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Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 9:42 am
by niki about a Let's do lunch resort where you supervise the cooking and once i've reached my ideal weight,can do the fitness and diabetic counseling?...good..let's start one.......we have to wait for the ldl revolution? that case,we still need a place.........back to the drawing board.........niki
ps...a closet socialist,huh.............

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 10:09 am
by niki
hey,i agree with you about feeding the poor and hungry..but,i like to discuss politics...although, if you insist, i'll just eat............niki

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 10:56 am
by joecaracappa
We would have to raise a lot of chickens on the ranch, some cattle, no hogs. Perhaps of of our members could genetically engineer an all white meat chicken or perhaps cross a steer with a leghorn. I could see it now, a 1500 pound low fat animal bearing the LDL brand. We could feed it crispbread, onions, carrots, portabellas and Gorgonzola then just grind it up into Neet's meatloaf.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 11:12 am
by niki
no,no,no.........we're not going to raise animals to eat them....we're going to have a place where people can follow the program by example and'll be like a retreat.....we could have horses for riding(who's going to take care of that?...richard,you're from texas)...and anyway,who's going to kill those animals so that we can eat them?...first of all,i will have named them all,so it'll be hard to kill a chicken whose name is henrietta.......
  i definitely am going to eat less and less meat and get ready to return to my vegetarian origins..............niki

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 11:24 am
by joecaracappa

I Don't think they have vegetarians in's a law or something.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 12:05 pm
by tcasola
I think it has something to do with Bush Sr. and his distain for broccoli

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 12:30 pm
by niki
oh yeah,like i'm going to believe that...and then you'll have a bridge to sell me(brooklyn).........niki

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 4:56 pm
by rhernan216
Texas Proud All the Way...we raise beef cattle as high school projects..they even give us grades for it and credits!!!

Texan Born and Texan Bred...When I die I'll be A Texan Dead.

In the land of Big Oil , Big Cattle and Big Hair We also have Big Waste, Big Waists and Big Health problems.

Thanks to LDL this is one Texan that won't be a Texan dead before his time.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 5:45 pm
by niki
   you guys are so funny..and when there's a lull,i just come back on this topic and visit the dancing fruit that joe has yet to catch..........
   so if you can raise cattle,can you ride a horse?..............because it would be a great idea to have a Let's do lunch ranch where people learn to eat this way by example,get nutritional counseling,exercise AND ride,can you do that? ARE from texas..........niki     

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 7:37 pm
by niki
ok lm.........then after you feed everybody,you can teach them how to do the cotton eye joe.........niki

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 8:52 pm
by rhernan216
In my book if you can Cotton eye joe you are ALRIGHT!!...Don't forget those big dangly ear rings!!!
Been here all my life and i could'nt
think of livin' no place else!

God Bless Texas!

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 11:22 pm
by TNangela
You guys are hilarious!! Yall described my best friend to a T..she lives near Dallas of course...
At this ranch I volunteer to rock all the babies and run after kids it is what I do best, and Hannah can be the greeter...her favorite line is Hi My name is Hannah...what's yours??
Mary, that is so odd about your ears but pregnancy and hormones do strange my 4th pregnancy I was 30 and had the brownest eyes my entire life.....overnight they changed green and have stayed that way and Seth has the darkest brown eyes they look like dark chocolate...I guess he drained it out of mine!!My last child even has my green eyes and the others all have brown.  ANG

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 11:55 pm
by niki
hey..are you kidding?...i'm so naive,if you told me that the meat came from the supermarket,i would believe you.. and not believe that it was either poor henrietta or gertrude..........not to mention that i'll be busy learning how to do the "cotton eye joe" IF such a dance really exists.........i LOVE to dance....2 ex-husbands and neither one of them liked to dance..........niki

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: July 31st, 2006, 10:58 am
by TNangela
Mary, I am not so sure about the green smoothies..I am more likely to get them to exercise without knowing it calling it an adventure.
I havent even been brave enough to try green smoothies!! I am unfortunately not too close to either. The only Hot springs I am familiar with is gorgeous but its in Arkansas...about a 6 hour drive from me.  Asheville is still probably 4.5 to 5 hours away.  If you ever get in Tennessee you yell louder than the crickets and I will hear you!
Niki, The Cotton Eyed Joe is a true dance...It has been years since I have tried it though!