TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

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Sicilian Mama
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »

Sorry... didn't mean to get on my soap box... yet again... I have a bad habit of doing that... bare with me.

Lets see... stuff about me that I might have in common with others... hmmm....

I've only been overweight since my third baby was born 10 years ago... I hurt my back, and was in a state of constant pain for almost 2 years... and on crept the weight... and when I was healed... I just got lazy and didn't work out or care what went into my mouth...

From the time I was 4 until I was 21, I was in a dance company that traveled all over the country doing tap, jazz, rythym...

I am a native Southern Californian... my parents were both born and raised in Italy... my Dad came here when we was 26 and my Mama when she was 17.. they met here in the states.

I have tried out via video tape twice for The Next Food Network Star... to no avail...

I have a degree in Psychology and English. (I know... both not food related...)

I have three sons..., We travel all over the world with them... they are great kids so far...

That's about it for now... Any one have something else in common with me???
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by lpomlove »

I have 3 boys..
Deborah D.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Sicilian Mama I had a very bad back problems for years...ended up in a wheelchair for 3 weeks, 3 different times....but when I moved to Fort Worth and got married the first time, then my problem went away, and so far it has not come back...and that has been 7 years now...

I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by wendysgoodnews »

I started gaining weight big time when I quit smoking.  I started dieting and hiking and was able to get it down.  Then our church had a big split and we were left without our family (and without a church) that we had loved for years.  I guess I just held onto the grief for so long and when I am upset or stressed I eat.  I then hurt my knee and had to have surgery and found that didn't solve the problem and had to quit hiking and most excersizing I was doing.  I got very depressed and just gave in to all the negative living and thinking.  Since then my back has been very painful and when they took xrays they found I have disk disease and I would suspect arthritus from when I fractured my back in a car accident years ago.  I am finally going into Missoula to a knee specialist to see about having a knee replacement and going to the pain center to see what they can do for my back.  I am feeling excited about this since I can only stand for short periods and I can only walk short distances now.  I want to see myself back hiking the beautiful mountains of Montana and riding my bike so that is one of my goals when I get out of pain and lose some of this weight.

I have 2 sons, both are now living in Idaho so we are empty nesters, well sort of we have our beloved dogs that are now our children. My younger son left this year to attend college so he still comes home often to visit.  We adopted him when he was 6 wks old and we are so proud of what a nice boy he is and how many obstacles he has overcome.  

My husband and I owned 2 businesses for over 20 years in Montana.  We left the last one about 3 years ago but because I just couldn't go to work in my condition, mentally or physically we have lived on the money we saved for years.  Mike has in the last 6 months found work and that has helped the stress alot around our house.  I have been praying for a home business on the computer that will help out.  I have sold on Ebay for years but I am praying for something that is more available for me to sell.  

Of all the diets, support groups and weigh in programs this has been the most precious I have ever found.  I thank everyone for the support and friendship.

I have to say this posting has been good for me since I am generally a very private person.  I don't know who else was raised with your mother saying don't tell everything you know.  And we learned to keep quiet and not tell anything so it has been a hard thing for me to learn to open up even a little in my adult life.  So this is great feeling safe enough to talk about myself.  thanks
Last edited by wendysgoodnews on December 10th, 2009, 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by MsHeirloom »

SM- I love your picture.  It does feel more face-to-face when we can see  what the other person looks like.  I, too, am the mother of three sons.  They are now 39, 37, and 35.  I was inspired when Deborah revealed her weight and did the same.  That night when I went to bed I was thinking about it and could hardly believe that I had written my past and present weight.  Not even my husband knows what I weigh, although I bet he has a pretty accurate guess!  I don't regret it; I'm just surprised.  In analysis, I think it is/was a statement of faith that this is the plan that will finally allow me say "I used to be obese, but I will never be again."  I will be on this thread more than the others.  We are soul-sisters.  We're in this together to the finish line.  Pam
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by o2bthin »

Wow, Sicilian Mama, I WISH I had more in common with you - you've lead such an interesting life so far.  And, more good stuff in the future.  I've been out of the good ole USA one time, back in the mid '80s...went to Ecuador with a group of young people from the church.  It was a wonderful experience.  Deb was on the trip to Ecuador, too (yep, we did a LOT of stuff together) and the year before she went to the Philippines without me!

I'm 58 yrs old, never married, no children except my little four-legged one.

For years, I've dreamed of visiting Montana or better yet living there.  I've never been there but have fallen in love with it just from looking at pictures, travelogues and movies filmed there.  Wendy, I envy you your life there - to be surrounded by such beauty must be heaven.

Yay, Pam, I'm with you girl.  We are stepping out in faith, shedding our unhealthy past and claiming by faith our bright and slimmer future!!

Hugs to all, and Happy LDL Eating!
Started LDL - Sept. 8, 2009              
Beginning weight - 247                 
Goal weight - 147 or less

'Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.'                   III John 2             

Ginny M.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Ginny M. »

Count me in.  I know my ticker says 75 pounds to loose but I had already lost some before starting LDL.  My highest weight was 245 . . . I absolutely refused to hit 250.  Lost to 201 and went back up to 245.  Back down to 210 and back up to 245 again.  Over the last 3 years I lost about 20 pounds and began LDL on May 15, 2009.  I have lost almost 30 pounds since then and have not been this low since before the early 1990's.  I set 150 as a very conservative goal.  I really should be in the 120's as I am only 5' (lost 2 inches).  I figured when I get to 150 I will decide about lowering my goal.  Sooooo, technically I am in the 100 pound club. 

I am 58, my "home" is in Michigan (Detroit vacinity).  I snowbird to LaBelle, Florida.  I have been dieting since age 13.  This time I will do it.  I have 2 boys (25 & 31) and a fur baby.  My DH and I love to travel and plan to see as much of this continent as possible.

Sicilian Mama
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »

Lots of us have been blessed with sons!!!

Thank you for the compliment on the picture... It was taken last week... so it's a 'during LDL' picture.

I, too, have always wanted to visit Montana... It looks breathtaking...

I ADORE California though... not to many people living here say that... but I love it...

Tonight was a huge banquet for my oldest son's football team, and the food there was incredible... what did I eat?  Salad and vinegrette, and steamed veggies...
and we just got home and I ate two oranges... I was starving...  I ate all my protein this afternoon because I knew none of the food at the banquet was going to be LDL friendly. Ugh...
What I would have given for a huge bowl of fruit...
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Clown Lady »

Hello I am Clown Lady
I orignally set my goal at 175 as it was the the weight I was when I married 47 years ago.  The lowest I ever remember in my adult years is 165 after the birth of my first child.  Quit smoking. lost a Son, a twin brother, older brother all before there time and started eating to the grand total of 289.  I was diagnoised with high blood pressure and was told to take of weight.  Yah went down to 240, and then yoyo'ed.  Down a little and up alot you get the message.  I just love to eat and cook.   In Jan of this year I was 270 and when I started in May I was 260 so that is where I started my LDL ticker.  Yes I am one of those who do a little of the no no's and I know it has stalled my weight loss.  But my doctor did say not to lose it to fast.  His reason was that your body has to catch up.  I don't understand that.  I just want the two rolls around my middle to go away.  Some has but I want the rest to go.  My weight is coming off 1-2 pounds a week.  I would like to go lower than the 175 but just to get to that would be wonderful.  I was in a size 28 and Snoopy just sent me 18-20 and they fit.  I don't remember when I last wore that size.  
Sicilian Mama
I was born and raised in California.  Born in Bakersfield and at the age of 2 went to South Gate and lived there until we move to Oklahoma.  I had two children.  my son passed away at the age of 19 and I have Snoopy who is the light of my life.  Two of the most handsome grandson's they are such great young adults.  I am also an empty nester and at holidays I struggle.  That is why this web site is so good for me.  Since my move to a new house last month it has been hard to keep focused on my WOE.  I love the new house but I still have alot of putting away to do.
I would like to get back on a pure track and avoid the temptations.  I know I can do it.  I would like to have 100 pounds off but it was not my origanal goal.   May I join the One Hundred Pound Club?
Clown Lady
Last edited by Clown Lady on December 11th, 2009, 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by NanaX2 »

Hi Everyone,

My name is Shari and I started with my daughter on LDL last Sunday. So far I've done pretty good and have enjoyed this way of eating. I did "feel" bad the first few days but I read on the message boards that sometimes it's normal due to toxins and what not leaving your body. I have well over a hundred lbs to lose but am confident that I can do it with God's help and staying on plan.

A little about myself....

I'm 46, and married to the best guy in the world. I have a wonderful daughter and son-in-law (who is in Afghanistan) and 2 beautiful grandchildren ( grandson 2 years old and a 6 week old granddaughter). I love sewing and quilting.

Glad to see this "thread"..it is so helpful to know you aren't the only one with a long way to go. My first goal is 50lbs, I decided to set goals in increments so that the "big" picture wouldn't seem so overwhelming.

Can't wait to get to "know" all of you and share the journey....btw did I mention I LOVE beans..!!!  :D

I have to get one of those little tickers...too cute.

Love in Christ,
Deborah D.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Ginny, Clown Lady and NanaX2 your all WELCOME to the 100 lb club, we all need help along the way and that why we started this thread...Can't wait to get to know everyone and start seeing all the weight loss that will go on here....

NanaX2 you can just click on anyones ticker and it will take you to where you can crate your own....or go www.tickerfactory.com or here is the information on it from Little Mary...and  she should know...

How Do I Get my own "Weight-Loss Ticker?"
« on: June 19, 2009, 02:41:05 PM »  


Some people like to add a customized "Weight Loss" ticker to their profile, so they can display their weight-loss progress for all to see.  (DON'T use this as an excuse to jump on and off the scale all the time, though!  Please don't weigh in and update your ticker more than once every month or two!)  I am not very computer savvy, so I have borrowed this explanation on how to get your ticker from another wonderful member of these boards, greenheron.  Here it is:

You can click on almost anyone's ticker that will take you to Ticker Factory, or go to www.tickerfactory.com.

When you're there, you'll want to click on Weight Loss...a little way down the left hand column.  Then go through the steps...pick a border/line thingy...there are pages of them. Then pick the little doodad that moves.

Fill in your weight, your goal, choose if you want to display weight or just how much lost....and if you want, height for BMI.  If you fill in the date, then it will keep track of each change and graph it for you when you go to update.  

You make up your own PIN...can be a word, or numbers....then it will show you your finished product, and there will be codes in boxes.  The one you want is the BB code, for Bulletin Board....highlight all the text in the box, then copy it.

Here on this board, go to Profile, then Forum Profile Information, and paste the code into your signature box.  Make sure you save/change  and that's it.

Before you leave the Ticker Factory, bookmark the page with your finished ticker, so you can go back and edit.  When you edit, it will automatically change the ticker on LDL.  

Thanks, greenheron!


Thanks everyone for joining this club....

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 11th, 2009, 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

Sicilian Mama
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »

Like that little lady on Poltergeist said on the movie...

"Aaalll are welcome... Alllll are welcome..."

Clownlady... so sorry for all your losses... and I hope the only losses you have from now on are pounds, pounds, pounds!!!!
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by lpomlove »

yes I agree with Sicilian Mama.  Nanax2, I also love to quit.  I'm not near as good as my mother-In-Law was, but sure love it that she showed me how.  I started knitting about 6 months ago.  WOW.  I am hooked.. That is the best thing I have found for my fibromyalgia.  It makes me so calm.  Also I wanted to say that I made the pizza soup last night..  can't get enough..  It seems like I think to my self. right... when someone talks about recipes.  but these on here are just amazing. and I have to say.. you were right..lol
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by NanaX2 »

Jessica - I am a beginner quilter too, I also like making bags and have made several diaper bags and purses. I'm not that great at it but it is so relaxing.

I was off work today so my daughter and I just got back from Fresh Market buying all kinds of fruits and veggies...man, I love that store.  I know we can have Edamame but do any of you know if it's acceptable to have them roasted..? They had some at the store and I was just wondering..
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Roasted vegetables are fine, and even fried in Extra Virgin Olive Oil is fine just no breading...and be sure to read the ingredent list just in case, they try to add sugars to them.

Deborah D.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by 2good2btrue »

Hi, my name is Cheryl and I too have a 100 lbs to lose.  I am 59 years of age also have two grown sons 40 and 38.  I started gaining weight when I married my husband.  He does all of the cooking because that destress's him from his work.  He is a Bankruptcy attorney which keeps him busy trying to save people their homes.  I am still working fulltime as a Pediatric Administrator. (I have to keep up with 10 physicians)  I started LDL about a month ago and have lost 17 1/2 lbs.  I am a diabetic with insulin, lupus, and limited mobility.  I had to have my hip replaced 2 times this past summer because of my weight and because of diabetes.  (It wouldn't heal).  I am doing just fine now and can finally go up and down stairs. I'm glad that I have found this web site and friends like yourself.  The communication given on this board is amazing; it gives you hope, reassurance, recipe's, how to's, and friends.  I can't thank you enough thaat I am doing LDL and I am thankful to God and to all of you.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to put my picture in my profile.  Oh, I forgot I also am blessed with 11 grandchildren.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by NanaX2 »

Deborah - The edamame was already roasted and packaged...don't know if that makes a difference. I usually say when in doubt, leave it out but I thought these might be a good snack or topping on a salad. Just want to make sure before I indulge.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »

Hi I am Linda,
I am 58 and have 100 lbs to loose from my all time high weight even though I would be satified to get 80 off. After reading Little Mary's and Crickadoodle's success stories, I think that on this plan I could do the 100lbs afterall. BTW my picture is really pre-LDL. It was taken 30 yrs ago but it is now a picture of my goal. I hate any pictures of me now. Once I reach my goal I may post how bad I was, accent on WAS.
I was born and raised in Ohio, struggled with my weight even as a little girl being teased about being fat. I look at my elementary school pics and realize I was not fat at all. That set me up for the starvation diets to quickly loose weight. By the time I was in high school I could only maintain my 110-115 weight eating only 800 cal per day with vigorous exercise. My weight went up to the 150's after getting married and wanting to be the good wife and cook all DH's favorite foods. Lots of bread, biscuits, cornbread and everything else but beans fried. He lost weight at the same rate I was gaining even though he was eating 3 times the quantity of food. We moved to Colorado for a year, then after DH received Jesus, we moved to his home state of Oklahoma. Eventually he did begin gaining and we went on a partial fast with Pat Robertson, fasting until 3pm every day. We both lost to our goal weight, then we started our family and life became.. go for the cheap and easy.....eating from the dollar menus at the fast food burger joints and filling in with the day-old sweets from the bread store. I topped out at my max weight when child #2 was born. I could loose some but always gained back to that level. As we started getting better info on nutrition God's way on Christian TV programs, we started cutting out white sugar, white flour, white potatoes, corn syrup and MSG. We became real label-readers. Shopping took longer but we were making healthier choices. Then we started eliminating processed foods and eating more whole foods. DH decided he needed more beans so he began fixing them himself 2-3 times a week. I was relieved to be able to come home and not have to cook. Then he saw Roger on the 700 Club last month and encouraged me to check out the web site. We now know that we are on the right path. DH is still loosing at a much faster rate than I am but I know it will happen for me too. I know so many people having the Bariatric surgery, I would just like to be an example that you don't have to go that route.
So, I am joining the 100 club even though 22 lbs have already been dealt with. I need to break the plateau and get on to Onederland.  I appreciate everyone's help and encouragement. I believe most can succeed on this plan when they have failed on others.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
Deborah D.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

NanaX2 as we said just read the ingredient list, if there is one, and see whats in them...and as long as there is no hidden sugars (any thing ending with OSE is a hidden sugar) or other stuff we don't need then I would go for it. they sound real good, so if you do get them let us know.....

And welcome Linda RN to the 100 lb club...always happy to welcome another member to our thread...just jump right on in and get your feet wet..I have read and enjoyed some of your others post.

Well I found some Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil that is cold-pressed and unrefined contains no sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives. so I wanted to know is this the coconut oil everyone is talking about ?....it was only 7.99 for a 12oz jar.  Would like to make sure before using it, if its not the right one I will take back tomorrow....and if it is the right one then I will be making me some popcorn tonight for dinner....

Well I need to go start cooking for our men's prayer breakfast tomorrow, I am doing eggs with onions, bell pepper, sausage, and cheese and they will make into a soft flour taco...  I am going to start cooking the sausage, bell pepper and onions tonight then just finish cooking them tomorrow morning right before taking to the church at 9:00 AM.  So will check back tonight before going to bed.

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 11th, 2009, 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by NanaX2 »

Hi Cheryl and Linda....welcome to the club.  *love*
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