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Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 10:21 am
by robnveronica
Welcome Peggy!!! It's nice to see our family growing! Just remember to read through the book 3 x's to get all the info you need, ask any questions here and someone will get back to you! We have some fun here as well as the serious side of things. Visit often and get to know us! Welcome again

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 10:57 am
by niki
hi peggy.....welcome to our boards...that's great that you found roger's book....that book and following this plan of eating REALLY changed my life and it has the potential to do that for EVERYONE who follows it....i lost ALL the weight i wanted to lose and(as far as i'm concerned)i'm not even on a diet....let us help you along the way...browse the boards, use the search engine and check out all the recipes.......ask any questions..bring up any'll get loads of support and input...that's what we're here for.......i wish you success..........sincerely, niki     

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 4:23 pm
by Forever Young
WELCOME  ABOARD  the train to SKINNYTOWN, PEGGY and all you other newbies!!!

We are so glad you've found us!  Just jump onto the boards and ask questions, check out the recipes, get acquainted...we are all here to help one another on our journey to SKINNYTOWN. 

This eating plan really works!  Just try it!  I think you might just like it!!


Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 1:08 pm
by PA Crystal
Hello my name is Crystal.  Today is Day #1 for me.  I feel that God intervened and led me to LDL .  My daughter had a friend over last week and he mentioned to me that his grandmother just recently lost almost 90#s.  I asked him how she did it and he said "she read a book" (wish it could be that easy)  I called his mother to find out what book it was and I was directed to Let's Do Lunch.  I have been on so many programs before , lost hundreds of pounds only to regain them back plus some.  I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life,I have high blood pressure, I have a tremendous amount of weight to lose and basically had given up.  That was until I read LDL, Mr. Wilson's words touched my soul.  When describing the pain and shame of being very fat hit my very core.  I just felt different this time, like finally someone I could relate to, who has been where I am.  I feel "focused" and empowered knowing that someone else has lost this emormous amount of weight without gastric bypass (which , trust me, I have contemplated & have even gone thru the seminars)  Today I feel good that I am at least turned in the right direction, so today I thank you. 

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 1:50 pm
by mrsj
Welcome Crystal!  I too credit God for lighting my path to find LDL.  I enjoy the foods and believe it's a healthier way to eat.  It's wonderful that you found this before going forward with gastric bypass.  I'm excited by the future you have ahead of you.
God Bless,

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 1:51 pm
by lighthouse
hi my name is colleen.
my sister received you book and i read it today. i think this something i need and can try. the only thing is I'm a diabetic and I'm not so sure of eating all that fruit. i love fruit and i do eat as much as i can with out my sugar going up. my doctor said if i take off the weight i could be able to go off my meds. if any of you can let me know how this as help you i would like to talk.


Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 3:22 pm
by tcasola
First of all, WELCOME to all the NEWBIES that have joined the LDL family since page "62" (WOW .. it's been that long since I checked this post .. shame on me ....)

As for Colleen (Lighthouse) - let me first say ALWAYS CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR before starting a new plan.

With that said, numerous LDL members are (were) diabetics, and have found success with the LDL plan - even with all the fruit. I don’t remember seeing anyone having any adverse ill effects eating the LDL way. Some have even stated that while their doctors originally were apprehensive about them doing this plan, over time they doctors have seen positive results – with no increase in their diabetes. In fact, many had positive results because of the weight they lost.

Please remember, I AM NOT A DOCTOR – nor do I profess to have specific knowledge of what will or won’t harm you.  I am just relaying what others have stated. I cannot stress to talk to your doctor enough.

If you to the search feature, and type in diabetic or diabetes, you’ll see all the posts that deal with this.

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 5:38 pm
by niki
PA Crystal wrote:Hello my name is Crystal.  Today is Day #1 for me.  I feel that God intervened and led me to LDL .

  hi's what He's done for all of us.....with the book in your hand and the right foods, you're on a path of improved health and a better REALLY does work.......keep with it...stay on these boards and let us help you and encourage you....THAT'S why we're here..God bless you, CAN do this and you CAN lose ALL the weight you want to lose......i did...........sincerely,niki

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 5:57 pm
by niki
lighthouse wrote:hi my name is colleen.
my sister received your book and i read it today. i think this something i need and can try. the only thing is I'm a diabetic and I'm not so sure of eating all that fruit. i love fruit and i do eat as much as i can with out my sugar going up. my doctor said if i take off the weight i could be able to go off my meds. if any of you can let me know how this as help you i would like to talk...

  hi colleem....when it comes to dealing with diabetes, let's do lunch is tom said, check out the medical success should start out, perhaps, eating 1 good sized fruit meal in the morning and carefully monitoring your blood you see that they're stable, add more....i'm a nurse and when i do diabetic teaching, i recommend keeping a journal...i think this is especially important when you're on let's do helps you REALLY know what works for you and what doesn't ....i suggest you have salad and/or bean soup for dinner instead of fruit in the beginning...BEANS are GREAT for stabilizing blood sugars......
  ask questions...stick around.........let us help you....i wish you success.........sincerely,niki

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 6:11 pm
by PA Crystal
Thank you MrsJ and Niki for your warm welcome.  Niki your words brought tears to my eyes, it felt like you had reached through my computer screen and hugged me.  And believe me I needed hugged.
I returned home from work today FAMISHED, honestly I was bargaining with myself on my drive home how I would read the book again tonight and start tomorrow.  How silly is that?  Trust me I have been silly most of my adult life when it comes to weight loss and self talk.  Instead, I grabbed the frozen grapes logged on and read your kind words.  I just have to realize that this time period is my RED ALERT time. So any suggestions anyone could give me regarding the crucial time between work and actually eating dinner would be appreciated.
I am looking forward to reaping the rewards of weight loss,  feeling better about myself and meeting/conversing with indivduals who truly "get it."
Bless you angels!

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 7:15 pm
by niki
PA Crystal wrote:  Niki your words brought tears to my eyes, it felt like you had reached through my computer screen and hugged me. 

  we're ALL here for you, crystal...we've been where you are where all you want is to eat that certain something.....
  make sure you have all the allowable stuff in the house that you need to start.....make a meal of fruit in the until you're full....have an elaborate main meal in the beginning...salad, bean soup, entree.....start out with popcorn when you're hungry...when i was first losing on let's do lunch, i ate a big bowl of popcorn twice a day.....i had NO trouble eating until full.....NOONE had to tell me twice....i LOVE to my opinion, beans are really important for stabilizing your blood sugars and getting rid of the do whatever you need to do to them to eat them...the pureed soups are GREAT for someone who needs to acquire a taste for bean soups.....lentils are great, too, because you can make a big pot of lentil soup with a LOT of vegetables and because they're so little, they get lost in the soup....i posted a recipe for lentil soup with meatballs...there's also minestroni soup with meatballs....GREAT STUFF...lean until you're full...THAT'S really important..and never forget we're all in this with you.....sincerely,niki 

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 11:13 pm
by EnJae
Crystal & Colleen;

I pray you both find your answer to weight-loss here, as I have.

[down 52 pounds so far]

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 11:55 pm
by graceface66
Hi Crystal,
      I have found that keeping a bag of popcorn in the car along with a bottle of water takes care of the need to snack while driving. This should hold you over til you can get home for supper. Welcome to your new life! 
                  May G-d bless you

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: August 28th, 2007, 11:26 pm
by robnveronica
Crystal and Colleen...welcome to LDL. EAT EAT EAT! Anything you can at first that's LDL approved whenever you're hungry and eat until you're full. I've lost around 45 pounds total and am well on my way again. Even if you fall off the wagon, you can just get right back on easily (I know, I'm there!)
Ask any and all questions and someone will get back to you to answer!

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 12th, 2007, 4:21 pm
by Forever Young

I had high blood sugar when I first heard about LDL.  I tried to explain LDL to my doctor and he wasn't interested in hearing about it.  But, I felt it was the right answer.  So, checking blood sugars as I went, I began doing LDL.

In the first two months I lost 31 pounds.  Then I was sort of slip-shod and didn't watch as good as I should have, so no weight loss.  However, I did find that my body responded better to the LDL foods than others.

At this point I have lost 40 pounds.  My blood sugar is stabilized and much, much lower than it has been for who knows how long.  My cholesterol levels are normal and below.  My triglycerides are where they belong.  My blood pressure is normal.  Yes, I am still taking meds, but I am monitoring everything along with the doctor.  A few months ago, he said to me, "I would have to say you are well!".  What beautiful music to my ears!

He was amazed at my weight loss and said that he has many patients that need to do what I was doing.  I keep telling him the name of the program, but thus far it hasn't registered.  So, every time I go in to see him I tell him again.

I kept a log of what I was eating and what the sugar readings were.  If I ate something that was different from LDL, I noted that on the page to show what spiked the readings.  He thought that was a great idea.

If I can help you further, please e-mail me or post here, okay?  I will try to answer from my personal experience.  By the way, I also have a low thyroid condition which makes it more difficult to lose weight.


Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 7:59 am
by tigerlily
Hi, I have the book for months and finally decided to do something with it.  I have 35 pounds to lose but most of all I want to have more energy.  All of your stories are inspirational.  I am looking forward to moving ahead.  I have been on the program for 2 days so far.
Thanks for being here!

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 8:09 am
by Forever Young
:)  WELCOME TIGERLILY AND ALL THE REST OF YOU NEWCOMERS!  WE ARE SO GLAD YOU HAVE FOUND THE Let's Do Lunchtm lunch bunchers on our way to SKINNYTOWN via the LDL eating plan!

Ask any questions you may have and someone will be happy to answer it.  If you stay on LDL you will find that your cravings go away and you will have much more energy...and you will feel better physically!

Keep on keeping on...on the LDL train to SKINNYTOWN!



Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 9:48 pm
by mrsj
Welcome tigerlily to a lifestyle of healthy eating.  With all the help offered here on the boards as you read your book you can look forward to the info you need to lose the weight.  Before you know it you will be sharing your own inspirational story.
We'd love to hear about your journey.

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 10:27 pm
by niki
hi have the book and you've already started....if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask....let's do lunch has changed my's totally CHANGED the way i look at can do this for YOU too...i highly recommend eating beans as much and as often as you can....if you think you don't like beans, try starting with lentils or try some of the pureed bean soup recipes...........they REALLY help stabilize your blood sugars to REALLY get rid of the cravings..........welcome to our boards........sincerely,niki

Re: Newcomers ... Please introduce yourself!

Posted: September 21st, 2007, 9:26 pm
by jd2
Tori wrote:The LDL team would like to welcome all of our new friends to Let's Do Lunch! Please take a moment to post here, and let us know you have joined the ranks of the LDL family.

This thread is meant as a "Meet and Greet", so please introduce yourselves, so we can welcome you properly!   ;D

God bless you, and again, welcome to our family!

The LDL Team