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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 11:18 pm
Image I posted on your Journal that the EVOC you got sounds good to me. The jar I got for $28.00 was 32 oz. Let me know how the popcorn tastes. I was told years ago that the theaters used coconut oil to pop their popcorn and that is what made it taste and smell so good. BTW I just read something about the artificial butter flavor in the microwave popcorn has been known to be toxic but they continue to use it. Glad I never liked the artificial suff anyway.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 11:38 pm
by Deborah D.
Thanks again Linda, I also read that and had already quit using the bagged microwave popcorn, I use the regular corn and pop myself in my microwave popcorn bowl. 
Linda how do you get that cute bear and Christmas tree on you post...that is so neat...

Deborah D.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 11:51 pm
ImageActually, I went on a search for some other gifs  or emoticons. I also use Trillian that combines about 4 or 5 Instant messengers. They had an emoticon of a steaming mug and another one of a Christmas tree. I found I could not paste it into my posts and have it display so I did a search. Found this site and used the Christmas one. Copy and paste the URL in the Forum underneath and it will show in the preview if it will work. Never did find a cup of coffee I liked, but this was a start. Have fun and let me know how the popcorn tastes.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 12:26 am
by Deborah D.
Image  Thanks Linda as you can see it worked...
and I tried the coconut oil for my popcorn tonight and you can't taste the coconut...but they say it is good for you so I will keep using unless it stops my weight loss...

Today was a good day because I learned something new...

Deborah D.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 12:33 am
Image You did great with so little instruction! Congratulations!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by julie409
Double D,

Thanks so much for putting up this topic. I have been reading and have been moved by everyone's posts. So much so, that I have not been able to form a proper reply :blush:  :'(    But I wanted to say Hello for now and let you all know I am thinking of you. I will come back when I have more time to introduce myself properly and also to acknowledge what you all have said.

I believe there is going to be a lot of power here that we all can draw from. Make it a great day!  *hug*

Julie :rose:

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 3:23 pm
by MsHeirloom
Welcome to all the newcomers to this site the past couple of days.  We all have so many things in common other than our weight goals.  I am a retired RN.  I love to sew, knit, and quilt.  I own a custom dressmaking business, mostly bridal design and alteration.  I have been married to my wonderful husband for 43 years (I was only 19).  This thread is a great place to share our struggles and successes as we achieve our dreams!  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 12:05 am
by o2bthin
Wow, so many new members since I was last here.  Hi to everybody!!

I was thinking about 'dieting' today, as I often do  ;D and I was thinking about the things we humans desperately try to hold onto when God is ready to bless us with something so much better if we'd only open our hands (and minds) and let go of the old in order to receive the new.  Like FOOD!  I think some people have to be in dire situations before they are receptive to new ideas, especially when it comes to the food they eat.  I was willing to try ANY diet, but always with the thought of going back to my old way of eating as soon as my goal was reached.  I never thought I could live without my old favorites...Pepsi, pizza, M&M Peanuts, etc.  But, 3 months of LDL has changed my mind about so many things, the most important of these is what I fuel my body with.  

I keep thinking of the Joyce Meyer quote that mrsj posted awhile essence, God put Adam & Eve in a GARDEN for a purpose.  And, if the type of foods we eat were not important, then HE would not have mentioned it in the Bible.  I'm really messing this up.  I'm gonna find that quote and add it to this post.

In the meanwhile, Happy LDL Eating, everyone!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 12:10 am
by Deborah D.
Sandra I found the quote you were looking for....

Had to share what my Joyce Meyer devotion book said for 9/18:

Making Healthy Choices

"Learn to do everything you do for God's glory, including eating.  Look at your dinner plate and ask if what you are about to eat is mostly what God created for you.  Don't view eating as a secular event that has nothing to do with your relationship with God.  Don't forget that God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and told them what they could eat.  If eating had nothing to do with their walk with Him, He probably would not have mentioned food.  Make good choices! Each time you choose good healthy foods, you are choosing life, which is God's gift to you.  He wants you to look great and feel great, and you can, if you keep in mind that your body is the temple of God and the fuel you put into it determines how it will operate and for how long."

Sandra thanks for sending this to me, and wanting to put it on the 100 lb club thread....this is a great way of looking at eating now, that I have never through of before.....Love it  *love*

Deborah D.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 12:22 am
by o2bthin
Gee, Deb, you are quick, girl!!  Must be all those pounds you are shedding!!!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 4:39 pm
by Deborah D.
Sandra I just remembered that you had sent it to me, so I found it and put it here for you....If you want to post it yourself let me know and I will delete the other one...and I do find myself moving faster then before  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Deborah D.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 6:08 pm
by NanaX2
Well today is one week on LDL, so far so good. I really think this is a way of eating that I will be able to continue. I've been eating when hungry..and have noticed today that I wasn't ravenous at lunchtime and I filled up quicker than I had earlier in the week. For lunch, I made some turkey breast/ground sirloin burgers and "Bill's Bean Cakes w/Salsa" - those things were delish..! I've found it hard to just eat fruit for dinner though and have been eating veggies along with the fruit.

Anyway...hope everyone has had a great Lord's day so far. It's raining here in Georgia. Cold and messy....perfect weather for bean soup huh..?  :D

Love in Christ,

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 8:16 pm
by MsHeirloom
NanaX2- Congratulations on completing the first week on your new, lifetime eating plan.  Don't you feel great that you've accomplished this!?  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 8:18 pm
by Sicilian Mama

Heck... fruits and veggies for dinner is WAAAAY better than all the other stuff we used to eat for dinner, to get us all in our predicaments... HUH???

I say... eat all the fruits and veggies and soups you can for dinner... you will still lose weight... and the longer you are on the plan, the less you will see you will want to eat at night...

It is quite simply... THE ONLY WAY TO EAT... ever...

Congrats on week one!!!

One day at a time... we will all be healthy and lighter!!!!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 8:35 pm
by MsHeirloom
My family left this afternoon.  We had our early family Christmas weekend.  There were close to 40 people here and our house is not that large.  Actually only 6 slept here, but everyone arrived early and stayed late starting Friday afternoon.  We had a wonderful weekend which involved a lot of food and treats.  I ate Pizza Soup Friday night while the rest enjoyed my husband's great homemade pizza.  I consumed 1# of baby carrots while they were grazing, also popcorn sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice and stevia (yum!).  A veggie omelet for breakfast while they had bagel sandwiches with bacon, ham, cheese, and eggs.  A whopping big salad for lunch, then chicken and veggies while they ate the Chinese dinner we had catered in.  This morning I had grapes while they had breakfast casserole and donuts.  I did consume a total of 4 bags of popcorn over the weekend while they ate cookies, chips and dip, cookies, more cookies, wine, margaritas, cheese and crackers, bla,bla, bla!  Everyone was in amazement that I didn't stray from my plan.  They kept telling me that I look "spectacular."  I really never felt deprived and had no desire to deviate from my plan.  Like my cookie-making Sunday, I continue to be amazed by the way this plan satisfies me and makes life so easy.  I am so confident that Christmas will be easy and not the eating orgy that I have had previous years.  Before LDL I didn't think it was possible not to succumb to the siren calls of all the holiday goodies and family specialties!  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 9:49 pm
by Jessica
Hi everyone,

I too need to lose over 100 pounds.  It is way daunting.  But, I am happy to be here, and to have found this group on LDL.  I hate getting advice from people who have only ever lost 40 pounds.  They just have no clue what it's like to be reallly fat, lol.  I know that no matter how much weight you have to lose it is still challenging, but you all know what I mean.  It is sooo no the same!!!  Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself to the group.  I can't wait to get to know you all better.  Have a great week ~jess

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 10:16 pm
by MsHeirloom
Jessica- You are in the right place; we all understand.  Congratulations on making a life-altering decision.  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 10:25 pm
by o2bthin
Jessica, welcome to the group.  Glad to have you with us.  And, you will be soooo glad you chose to do is an amasing way to lose weight and get healthy. 

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 11:08 pm
by o2bthin
Pam, sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family and you did great!!!  You should be so proud of yourself, girl!

Deborah D. and I have our family Christmas party coming up on the 19th, and will draw inspiration from your 'spectacular' example.  LOL!  (I can't wait until I start getting comments like that!)  Don't know what kind of food will be there except 2 hams and lots of chips and dips and soda.  I'm taking a cranberry & orange salad and some pickled asparagus.  I think Deb is bringing Zucchini Lasagna.  And, I had not thought of taking popcorn until I read your post.  Thank you!  I shall be popping popcorn, tons of it, for our party.

Our party will just last one evening, and I'm thankful...I'm not as strong when faced with temptation as Deborah is.  But, for one night, if well armed with LDL foods, I'll be fine.

Christmas Day at my house will be very low-key...I'm not planning on doing a lot of cooking and I doubt if there's anyone here but me and the folks.  So, if I make it through Saturday night, I'm good until Easter!!!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 11:13 pm
by MsHeirloom
O2- You and Deborah will do well with each other's support.  You have already planned ahead to take LDL food.  The popcorn will help.  I ate 3 gallons of popped corn and tons of veggies.  I look forward to hearing your "spectacular" report.  Pam