type 2 diabetics

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Sweet_Pea »


You have come to the right place.  I too am a type 2 diabetic and I'm only using about 1/3 of the insulin I was taking before ldl.  I eat all the fruits and usually two or three just for breakfast.  I don't snack on fruit because that raises the blood sugars and they never stabilize  when we constantly raise them.  So I eat fruit for breakfast, and dinner.  If I snack which I don't have the need to do very often, I eat bean soup or popcorn. 

Please keep us informed regarding your blood sugars so we can rejoice with you.

Hugs, Carrole
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by grambonnie5 »

Hi Sweet_Pea. Does the popcorn raise your blood sugar? I am not diabetic (yet - and hope I have found a plan that will keep it that way) but I have been told that I am pre-diabetic. I do check my blood sugar levels often and found that popcorn raised it but maybe it was also some of the other processed foods I was eating. I am excited for this plan - hoping for good numbers (cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure ).
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Cindi »

Niki-See my post at 9:10 pm  ;D
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Thanks Niki for starting this  thread! I too am a nurse and am so thankful to hear that the LDL  is also very helpful with diabetics. Now I have something of substance to give my diabetic patients.!!!!! :D
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

I spent time yesterday reading this thread, since I care for my mom who has diabetes.  I decided I'm going to start giving her mostly LDL foods, but just more than my husband and myself, because she doesn't have to lose weight.  She has had a voracious appetite and is always hungry and I need to try something to get her over this.  She eats cereal in the morning with ff milk.  After the box runs out, I'm going to try something different for her.  Maybe eggs and fruit.  I've heard people eat beans for breakfast around here, so I might give her some for protein -- it'd be better than the cereal.

Then, I went to church last night and I was talking with this lady who I'd earlier shared my book with on LDL.  She had seemed very interested.  She told me last night that with all the starches in the plan, she couldn't do it because she is diabetic.  I was able to share that I had just read that day all the testimonies of people who are diabetic and eating LDL and controlling their blood sugar level.  What perfect timing!  She wants to know more so I'm going to guide her to this thread.  I hope it helps her.  I know we all would like to be healthier and more able to live our lives to the fullest.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by lulu65 »

I am a newbie here :) and a type 11 diabetic non insulin dependent...I take metformin 500 mg twice a day and diabeta 2.5 mg twice a day also. This is my 4 or 5 th day on LDL and the last couple of days are days I was following it pretty well.
That being said and yesterday eating quite well this morning my blood sugar was unusually high.. Like  I could eat 3 pieces of French toast with maple syrup and never have it this high.. Am wondering if something is triggering it?
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks  Louise

Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Saved4Life »

crickadoodle wrote:I spent time yesterday reading this thread, since I care for my mom who has diabetes.  I decided I'm going to start giving her mostly LDL foods, but just more than my husband and myself, because she doesn't have to lose weight.  She has had a voracious appetite and is always hungry and I need to try something to get her over this.  She eats cereal in the morning with ff milk.  After the box runs out, I'm going to try something different for her.  Maybe eggs and fruit.  I've heard people eat beans for breakfast around here, so I might give her some for protein -- it'd be better than the cereal.

Then, I went to church last night and I was talking with this lady who I'd earlier shared my book with on LDL.  She had seemed very interested.  She told me last night that with all the starches in the plan, she couldn't do it because she is diabetic.  I was able to share that I had just read that day all the testimonies of people who are diabetic and eating LDL and controlling their blood sugar level.  What perfect timing!  She wants to know more so I'm going to guide her to this thread.  I hope it helps her.  I know we all would like to be healthier and more able to live our lives to the fullest.

Do not worry about mom losing weight just because she eats LDL foods...her body will adjust and be better for it, I'm sure.  You may have read something I posted about this, because I am a Type II diabetic and when I was 100% LDL my blood sugar immediately dropped and stayed there.  It was wonderful!    So don't worry about starches, because the LDL foods only have the natural, GOOD starches and do not raise the B.S.  I haven't hear anyone say anything but good stuff on the effect of the blood sugar.  Same with the fruits...I thought I'd have issues with that, but I don't!

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Niki glad you started this thread.
I too am a nurse and do a lot of teaching of people. I like to tell them what works and so I will be lurking here to read what everyone says. It is pretty exciting to see how this way of eating helps so many with their disease processes.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

I have type 2 diabetes.  I also was sceptical with all the fruit and beans, but with my weight going up I decided to closely monitor and give it a try.  Let me tell you, I don't understand it, but it works well with people that are diabetic. My morning readings were running around 145 to 160.  Almost immediately  they went down.  I seldom get a reading over 100 in the mornings. Sometimes in the 80s, but mostly in the low 90s.  My last A1C was 5.9.  Praise the Lord!!  Now if I could just get my exercise going on a regular basis. 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

blessed wrote:  Let me tell you, I don't understand it, but it works well with people that are diabetic. My morning readings were running around 145 to 160.  Almost immediately  they went down.  I seldom get a reading over 100 in the mornings. Sometimes in the 80s, but mostly in the low 90s.  My last A1C was 5.9.  Praise the Lord!!  Now if I could just get my exercise going on a regular basis. 

praise God...what a wonderful report.....just be especially careful to avoid snacking by eating until you're really full whenever you eat...keep up the good work.....niki 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

That is so great, Blessed!  My mom is diabetic and now eats basically LDL, since I care for her and she eats what I fix for her.  I have been able to get her morning and evening readings really good this past week.  She eats a big bowl of bean soup everyday at lunch. 

The classes I'll be teaching at church start this Sunday and Wednesday, so I'm sure I'll send any diabetics to this thread.  It will help them a lot.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

Niki, funny you should say that about eating till full.  I just told my husband today, that I ate a big enough meal that I didn't get hungry this afternoon.  I usually do get hungry in the afternoon.  I did eat some raw carrots this afternoon just to give a little boost to my B. S. to get me to dinner. For lunch I had a grilled chicken breast, big pile of roasted green beans and asparagus, some corn and peach "ice cream".  Boy was I full.  I go to the doctor next month and I'm going to talk with her about cutting the dosage of one of my pills, so my B. S. doesn't get so low.  A couple of times this past month I didn't catch it till it was in the high 50s.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

Those dips can be so scarey!  I know with my mom, I have been so nervous about those.  I've learned a lot, though, since being the one who cares for her.  I keep the glucose tablets in her room, just in case.  Lately, I have not had a problem with it, though.  I credit the beans and healthy foods I feed her.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

I keep the glucose tablets in my purse and have used them a few times when I was out shopping.  They really come in handy.  I'm glad your mom is doing good eating this way and not having the dips. If the doctor cuts the dosage on my one pill, I don't think I will have that problem either, When does she  get her next A1C?  Before I started eating this way I was usually around 6.4 to 6.5.  I take my diabetes seriously and don't want to leave this world one piece at a time. 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

I'm not familiar with that.  What exactly is A1C?  I just started caring for my mom a little over 1 year ago.  She managed her own care before then.  She has suffered from dementia.  I just posted somewhere else (prayer requests) about the recent breakthrough with Mom -- I started giving her CoQH, the reduced form of CoQ10, about 2 or 3 weeks ago and recently have noticed that she has come out of her over 1 year fog!  I'm so happy about this. 

I guess I should know what A1C is, but I'm embarassed to say I don't.  I've been learning so much in caring for her -- she had a colostomy done in the summer and I've had to learn to care for that.  Anyway, I'm rejoicing over this breakthrough, as you can imagine.  Can you imagine sort of losing someone you loved and thinking they were gone forever, and then they suddenly come back?  That is how it feels.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Hey Crickadoodle, Thanks for sharing that infor about your Mom. We put my Dad in the Alzheimers Unit today. My Mom will stay in the secure assited living facility she was in. She has dementia. I am interested in hearing more about the CoQH. I have not hear anything about that. Do know about the CoQ10. what are the dosages? 
the A1C (actually HbA1c-Hemaglobin A1c) is a blood test which is an index of long-term glucose control. This test reflects the average blood sugar level for the 2-3 month period before the test. It idecates how well the diabetes is being controled, it is also used to determine if someone may be developing diabetes.  :D I looked that upin my handy dandy Manual of Labaratory diagnostic Tests book. LOL

by the way love this thread! It is always so encouraging to read how well people are doing with this WOE.
thanks for all the sharing!
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

crickadoodle, I'm not familiar with CoQH, or CoQ10, but I wish I had known about them a few years ago.  Both my father and father-in-law had Alzheimer's.  What a blessing to have your mom "back". 
Thanks hopeful, for explaining the A1C test.  I always shorten it, because that's the way my doctor and I discuss it.  I am interested in your handy dandy lab test book.  Can that be ordered from a bookstore?  If so would you share the exact title and author's name?  I always have to try to find the info on the internet. 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

blessed wrote:Niki, funny you should say that about eating till full......

A couple of times this past month I didn't catch it till it was in the high 50s.

you should be eating, in the beginning especially, the way you do at a wedding.......totally satisfied...CAN'T eat ANOTHER bite.........that's what really sets you up for success....DON'T eat ANYTHING unless you plan on eating until you're really full..................
that's great that your blood sugars are doing so well and that you're going to be lowering your meds.....
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

Hopefull and Blessed -- I read about the Ubiquinol (CoQH) on the Dr. Mercola website.  (I'm thinking it maybe said something about diabetes too.  I'll need to rewatch it, because I first watched it a month ago, about.)

Here is the link:

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Blessed, My handy dandy lab test book was one that was at the hospital where I work. I would guess you might be able to purchase one online or at any college bookstore where they have nursing, medical and/or lab students. When I get back to work I will get the exact name and author of this book but I would guess anyone would do.
I will be looking up the info on CoQH. Sounds very interesting. My Mom has dementia and my Dad has Alzheimers.
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