TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Jessica »

I learned quite recently that I need to have my days planned out or things will go horribly horribly wrong.  I usually make sure I have my meals planned out for the week, made-up if at all possible, and appropriate snacks on hand.  Well a couple weeks ago I didn't make up my lunches for work ahead of time and I didn't have the usual stuff for dinner and snacks on hand.  I just thought I would make due with what I had and play it by ear.  So, I ended up going to the grocery story almost every night (spending a lot more money) which made me not only eat way too much for the whole week, but also go off plan.  It was a lesson learned.  Now I know that I need to have my meals planned out and made up each week or I will regret it.

I have known all of this dieting stuff since I was in middle school, but somehow I find myself learning all of these lessons that I have known the answers to for years.  I am, thankfully, learning them.  I have found that if I take my falls-off-the-wagon as a lesson learned as opposed to a defeat, I am much better off.  I have a much better attitude and I am able to get right back on the wagon without a problem.

I am losing weight slowly, but I would rather be slightly lighter than slightly heavier at the end of each week.  So, I am happy!! 

Have a great weekend,

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Gwennaford »

Jess, it's really true.  We KNOW all these things, but it was never possible to put them into practice for a lifetime prior to LDL.  Thank God for enabling RT to share it with us!

Deborah, I feel your frustration & can totally empathize with you.  I am going to be very careful here, because I don't want to get in trouble with anyone, so I will only speak of MY experiences.  I was married to two different men who were insecure, but stubbornly resistant to learning anything new.  And CERTAINLY not anything that had to be applied toward changing any of their ways.  They both used food for a weapon to control and manipulate people. (I'll eat what I want, when I want and if you don't cook what I like the WAY I like I will just go somewhere that will! I work hard and you would think I could get a decent meal when I get home.  Now will you please throw this away and go fry me some potatoes???!!!)  Being insecure, they would also feel threatened with any changes I wanted to make in MY eating habits, because it took away some of their authority over me.  

Neil was both ways.  Not only was he vigorously opposed to anyone trying to "change him", but he worried constantly that I was going to lose weight and get healthy so I wouldn't "need" him anymore and I would leave him for someone else.  Once he came home triumphantly carrying a big shopping bag of chocolate that a co-worker had picked up for him on a trip to Hershey, PA.  Neil had given him $100 to bring home candy for me to make me feel better because I weighed 400 pounds and was bedbound, crippled with arthritis.

I don't know the answer, Mrs. D.  There is something confused in some people's attitudes that makes them feel like they want to control others with food.  The only thing we can do is pray for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of them, soften their hearts, open their minds, and relax their attitudes toward us and our needs.  I surely do know that explaining, begging and cajoling don't work. Neither does anger and rebellion.  

But it's just not fair that you have to live on bean salad three meals a day for a week because that's the only thing you are allowed to fix.  What does your DH eat for his meals while you are eating bean salad?  Would it be possible to start with stocking up, cooking and freezing only one extra thing a week?  Like getting 15 pounds of chicken breasts when they are on sale and fixing them, putting them away out of sight before stocking up on a different ingredient next time?  What does he say about saving time and money with the "Cook Once, Eat Twice" philisophy? I don't understand why he won't let you cook an extra casserole to put in your freezer. 
Last edited by Gwennaford on April 10th, 2010, 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Gwen he will let me cook a few things and freeze them, but then until they are all gone he does not want me to cook again...for some reason he does not want a lot of food cooked up and frozen....One time I made 4 different kinds of soups and froze them, because we through I would be going to work, but I did not get the job...so I got tried of eating the same soup, and I am down to 2 kinds of soup in the freezer, so when they are gone then I can cook again.  I did cook some fresh squash yesterday for supper but then we ended up going out with his brother and his wife.  Then today for lunch he took me and my friend out to lunch at a new restruant he wanted to try....I got a grilled chicken salad and water.

And most of the time he eats out, but some times he will eat what I cook.  He is a good man, but just has a few little quirks, that needs to be worked out....and right now he is a LOT better then when we first got married....so I believe the lord is working on him a little at a time.  But right now there is no way he would let me get 15 lbs of any kind of meat to cook, cause it just the two of us...but one of these day I will be able to....

Deborah D
I live in Burleson, TX
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »

Thank God I have not had to experience that. My DH was the one who told me about LDL. He was such a bread lover, but he has seen how much better he feels eating whole foods. He was the one who started cooking beans for me and having them ready when I got off work. He was a 4 pack a day smoker when we got married. (I figured I could deal with a smoker better than an alcoholic). I never smoked, and his attitude was "I don't have many vices and I really enjoy smoking." Arguing, making fun of, cajoling crying, did not good. Praying did. I gave up and turned to God to straighten him out. Well, shortly there after he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and only a few short months later was miraculously and instantly delivered from cigarettes. I was in shock when it happened. Other quirks have had to work out with time but they are working out with the Lord's help in both of us. Keep thanking the Lord for the wonderful husband he has given you and that this husband wants to be healthy (do it, say it in faith!)
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Jessica »

Hey all,

I have been doing great on LDL this week.  But, today, wow!! I was starving!  Even though my belly felt full, I still wasn't satisfied with my vegie stir fry (which, btw, I add a cut up apple to, and I love it!), so I ended up adding pickles, grapes, and chic peas to my already large vegie plate.  I feel much more satisfied, but that was still weird.  Has this ever happened to any of you??  Just curious.  I hope you all are doing well!!

your friend ~jess
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Jessica »

WoooHoo!!! I got my second star!!! lol  ;D
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Every once in a while I will have a really hungry day.  This last week it got really bad and I decided I was hungry for meat.  I hadn't been eating alot of meat just a chicken breast here and there.  I have been eating more protein now like more meat and more beans and that seemed to take care of the problem .  I even added more eggs to my breakfast and that keeps me more satisfied during the day.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by tprouty »

Hi Jessica!

Congratulations on your new star!

Yes, every once in a while we all just have a day when it seems like it's hard to fill up. Don't know why -- maybe your body is short on some nutrient and it's trying to tell you, or maybe your chemistry is just changing, or maybe it's any one of a dozen other reasons. No worries, though! You did exactly the right thing! Add more LDL food until you feel full! Some people find they need to boost their protein for a while -- others need the complex carbs of beans and corn -- and others need to load up on fruit. Just make sure it's on the LDL approved list, and it won't hurt you a bit. And it will save you from going crazy trying to fight feeling hungry!

Enjoy the journey!
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Ginny M. »

First, Gwen, thanks, you got it right.  Karen, I make the basic "cream soup" and add corn, chicken, mixed veggies, etc. whatever I feel like eating with it that day or what I have on hand.

Jessica, Congratulations on your new star.  :D  I noticed you mentioned a lot of veggies and fruit but I didn't notice protein (meat & beans).  The beans (proteins) & meats help to keep you full.  It takes longer to digest them so you are fuller longer.  I'd like to suggest you open a food log and post what you are eating.  That way the "food police" can monitor and make suggestions. We all have good and bad days (I won't EVEN tell you what I ate today  :wacko: , but I should be on fruit & water all day tomorrow to compensate  *woot* ) but tomorrow starts a NEW DAY.  Just don't make more "wrong" days than "right" days  :) .

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Jessica »


Yea, I have lean meats and beans for lunch everyday.  I am hooked on lean ground turkey.  I usually have it in taco soup.  I love the beans, but OMG I hate the gas.  So, I try to keep the beans to a minimum during the week (I work around people  :blush:  ).  On the weekend beans are my staple.  I mixed the lean turkey with lean ground beef this week, and it seemed to do the trick. 

Thanks for the help ~jess
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »


YES!!! There are days in a row, usually when Aunt Flo comes to visit... where nothing satiates me... and I just gorge on fruits and veggies and eat a bunch more meat during the main meal...

Then I have days where I just don't want anything and now have to FORCE myself to eat something...

You are never alone... Just keep eating the good foods you chose...and you'll be fine...
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »

Do you take probiotics? I have found they take away nearly all the gas. I have been fixing beans for lunch and if I eat them around 12-12:30, I don't start having minimal gas until around 5 or 6. I don't take the probiotics until I start getting gassy. Probably would not get gassy if I took them regularly. The gas I experience now is NOTHING like what I was having before probiotics.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by o2bthin »

Hi everyone!  Am just popping in for a quick visit.  It's great to see all of you doing so well - and great that there are so many new members.  I can tell I've been missing out on a lot by not being here every day.  BUT, I don't have much free time anymore since returning to work.  On top of that, I'm having so many computer problems...it takes all the fun out of web surfing.  Anyway, I have missed all of you...especially Deborah D...haven't been able to keep an eye on her as much as I would like.  

I'm still faithfully doing LDL, altho my weight loss has slowed.  I lost 2 pounds last month.  Am now at 211 lbs.  I feel great.  Have no cravings.  And, I've promised myself that once I reach onderland (199 lbs) I will start some type of exercise program...I've always been an exercise [glow=red,2,300]hater[/glow], so I have mixed feelings about those next 12 pounds!!  

I've got dried chickpeas soaking overnight.  Plan to make Israeli Chickpea Soup tomorrow.  Still loving all the good food.

Success and Happy LDL Eating to all!

Last edited by o2bthin on April 25th, 2010, 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Started LDL - Sept. 8, 2009              
Beginning weight - 247                 
Goal weight - 147 or less

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Jessica »

Thanks, again.  No, I don't take probiotics.  I was wondering about them though.  I want to ask my doctor before I take anything else.  I take 2 prescriptions and I don't want anything to mess with them.  I have taken beano, but it doesn't really seem to work for me.  I think I eat too much gassy stuff at one sitting, and the beano gets overwhelmed, lol.  And, yessss it was about that timewhen I had the unsatisfied feelings.  Huh, the things we learn about ourselves, lol.

I hope everyone is doing great!!! 

I'm not doing anything exciting this weekend.  Just hangin' out readin' a book and gettin' some errands run and things done before the week starts again. 

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »

I hope the doctor approves the probiotics. It just replaces the normal bacteria that is supposed to be in your digestive system that has been wiped out by antibiotics and overgrowth of yeast. Nothing is absdorbed and since it is the bacteria that is supposed to be there anyway, won't interfere with any meds. One doc I work with became a believer when I told her about them. It cured her gassyness and she is giving the chewable ones to her 4yr old son, and the pills to her husband and has sent more pills to her mother and other family members. Like I said, the beans were explosive for me, but it got to where even pasta gave me so much gas I could not control it. I can handle even the beans now! And I don't do pasta at all. Feels so good to be able to eat until full and feel so healthy.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Ginny M. »


What kind of Probiotic do you use?  I tried one by Nature's Sunshine Products and it didn't work for me.  I had tried Beano, a Veggie vitamin product for gas, an Anti-Intessinal Gas product from Nature's Sunshine, and the probiotic but nothing worked (I did get "a little" help but not much).  I even take a food enzyme at lunch to help with the protein digestion.  Unfortunately/Fotunately I finally found something that is working for me:  Dannon Atcivia Fat Free Light Yogurt 4-oz.  This was my last resort because dairy/yogurt is not really LDL approved.  But I was despirate and this was last resort.  It worked within 7 days.  I'm still open for something else besides yogurt, but I also figure 4-oz. is not that much dairy and I'm still losing.  If I can't find anything else and I stop losing, I'll cut it back to every other day.

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »


We heard about Probiotics watching Dr. Becker on TV.
http://www.bioinnovations.net/prodinfo. ... er=BN66060

This probiotic can be crushed and used for babies (we had small grandchildren at the time). Later I bought stronger and on-sale brands but most had to be refrigerated. The others did not seem to work any better. I understand you need to get probiotics that contain FOS which is apparently microorganisms that feed the beneficial bacteria. I try to buy up 6 bottles of this brand when it is on half-price like it is now. It is usually on sale twice a year.
You can try others but from what I have seen at Wal-Mart, I don't they are potent enough. Most of what I got came from the Health Food Center and those were OK. I don't do the yogurt because I can't stop with just 4 oz. If it works for you, go for it. But know that if you should start gaining, you have the pill option. I took 2 tabs daily for several weeks. Then it seemed everyone was taking them, and me being a tightwad, stopped taking them until I started having gas again. I had not taken any for quite a while because I was not eating very many beans until I started LDL. I started again but only taking 2 tabs once or twice a week. DH only taking a children's chewable kind occassionally. We take them more aggressively if we have to take antibiotics. Fortunately taking Vit C and Vit D we have not had to take any antibiotics in a long time (DH did for an abcessed tooth, but that has been it.) Hope it works for you and for Jessica also.
Last edited by LINDA RN on May 1st, 2010, 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by jkgregory »

Woohoo!!! i no longer have 100 pounds to lose.. I have 99 pounds to go.. *woot* *woot* This has been an incredible journey so far.. I cant believe how fast the weight is coming off.. And i eat so much food.. Im not starving myself at all.. People keep asking me if im doing this healthy and eating because im losing so fast.. Yes im eating right.. ;D Theres no turning back for me.. This is going to be my woe for the rest of my life.. If i want to be around in 50 years i need to!! For everyone that has 100+ to lose, you can do it!!! Give it time to work and you will see the weight fall right off.. :D

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by MsHeirloom »

JK- You have a wonderful attitude and fabulous results.  Congratulations!  Pam
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by cameron »

JK, that must have been such an exciting moment for you, when you got under that 100 to lose mark. Congrats      ck
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