LDL Meeting

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LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

The announcement for  LDL meeting on Thursday made the front page of our local paper, so we may have another big crowd.  I've got to figure out my sample menu and go to store.  I love to cook, so not a problem.  Taco soup again as well as Texas Caviar.  I think I'm going to serve sausage samples--I like it a lot.  Maybe I'll do scramble eggs---I make my own egg beaters.  Salsa over them, or grilled onions, peppers, or mushrooms may go well.  I'm going to roast veggies as well.  Jicama is fun to do with onions to serve with the eggs---good substitute for hash browns.  I picked up two large ones at Kroger's.    Any other easy ideas??  Country Girl is making the smoothies.  A lot of people never have had them.  I hadn't until I started LDL.  Since I couldn't have but 3 fruits a day, I made sure I ate the original whole fruits.  Now I eat them, and  ALSO drink a smoothie.  What freedom!!!  No cravings or portion control.  I rode with a friend to our District 7 meeting today, and can you believe, I talked LDL all the way there and back--two hrs.!!!  My friend is coming to the meeting.  Ollie won't be there.  She took her hubby to Columbus.  I'll miss her a lot.  Pray for a successful meeting. I hope more people learn the value of healthy eating to lose weight, and will order the book.  That's the start.  :D Joyful Friend
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by redkat »

Wanda,  you are doing such a wonderful job.  Front page news, huh!  Can I please have your autograph for when I can say "I knew here fore...."!!!! LOL
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by MsHeirloom »

JF- Looks like another great meeting.  I am so impressed with all you are doing to spread the word :inlove:!  Maybe there is a new career for you- open a LDL restaurant and give classes there.  All of your end of Ohio could be trim and slim and happy!!  Seriously, I can't wait to hear all about the Thursday meeting.  Ollie, if you are reading this, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope all goes well.  Pam
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by crickadoodle »

Joyful Friend -- I'm so excited for you!  People are going to be able to follow in your footsteps.  What a blessing!

I'm starting a new class tonight before our Wed. night Bible study at church.  I don't think it'll be too big, because I didn't get the information in the church bulletin.  I figure I'll just do it again and again until everyone who wants to know about it can have a chance to take the class.  I have a few people who will miss tonight, but plan to go next week -- my nephew and his wife.  :D  They started up again and are losing.  I'm so glad about that. 
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

:D :D  :D  I do wish all of you who love LDL like I do could be here to help.  I learned a lot from Julie and Little Mary in SA about service to others, and so many people have asked me what I have done to lose weight, so I decided to do ONLY two meetings with foods.  Then it's up to them.  I keep forgetting that a lot of people don't cook or experiment with recipes.  It is a God given gift to me to fix food easily.  I like simple to do, few ingredients, and beautiful recipes that taste delicious.  I am co chair of our kitchen committee at church, so I know how to use the facility which makes it easier.  I want to glorify God through this, because He allowed Roger to write the book, and He has helped me so much throughout my journey.  I am a debtor who is thankful for the Giver of all good things.  THANKS, for your positive vibes and encouragement.  The foods that I make come from recipes out of the book or off the boards, and they are worth a 1000 words.  They may forget what I say, but not the taste of the foods.  I am a busy person, but I find most busy people stay busy--My hubby loves golfing, my kids work, my grandkids are adults, so it's my time to give back to our community a little bit of what they have given to me. LDL is the best WOE, and people need to know about it.  I wish Ollie could be with Country Girl and me.  Love you bunches with  *hug* *hug*, Joyful Friend
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by LINDA RN »

Went to an inservice today sponsored by a drug company and taught by an endocrinologist. He was talking about the new diabetic drugs and protocols in treating diabetes. He said something that interested me. Said that for those who have been diabetic for quite some time that very tight control seems to increase their cardiovascular risk. He mentioned something about how docs used to throw everything at them trying to get their HbA1C down below 7. Well, I asked if the cardiac complications were just a result of side effects of too many meds, and he said something very interesting! The studies show that the cardiac events/complications are due to the effects of LOW BLOOD SUGAR. The low blood sugars cause the whole inflammatory process to kick in. Hummmmm....if you read any of my posts when I first started LDL, you may remember I was having a time stopping the low blood sugar dips. I AM NOT DIABETIC by the way. What Roger says is so true. The processed foods are the culprit in the radical fluctuations in blood sugar. Took me several months, but blood sugar is stable now with no ups and downs, and guess what? Both me and DH who took aspirin or motrin on a regular basis for aches and pains and/or headaches have not taken any anti-inflammatory drugs in at least 4 months! We have also cut down on the amount of meat, and, what we do eat, I try to buy grass-fed. Eating meat from animals not grass-fed causes inflammation also.

Oh yah, the endocrinologist also said it is well documented that good nutrition and exercise will do more to curb or stop diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol,  :thumbsup: but we all know that most will not do that so a simple once a day pill is what they will get. :shock:
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

That is good news.  I had 3 diabetics at the first meeting.  As Roger told me, I did have sign in with a reminder to check with Dr before starting the program.  I feel a whole lot better eating better non processed foods.  I also talked about going to the doctor before starting.  The big concern I had was the absence of milk products, but my doctor told me adults can get calcium from all the veggies and fruits.  I also take calcium and V-D each morning and Centrum Silver One a Day at night.  Thanks for the info.  JF
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Bethann »

Joyful Friend, this is so wonderful! What a blessing!  :rose:
I don't feel confident with cooking but I am learning from all of you as I keep learning about LDL and loosing weight!  *love* I am so impressed with you who come by cooking so easily!  :rose:
I love hearing what you and Crickadoodle are doing to share LDL! THANKS!  *hug*
Love and prayers,
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

BethAnn, thanks.  I was reared on a farm, and mother had to work in the tobacco fields, and  do all the other farm chores.  I am the youngest of 8.  I watched her cook on a wood cook stove-did not get electricity until I was 12.  I would help fix the food.  When in highschool, I did a lot of the cooking to help out.  We cooked from scratch.  We raised our animals to eat, raised our vegetables, had fruit trees and berries of all kinds.  We did not have any trouble with our weights then.  We were poor people, but we always had love, food, clothes to wear, and we were taught about God, and His redemption plan.  Praises to Him!!! Then came the big grocery stores, and my Mom started doing house work for the doctor's and merchant's wives in the city.  She was their cook, as well as housecleaner.  There was no one better as a cook.  Her foods were delicious.  After she started cooking for those people, she learned how to make all the Philadelphia cream cheese salads, bought dressings, etc.  Weight gain started for our family.  We get lazy as a cook--start using mixes, prepared frozen meals, and then we eat out sooo much.  LDL has been such a blessing to me, because I've gone back to real cooking. I'm grateful for all the great recipes on the boards and in the book.  *hug* *hug* Joyful Friend 
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by crickadoodle »

I just read your post, Joyful Friend, to my husband.  We could see the progression that has happened in our country.  That was pretty much the norm, way back.  Then we decided women needed to work outside the home to help in family finances -- all in the name of progress.  Well, we know how that has caused us to depend upon processed foods, which are easier and have a longer shelf life.  Truly, the kids have suffered and the family has suffered. (Which means the country has suffered.)  I know a lot of us are in a position where there really is no other way to make it (bills have to be paid, house notes, etc.) , so we have to work outside the home.  It's the norm now.  We also have so many unsupervised kids and crime has increased and drugs and alcohol are used by the kids and adults to excess.  Where has it all gotten us?  You shared how you had food, clothes, love and a love of God -- what truly is more important than that?  So many think they are rich today, but they have no love, no peace, no joy.  Is that really progress?  OK, I guess I got a bit deep there, but it just all was so clear for a moment when reading your post.  How wonderful it would be if we could rewind and try again. 

My class went well last night.  I had many more people than I expected -- 12 people.  I'm certain I'd have had more had I put it in the bulletin, but I really love this group of people who came.  My nephew and his wife made it afterall.  One of my students from way back -- a beautiful woman, inside and out -- came with her mom and aunt.  She travelled all the way from New Orleans to make the class!  Two former high school classmates of my deceased sister joined us -- so my nephew is in class with his mom's former classmates.  :)  Two people came who were in one of the classes I taught previously.  One mom brought her son and he asked questions and then apologized for interrupting.  I told him I was so glad he was there.  Ask all the questions he wants to, because if he learns this now, he won't have the problems we've all had. 
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Bethann »

Such interesting posts! Thanks! :thumbsup:
Your new class sounds exciting, Crickadoodle!  :rose:

Joyful Friend, what an interesting background you have!!!!! Thanks for sharing! :rose:
My Dad encouraged my Mom to cook simply and he had such wonderful gardens. I didn't appreciate it back then but I sure do now! :rose: My Dad was a farmer at heart ... (his property & house (part log) (still existing) was part of their pioneer farm) ...I am so thankful for his example and it helped me a lot but I wish I could have followed his ways even more .... amazing what we appreciate more as we get older...
When I was a teenager I thought I was doing the family such a favour to introduce to them spaghetti and pizza etc....  :stop: (...though we did make it healthier then it is made now.)

Wish I could sit in on some of these great classes you ladies are doing!  :rose:
BethAnn  :)
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

We had a wonderful class.  Forty new people with several from Monday's class came.  They had a lot of questions, and they just couldn't grasp that I could eat all the foods, and still lose weight.  Hope several order the book.  Several had already bought it at Borders.  I'm really tired, so off to bed I'm going. :sleep: :sleep: Joyful Friend
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by rgfd401 »

Sorry JF,

  Couldn't make it to the meeting tonight had another meeting ti go to. Sounds like you had a great turnout though. Hopefully you'll have another class soon and I'll be able to make that one.

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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by Joyful Friend »

Thanks, Tim.  I watched for you. There was one man, and he said he felt privileged to be surrounded by beautiful women. He's a well known man around town, so several ladies knew him. We had a good time. When Ollie gets home, we need to have lunch.   :thumbsup: JF

Crocodile, thanks. You are so right how our world has changed. Technology has changed our rural areas to become like the big cities. We used to be way behind in some of the styles, and drugs, and many other things, but not anymore. It's all at our fingertips through the computers and phones. I'm glad you have had success with your class.   *hug* *hug* JF

I had sausage samples with sauteed Jicama with onions---they loved both.  I think the dips and Taco soup is a favorite.  Texas Caviar is a winner.  I also had a pot of  white bean soup.. People could not believe that it had no fat.    We also showed how to use cans of foods---drain and rinse.  We really wanted to show how simple it is to eat healthy to lose weight. Country Girl had the devotions--We are clay, the sweet aroma comes from within.  We can't allow people to judge us by how we look, because we were created by God.  We want to glorify our heavenly Father through  our actions and reactions.   :rose: :rose: and  *hug* *hug* to all.  Joyful Friend

Thanks, Roger, Neets, and Mom.  The people heard a lot about you last night.  We talked about not having met you, but still we feel as if we know you.  We also shared about Little Mary and her many good recipes-the food police, and about Julie and her family---feeding a family economically,  with many benefits of staying healthy and fit, a beautiful family inside and out.  Thanks for LDL and your support.  :rose: :rose: :rose: to you, JF
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by MsHeirloom »

I wish I could have been there.  You are doing a wonderful thing, Wanda.  Pam
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Re: LDL Meeting

Post by redkat »


Your meetings sound wonderful and informative... and tasty, too!  I am is such awe of you for doing that, as well as Crickadoodle.  To be able to gather a group and share this wonderful news in the way you do is to be admired.  And look at all of the people who will be healthier because of what you do, what Roger Troy has shown us, and what our Father in heaven has Blessed us with the means to make happen.
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