after which i was fully recovered and ate whatever i wanted.............
  not to mention that my father has been back in the hospital for the last few months......
  SO, now i'm getting ready to get back on track.......i'm giving up coffee AGAIN(LOVE IT) and i'll start walking regularly......as often as i can......i powerwalk 3 miles in about 45 minutes.....before i do that, i do crunches for my abs and i stretch and do lunges to really warm my legs up because i'm prone to shin splints...and then i walk....................time to cook up the beans.....   
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Saved4Life »

thyroid wrote:Hi Doreen,
I am a type II Diabetic also, I also have neuropathy, and am on the same meds that you are. I have been on ldl since Dec.2008, I haven't really lost any weight to speak of. I keep bouncing back and fourth, but it will come. My A1C is 6.6
    I know I sure feel a lot better even though i haven't lost the weight!!!!!


Hey Marie,

I lost almost 30 pounds fairly quickly in the first couple of months, but alot of that was because it was a big change in eating, water weight, etc.  Typically I have always lost a bunch when first starting a "diet", so this did not surprise me.  The difference this time, is I didn't throw in the towel, and gain it all back, plus some. 

However, I don't seem to be losing at all this month, as of today's monthly weigh in.  BUT...my blood sugar remains perfect, my good cholesterol is UP, my bad cholesterol is DOWN, and every other test known to man that was done on my blood work - all the numbers were in the low/normal range...so I got a big A+ on my blood work  :thumbsup:

I am NOT discouraged, I know the weight will start melting away.  I have Faith, I know this is the right way to eat and the proof is in the outstanding report I got on my blood work.  And the neuropathy seems to be "in check" and has not gotten worse at all.    That's what it's all about - being healthier.  The number on the scale doesn't intimiate me one bit  :angel:

Hang in there...it's so worth it, just to be healthier.  The weight loss will come, no doubt about it  ;)

Have a BEAN-utiful day,
Doreen *love*

Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Saved4Life »

Roger Troy Wilson wrote:Neets just told me that I am being a jerk! She said that everyone wants to lose weight, but sometimes you just have human feelings that take over and control you. So, she said I should apologize...which I am doing herewith!

Just please understand that I sooo want you all to lose the weight you want, and therefore I get carried away with my comments.

I'm sooo sorry!



Atta Girl, Neets, you tell him!

However...I don't think an apology is required...we're tough...we can take it!  I know that you, Roger, were speaking straight from the heart...no meaness intended  *love*

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Gwennaford »

CORN THIN TACOS, ROGER ! ! ! CORN THIN TACOS ! ! !  WHOA - DOWN BOY!  Even corn thins & LDL taco fillings are nutrient rich and calorie dense, so it doesn't take many of them, too many days in a row for me to gain weight.

Don't forget -- You are an active six-foot-something MAN ( *grrr*) who plays golf & lifts Vita-Mixes,wine bottles & trophies for exercise.  I am a sedentary 5-1/2 foot WOMAN ( :angel:) whose exercise consists primary of running my mouth.  BIG difference in how our bodies can process food.

Please tell Neets I said you are not being a jerk, you are just very very dedicated to catching your little sheep before they go too far astray.

I give you permission to jump on my case any time you feel it's necessary to keep me on the straight & narrow because I know, only too well, that "broad is the road that leads to death"!

Have you ever noticed what's at the center of the word, death?

[glow=red,2,300]E  A  T  H  [/glow]


Last edited by Gwennaford on March 30th, 2009, 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Saved4Life »

Roger Troy Wilson wrote: Just don't worry about it, keep on keeping on, stay off your scales and keep watching for your clothes to get looser.

Your scale will tell you, once in awhile, that you have gained a few pounds...but you really haven't!

Boy oh boy....Ain't it the truth - AMEN, AMEN!  :angel:

Also....I have found that if I weigh within 2 hours of taking my daily dose of Vetavitameatavegamin, the scale goes wacky...but I don't poop out at parties any more!  And it's so Tasty too!

;D  *woot*  ;D
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Gwennaford »

Well, OF COURSE I agree with YOU, Roger,  :angel:  ....

but my bodyclothesbellyboobshipsthighsarms&fingers agreed with the scale and it appears in the case of LDL tacos, they overruled us.  I CANNOT eat all I want, as often as I want, of EVERY LDL food, even the basic ones, even without the occasional extras. 

Things like Corn Thin Tacos are so nutritionally dense, I just have to enjoy them once in a while, spacing them out & alternating with less concentrated food choices.

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by applesnalmonds »

Hi everyone.  I have just signed up.  I read the article in First today.  I went to Barnes & Noble but they said it could be 3 weeks before they will have the book.  I read what diabetics are saying about ldl and I'm very anxious to get started.  I am a diabetic-not on insulin.  For snacks I eat a small apple with some almonds.  I don't even know yet if almonds are allowed.  I was concerned abut eating all the fruit (which I love).  I am reassured now & can't wait to get going.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by babyaustin »

From what I have read, no nuts. To bad because I love them. I chope someone else stops by though that has a book and tells us for sure if they are not allowed.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Bonnie CHA! »

Nuts are not allowed...  except Soynuts which some use.

Believe me, there is so much more on this eating plan, you will not miss the nuts!!

If you haven't already ordered your book from B&N...  you should order it from this website!


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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by babyaustin »

Thanks Bonnie for the info. I already ordered my book from here and it is on it's way. Can't wait to read it.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by turkkm »

I read this entire thread as my mom is a diabetic with many complications as she has gotten older.  I sure wish she knew about this years ago, although if her doctor wasn't too thrilled, she would not have experimented and tried it anyway.  I am hoping and praying she can get out of the hospital and home again.  She has been in 8 weeks with lots of problems, heart, kidneys, water retention, etc.  It is so serious.  She is receiving therapy to get walking again so she can get home.  I am wondering, since her health is already so deteriorated from her diabetes, can this way of eating still help her?  Words of wisdom for others....don't mess with this disease!  My mom always ate fairly well and kept sugar levels under control....but she would not exercise or lose weight.  If this way of eating brings positive results to your sugar and blood levels...then do it with gusto!  You do not want to have to deal with the health problems my mom has dealt with!  It has been a sadness for all of us who love her so much.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by patsyfay »

So sorry about your Mom, Turkkm!  Go to the Medical Success stories and read all the wonderful praise reports about people who have lost so much weight on LDL and gotten so healthy that they were able to go off many meds.  LDL is just good, healthy food.  How that could hurt anyone, I have no idea. We get so brainwashed by doctors who have no nutrition training and arbitrarily tell us how to eat...Lord help us!!!

Talk to your Mom's doctors and see what they say.  Or tell them about the LDL website and ask them to check out some of the medical success stories, or cut and paste them and take them to the doctor and show them to him/her. It would be wonderful for you to see all the benefits your Mom would receive from this way of eating. 

May God bless your ministry to your Mom and may He bless you.

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by vickiann »

I've recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and have just started taking Metformin (500mg) twice a day. I like many others on these boards have tried numerous diets, only to gain the weight back and then some. I currently weigh 300 pounds, and my glucose level is usually around 300 when I test upon arising in the morning.  This way of eating sounds doable to me, with the extra blessing of reducing my blood sugar level. I ordered my book from this site on 5/19 so it should arrive soon. I've been reading posts on the boards and am impressed with how sincere and helpful everyone is.

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by electricj1316 »

My mom is a type 2 diabetic and because she is computer illiterate I will tell you for her. She just started ldl 8 days ago and has been eating allot of fruit everyday even though she was skeptical in the beginning. Already her sugar levels have went down several points when she wakes up in the morning. She is very happy about this and was very surprised.


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