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Posted: June 25th, 2009, 2:09 pm
by aaa
Dear Mary, Wanted to be sure you received my post; it is on my food journal page. Whenever I start to get discouraged I think about you and Roger.  Keep praying I can finally stick with something to get these pounds off and get healthy.  thanks!  Love and prayers, Annamaria


Posted: June 25th, 2009, 2:16 pm
by aaa
Dear Roger,  I wanted you to check out my post for you on my Food Journal page.  As I commented to "Little Mary", you both are truly my inspiration to stick with this. Would you pray also for my willpower? I made "Neet's" meatloaf for my husband, Steve, who decided to join me in this endeavor.  He loved it!!! I',m having chili today and meatloaf tomorrow. Again, I have read many posts about the blue cheese stalling weight loss. Will 1/2 of 1 of 4 meatloaves from the enough to stall?! We also use a FEW blue cheese crumbles whenever we have salad also. Thanks again for being YOU!!! Love and prayers, Annamaria 


Posted: June 25th, 2009, 4:06 pm
by niki
Roger Troy Wilson wrote:Believe me, Annamaria, when I say that a few blue cheese crumbles will NOT stall weight loss! If someone is saying that, then in my opinion they are doing something else that is really wrong!

i have to tell you, roger, that what i say depends on who i'm talking to....
here are the different scenarios...
someone who doesn't lose easily......i wouldn't have even lost my average of 4 pounds a month if i had been putting blue cheese crumbles on my salad...FIRST of all, my crumbles would have gotten a little bigger every day until there were BOULDERS on my salad........
the way i explain to people is that everyone likes to add certain things or be a little more lavish,say, in something like the amount of olive oil they cook with....for you, one of those things was blue cheese.........NOW, how easily someone could say, "well, blue cheese crumbles are allowed, but to make it work for me, i'm going to add __________."....until the let's do lunch format is almost unrecognizable.......
bear in mind that YOU'RE a man and men lose weight more easily than women do....and in the beginning when you first started losing weight, you COULD eat more and lose weight than you were able to on your last 30 pounds........
so, i do tell people that it depends on how they lose weight and how much weight they need to lose........someone who has a lot more weight to lose NEEDS to make more exceptions because they've got a longer trip ahead of them.....


Posted: June 25th, 2009, 7:20 pm
by aaa
Dear Roger and Nikki, Thanks for the response to my blue cheese question. I just love the way everyone is soooo helpful. Love and prayers, Annamaria


Posted: June 25th, 2009, 7:57 pm
by skinner109
newbie here and I am looking forward to starting the LDL tomorrow.


Posted: June 26th, 2009, 10:11 pm
by sunshinegirl
Sunshinegirl,  I'm new just got my book.  Are we allowed to have  barley?  The bag says that it is a bean.  Thank you.


Posted: July 12th, 2009, 8:31 am
by cjredhead
hey Cj here Houston,Tx new to LDL but am loving it. In the book it says you can use Slenda and it is the only sweetner we use what should we use instead?


Posted: July 12th, 2009, 9:20 am
by EnJae
cjredhead wrote:hey Cj here Houston,Tx new to LDL but am loving it. In the book it says you can use Slenda and it is the only sweetner we use what should we use instead?

Hi Cj, I'm in Abilene.
I'm sorry, your post isn't clear, what are you asking?


Posted: July 14th, 2009, 3:06 am
by docsal
hi ya'll i love cheese and am having a hard time with getting rid of cheese. i have gotten rid of bread (for the most part- i have a pretzel with soya cheese on it maybe once every other week or so). I have NO DESIRE whatsoever for candy, cake, pie or sweeties. I no longer crave bread. I no longer eat pasta or want pasta. I no longer eat rice or want to eat rice. I just cant seem to get over cheese. I love 2% velveeta with rotel chili's and tomatoes with turkey chili and beans in it with corn thins. HOW CAN I GET OFF CHEESE??? I have read the blue and red books 2 times each. I dont have the menu cards. I have amped up the beans and the corn, popcorn and fruit. I really need to get off of cheese. any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I also want to share a recipe and dont know where to do that. I also found out i love champagne grapes frozen and dont like regular grapes at all let alone frozen. I also only need to eat about 10 or so champagne grapes and then i am done eating them. I do eat watermelon and pineapple as if they were going out of style. i also eat plenty of other fruit, these are just my faves. hope you all are having a great day. sal


Posted: July 14th, 2009, 12:46 pm
by niki
Roger Troy Wilson wrote:Hi Sal. The only craving that will satisfy cheese is CHEESE, and you have to satisfy that craving. So, try all the different fat-free cheeses to see which one you like the best, and go with that. If there are none, then like the book says, go with the least fattening that tastes the best to you. Therefore, try all the low-fat cheeses and go with the one that tastes the best to you.

Then, after you find the cheese that will satisfy your cheese cravings, when you eat that particular cheese, eat as little as possible to satisfy your craving...and then don't eat it again until you have a cheese craving. You will be surprised at how your cheese cravings will become fewer and fewer.

this wasn't my experience.....i've never been able to diet and eat cheese....because i can't stop....i LOVE cheese...ohmygosh..cheddar, feta,monterey jack,provolone.....LOVE THEM and more.....the only thing that worked for me was to completely stay away from them and eat loads of beans soups...loads of beans.....and then, even though i still love cheese, i'm NOT tempted to eat it.....for me, it's just like chocolate...i CAN'T eat a small piece of chocolate and walk away, either...........
for my birthday dinner, i had bought the mozarella rolled up with prosciutto for my son-in-law....he ended up not coming and it's been in my fridge for a couple of weeks.....DOESN'T bother me...
my recommendation is to eat LOADS of beans...THAT was what worked for me(along with all the other allowable foods)........ 


Posted: July 15th, 2009, 1:15 pm
by docsal
hi ev1, i am still trying to get rid of cheese in my diet. i am on soya, veggy and sometimes 2% kraft or borden either singles or 2% velveeta. I am not eating tons of it like i used to, however, i am still craving cheese ALOT. i love cheese with rotel or spinach in it on corn thins. i love corn thins too. i have ramped up the refried beans and corn and am all but off of red meat and am off of bread, pasta, rice, grains, etc. i like fruit and am eating it, but not like a maniac or anything. i am eating lots of veggies. i am keeping a food diary. i am down from 2-3 2liters of cold drinks per day to 1-2 20oz diet colas per week and i find that i pour them and then dont even finish them, so they are all but gone too. i am feeling really good. i have less edema and more energy. I do want to get off of cheese though. i think that would help me a lot and i am not sure how to do it. also i am insulin resistant and i find that if i take fruit for breakfast and dinner that i need to put either beans or 2% cottage cheese with it or i get a hypoglycemic episode. please help. sal ;D


Posted: July 15th, 2009, 1:22 pm
by docsal
thank you guys, I didnt see your post when I put the next one on here. I am going to take your advice BOTH of you. I will ramp up the beans and since I am on the low fat cheeses I will only take them when i cant stand it anymore. SO, here's hoping!!! I feel really good like I have done quite a bit of good so far on the diet. I am really happy with the way i am feeling. I have noticed a few amazing things one thing is that I have dimples in my cheeks and I had forgotten it. My cheeks were so swollen from the edema from the metabolic syndrome that I forgot what i really even look like. Now I am starting to see some slimness coming back to my face because I noticed my dimples are back on my cheeks. THIS IS AMAZING. I have not seen them in 4 years. Thanks for all the help and encouragement. I am so loving this plan and this site. Sal *love*


Posted: July 18th, 2009, 12:29 am
by docsal
thank you roger troy, so much, for everything, really. this is actually so much fun. i have never had this much fun on a "diet" before. I always used to say that diet was Die with a T... LOL... I teach my patients that "Diet" is nothing but the choices you make in regards to the foods you will eat. "Nutrition" is what you GET from those choices. Kind of helps put it all in a different light. I also tell them "You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time". Which means, make a goal -  I want to weigh 160lbs and feel ultra healthy- that is my goal. I can only get there one day at a time. So the comment means to chunk the BIG GOAL down into smaller more obtainable goals and before you know it, the BIG GOAL is met. Kind of like magic. LOL....BTW, I went to a meeting for work last night and we had not met (this particular group) for 3 weeks. We usually meet every other week. ANYWHO, FIRST THING when I walk in, everyone says... WOW Doc, you look like you have lost a good bit of weight!! SO, I havent weighed in a while and I am not going to. I think I will wait another month or so and see just what is what with that old scale. LOL... Lovin' it...Sal *love*  :D


Posted: August 4th, 2009, 11:52 am
by Floridanurse
I am back Let's do Lunch Followers! :) I have been getting steroid shots for 2 years since I was  first on The plan & After following it diligently the steroids won & I have packed the weight back on & went back to feeding the cravings the steroid shots gave me. I really hate how I feel with the weight gain & my neck & body pain are not any better r/t Fibromyalgia & herniated disc in my cervical spine. I am trying to give up the shots & see with weight loss I will feel better! Have my Book & today is my first day to get back on the plan, Need some encouragement to stay with plan.  Looking forward to being happy at looking good again!,Rita(Florida Nurse)