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Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 27th, 2006, 3:49 pm
by Tori
No, there's no "cure" per say, but there is help! I had a friend that has this disorder, and I was dumbfounded about the extent it can get to. Here are a few sites that may be helpful, if you feel the need to pass it along:

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 27th, 2006, 5:47 pm
by Queenie
Or you could just invite me to stay for a week.  All you have to do is get me there and feed me LDL foods for the duration.  I'm a GREAT chuckker!  I start with three piles -
"give away"
"throw away"
"put away"
Now, before I go patting myself on the back, I'll have to tell you that when it applies to me, I MUST be in the mood.  That mood happens to come along about once a year now!

Yes, Veronica, I used to do all of that and more...  now I'm part of a team.  Of course, I also work full time now, so there's no way I could do that...


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 28th, 2006, 6:07 pm
by robnveronica
OK...did someone call my home and have a talk with my kids???? I woke up today to find my 2nd daughter "Trying" to help do dishes (note I said trying...not sure if she is getting them clean or just moving around the dirt but I did say THANK YOU and that I want the dishes rinsed off and put into the dishwasher) and I found my oldest attempting to clean off the kitchen table so that we might actually get to sit and eat where we are supposed to!!!
Maybe they just got ESP and decided that it was time to pitch in?!
Hubby actually did at least 3 baskets of laundry in past 3 days and started to fold and got 3 kids to put away at least some???!!!!
Carolyn...If I could afford it I'd love to fly oyou out here to visit, but would never ever dream of asking you to help clean up the apt!
Ok I think I woke up in the Wrong life/apt/time zone! This can't be my family!!!

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 28th, 2006, 10:47 pm
by joecaracappa
Just wait until you find out what they want for Christmas!


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 29th, 2006, 1:40 am
by robnveronica
Joe...they are in deep trouble tonight and in deep danger of losing Christmas presents that haven't even been bought yet! I'm also threatening to call Santa and tell him to not even bother for them! (They have been fighting and irritating each other all afternoon/evening and not llistening in general!)
And as for waiting to find out what they want....I already know EVERYTHING THEY SEE!!!

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 29th, 2006, 2:05 am
by joecaracappa
I just read the email from Suzie reminding me that it is NEXT Sunday we are meeting me, silly me!


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 29th, 2006, 2:17 am
by EnJae
Joe wrote:
"I just read the email from Suzie reminding me that it is NEXT Sunday we are meeting me, silly me!"

Joe? You have not met yourself yet?!?

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 30th, 2006, 3:07 pm
by Grammasuz
enjae wrote:Joe wrote:
"I just read the email from Suzie reminding me that it is NEXT Sunday we are meeting me, silly me!"

Joe? You have not met yourself yet?!?

Hi NJ, Isn't it strange?  I haven't met Joe and Joe hasn't met JOE!!  Go figure! Well I'll let you know how this "meeting" goes, kinda like the me  :) , myself ;),   and I!  :D

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 30th, 2006, 3:41 pm
by Grammasuz
He told me I can look UP and he'll look DOWN!  But even with the height I said I'll wear my "Warning- Grandma with Photos" t-shirt.  It has a place for me to put three photos in, so I'll put in the photos of Veronica's three girls!

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 30th, 2006, 4:40 pm
by joecaracappa
enjae wrote: Joe? You have not met yourself yet?!?

I met myself once some years ago but found I had nothing in common.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 9:57 am
Carolyn, forget about husband will want to know how soon before you can move in!!!!!!

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 3:08 pm
by Queenie

Mr. Debbie is so funny!!!
