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Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 3:39 pm
by jerriday
  Count me in too.  So glad you thought of this.  It couldn't come at a better time. Been slipping a little to much and
this will set me straight again. God is good................Jerri

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 3:44 pm
by t-rock
keeping it honest:

B: smoothie (1/2 banana/-1/2 can pineapple chunks in own juice no sugar/juice from 1/4 grapefruit/ice/water)
S: popcorn (for some reason I was really hungry mid morning)
L: salad of a cucumber, a sliced tomato (both from my garden !), 1/2 can drained/rinsed cannellini beans, 1 grilled chicken breast, and homemade chimichurri sauce (garlic, fresh parsley, fresh cilantro, fresh oregano, red wine vinegar, himalayan salt, pepper, cumin, a little olive oil, lemon juice).
I'm only about 16 ounces in for water today.  
D: we have a bunch of cherries and grapes at home, that should cover it.  If I start craving a glass of wine, I have decided I am going to go upstairs and do some writing, or read a book.

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 3:51 pm
Or stomp some of those grapes and make grape juice!

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 4:43 pm
by julie409
CodingQueen wrote:Hey Julie409,

Ever tried rebounding? It's great if you have bad knees and definitely gives you a great total body workout in 45 minutes.


Hey CQ, I actually have a rebounder and the tape in my possession.  :thumbsup: Of course, it won;t help me unless I get on it.  :D  My grandson likes it! Maybe I should go dust it off. I have heard there are tremendous health benefits to this type of exercise.  I don;t have any knee problems - I seemed to have escaped that physical ailment (Thank you God!). For me, I just baby my back so I use the glider for low impact.
I hope you are having a super day!

Julie :rose:

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 4:56 pm
by julie409
MandaM wrote:Just a question for everybody about beans.  If We're doing LDL hard core, shouldn't that mean no beans for breakfast or dinner?  Just fruit.  
I'm considering trying eating this way, as I did by accident yesterday with the exception of  probably 1/4 cup of garlic soup I tried after making a batch for this week.  But if I commit to eating fruit only at night, I want to do it the right way, to hopefully see some killer results!  Let me know what you all think.

Hi Manda, 
I am hoping that Debbie or Julie will pipe in here with their expert opinion but here is my 2 cents. If you need the beans to feel full, I would say to have them in the smoothie.This way they are just there to give the fruit a little substance. If you want to test the PURE method, only have the beans at lunch as it states from the pages I copied from the book. I don;t think that will make that big of a difference. YOU could try it for one week PURE and one week with the beans and see if there is a difference. The results may surprise us all.

Hope to hear more on your success!  :thumbsup:

Julie :rose:

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 5:04 pm
Heres my two cents.

Day one if you try fruit only and you are hungry and not satisfied after just fruit try the beans in it.  I would also try fruit only again on a future day just to see if anything has changed.  Same with dinner.  You can always add an egg or bean or veggie etc if it doesnt cut it but you should definately see if you are satified FIRST WITH FRUIT ONLY.....which is exactly what Roger writes in the book....everyone is different so he tried to give you a back up plan inside the plan so you dont fail.

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 12:17 am
by powder99
I will post my food journal as well:

August 4, 2009
B: 2 bananas
S: None
L: Roast beef. Beans
S: Banana, watermelon.
D: Smoothie
S: Cherries. Watermelon

I was on the road at lunch time. If it works out, I go to the Safeway Deli and get roast beef. I had brought a 1/2 can of beans in a plastic container. Not exactly my gourmet lunches I am used to but it takes care of lunch and keeps things pure.
My wife has been visiting her family. When she left, I had been on LDL for 3 weeks and now it is 6 1/2 weeks. She noticed a difference.
Today was a zero exercise day. Looks like the weather is going to be good for the run in the morning and the hike in the afternoon.


Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 7:34 am
by LovinLDL
BF-Blueberry Pie
Lunch- Grilled chicken and steak, 3 bean chili, onion, 2 pieces of Wasa w/3 pepper hummus
D- Fruit Salad...then, not full so a bit of popcorn.

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 9:55 am
by julie409
Good Morning Everyone!

I was a little hungry last night after the water melon and I had a hand full of grapes - until my skin started to crawl - so mystery solved - I am having an allergic reaction to grapes too! (note to self --- send grapes to son!).  :stop:

And I was a little tired so I only did 15 minutes on the glider.

Wednesday Day 3
AM 200 crunches
PM 20 - 30 minutes - glider

BF: 2 travel size applesauce
L: Roasted Turkey with B. Nut squash and an artichoke
D: Watermelon

Have a great day!

Julie :rose:

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:10 am
by crickadoodle
This is really working for me so far!  I have never in all my life had this happen before.  I started with the plan at the very end of June.  I lost 11 lbs. Then we all started this experiment of seeing if eating just fruit for breakfast and dinner, with the normal LDL lunch would cause the weight to come off faster.  Well two days have equalled two pounds.  That is amazing to me, because you usually start losing weight quickly in the beginning of most plans and the rest of the time it comes off very slowly.

Now, I was hungry this morning when I woke up, but isn't that the way it really is supposed to be?  I did a 70 minute walk, and during it I wished I'd eaten a banana before I started.  Also, I eat a big variety of fruit for both breakfast and dinner.  I don't limit myself at night, but I eat as I become hungry.  I ate a piece of fruit and then when I got a little hungry, I ate another, and so on.  I had cherries, papaya, canary melon, watermelon, grapes, raspberries and maybe a grapefruit  and banana yesterday.  I haven't gotten into doing smoothies, because I really like eating fruit just like it is.  I don't have to bother with any clean up, either.  For lunch I've been eating lots of bean soup, because it is so good.  I also will eat other veggies, like the eggplant I'd cooked the other day with onions, garlic, bell peppers and tomatoes.  I have a little garden in the back yard, so I want to eat what is ready -- like today I really need to eat that okra or it'll go bad.  I just boil it and put salt and vinegar.  I love it that way and it is so easy.  I haven't really been eating a big protein at lunch, because I've eaten lots of bean soup and it was very satisfying.  I might do a grilled chicken breast in a salad today, though.  I always enjoy that.

Oh, praise report!  Some of you know that I care for my 83 yr. old mom who recently had a colostomy done.  She also has diabetes and mild dementia (which has been worse this week for some reason).  Anyway, I've been having problems with my feet for like 6 months or more.  The heel of one foot is especially tender and it is painful to walk at first in the morning.  Well, sometimes I hear Mom call and I need to quickly get out of bed to check on her.  This morning I thought I heard her call and I got up quickly and didn't have that awful pain in my heel.  Praise God!  Also, I've been walking again for 15 days and was able to start at 50 minutes a day.  I was delaying walking because of my feet, but they don't hurt any more when I walk than when I don't walk.  They still hurt sometimes, but not during my walk.  I'm very thankful for this breakthrough.  Hopefully as the weight comes off, the pain will go away altogether. :D

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:19 am
by Clown Lady
Day one pure  hoora y
b cantalope
l  baked chicken, frozen baby lima's and corn, salad with dressing on side
d  Little Mary's tomato soup and cherry pie
no snacks today  Hooray

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 11:34 am
Aug 5th
BF - Banana
No time for lunch today - soooo busy (work)
Dinner: about 4:30 steak, refried beans, and the rest of my green bean/tom salad.

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 12:20 pm
by joecaracappa
julie409 wrote:Good Morning Everyone!

I was a little hungry last night after the water melon and I had a hand full of grapes - until my skin started to crawl - so mystery solved - I am having an allergic reaction to grapes too! (note to self --- send grapes to son!).  :stop:

Your allergy to grapes may be for other reasons. Commercial grapes are heavily treated with pesticides. In addition, grape skin produces yeast and like every fruit mold.

Try some organic grapes to eliminate the possibility of pesticides. That should narrow it down to a mold and yeast allergy. While an allergy to the grapes themselves is possible, it is probably the pesticides that are causing you a problem.


Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 12:39 pm
by CodingQueen
Today's menu

Breakfast:  A banana

Lunch:  A cup of pizza soup, grill sirloin and salad

Dinner: Mixed fruit

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 1:05 pm
by julie409
Hi Joe,

You are so smart!  *hug*  I will have to check out that theory. I do have allergies to yeast and mold as well. But right now, my rosacea flare up is winding down, now that I have cut out anything with flavor.  *lipssealed*  For a while I was reacting to almost anything. I have been able to weed out most of the culprits. It was challenging bc at the same time I was trying to expand my palate - that's what got me into this mess to begin with. Every once in a while I talk myself into thinking I can eat like a normal person and I really cannot.  :stop:

Anyway, thanks for the great insight. In a couple of weeks I will try them again.

Hey doodle,

I am so happy for you for a number of reasons. The way you are eating - home grown and ready to pick - is the absolute healthiest way for us to eat. Indigenous food is what your body is looking for. Some think that shipping foods from all over the world to places where they should not be available is not the healthiest for our bodies. Me - I'm glad to have a banana in the winter - or at least I am when I am not reacting to it.  :thumbsup:

As for your heal pain - that is great news!  Someone else also talked about being free from the pain of Plantar faciatis (SP?). I believe it has to do with creating an alkaline condition in the body as opposed to an acidic condition. If you want to test this and steer away from more acidic foods, you can get a complete list on the Internet. Just do a search for Acidic and Alkaline foods list. Of course ,all the high acidic foods are the ones that are the most unhealthy (chocolate, sugar, cheese) and so creating an acidic condition that makes us more disease prone is another reason to eliminate them as much as possible. OR you can  increase the alkaline foods like we are on LDL (Again, I say - I am such a geek!  Does anyone remember Cliff CLavin on Cheers? Please tell me I don;t sound like that!  OY! When did this happen? I have got to get out of the house more!  :tongue: )

Back to work!

Julie :rose:

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 1:33 pm
by Shera
Today was my weigh in day.....(drum roll)......another 8 lbs. lost for a total of 24.5!
In 2 months......I am still just amazed and extremely pleased to have found LDL, and I would like to say a big thank you for the support shown here on the board.

B.....banana, cherry smoothie and a peach
L.....tuna on salad greens with egg and a side of refried beans, some left over squash.
D....fruit smoothie and maybe some cantaloupe


Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 1:35 pm
by isthis4me
tank ye Ms Mary for your words of wisdom  :rose:

did anyone get this months FIRST mag? Funny how its allot like LDL cept they do the dinner at dinner thing, but the fruit in the am is stressed for the reasons RT said so

anyways just a thought and info for you all to read to concrete what we all know is true

here is my day 2 of PURE LDL ( minus beans in yesterday am's smoothie)

Today is as follows:

green tea
cantelope, honeydew,watermelon, bing cherries


toss a lb of ground white chicken breast into a pan, add a can of rinsed/drained black beans, use Kathie's cilantro vinegarette dressing ( splash about 3 times I have a cruet) ,roasted red pepper and garlic seasining, adobo, shredded cabbage and sofrito, cook till done, meat is well done and cabbage is semi tender


YUMMO   that an an ear of nuked corn on cob with limesalt  

this will be a smoothie I am sure and more fruit
I am 3 lbs from where I was when I weighed in and I was up over 8   so the margarita's, the tuscan dip( not the dip its the corn thins I think cos I eat sooooooo many of them) dont work well for me  

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 3:17 pm
Sheral --- congrats!!! -- Don'tcha just love this program????

Re: Eating LDL Pure --- a test !

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 3:31 pm
by Shera
Thanks Lisa and yes, I do love this program. It's so simple and yet it works.......go figure!
