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Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 8th, 2010, 7:13 pm
Sweet Rose,
Are you Alaska Native? We have one Alaska Native working here in SW Oklahoma. She married a Native Hawiian! They both love the Lord also. She is RN and he is a Medical Technologist working in the lab.

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 8th, 2010, 8:14 pm
by witheraway1
PAM, how great your new picture looks. All that weight loss is showing! Looking good..........Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 9th, 2010, 10:05 am
by MsHeirloom
Thank you so much, Wither.  I've been at a plateau for a couple months, although I feel thinner and the tape measure is showing a difference.  I think my body is resetting itself and accepting the newer me!  I do look forward to starting to lose again and posting another updated photo.  It has been so rewarding hearing people's comments here and in my personal life.  What a fun ride!!!  You are doing great.  I love reading your posts.  Pam

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 9th, 2010, 10:20 am
by witheraway1
Pam, I posted apost called plateau, Roger gave me some great advice. It took 2 days and my plateau broke. I had been on a plateau for 3 weeks. You might want to check it out.... Thanks  Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 9th, 2010, 11:34 am
by MsHeirloom
Thanks, Wither.  I have been thinking about fruit only for dinner.  I did that yesterday and will again the rest of the week (at least).  I would sure like to see Onederland soon :inlove:!!!  Pam

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 9th, 2010, 12:22 pm
by witheraway1
Pam, it worked for me. Glad you are giving it a try. Just noticed your are half way there......How great is that!  Keep up the good woe.........Wither  :)

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 9th, 2010, 2:15 pm
by SweetRose
Hi Linda,

No, I'm not an Alaskan native. I came up here some years ago with my then- husband who was in the military. After our divorce he left the state and I stayed on. It's really beautiful here, but I really want to live someday on either the Oregon Coast or Cape Cod.

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 8:48 pm
by witheraway1
Sweetrose  :rose:
Have you ever been to the Oregon Coast? I have never lived there, but it is a beautiful  place to vacation especially if you like to camp like we do. I have heard it rains alot there so you would have to like rainy weather. I prefer the sun myself. That's me though. If you can get passed the rain you would love it.  :rose:  :rose:  Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 9:21 pm
by NoMoreLCforMe
I started low carb dieting 10 years ago and have always turned to low carb to help maintain my weight when it goes up a little bit.  After being on LDL for two months and enjoying it so much, I've decided THIS is my new woe and from now on No More Low Carb dieting for me!  I'm LDL for life.

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 9:32 pm
by niki
NoMoreLCforMe wrote:I started low carb dieting 10 years ago and have always turned to low carb to help maintain my weight when it goes up a little bit.  After being on LDL for two months and enjoying it so much, I've decided THIS is my new woe and from now on No More Low Carb dieting for me!  I'm LDL for life.

and, this decision will impact your health in such a positive way, it'll knock your socks're going to be thin AND healthy......God bless you.....niki

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 3:13 am
by SweetRose
Hi Wither,

Yes, I've been to the Oregon Coast several times~ and guess what? I'm one of those crazy people who LOVES the rain! *love* Yes, it's true. And I love the wind howling through my windows,too. :wacko: I would enjoy  storm watching, then maybe finding washed up sea treasures. It would be great to hear the cries of gulls and wild surf before heading home to my little seashore house...... for a big steaming bowl of LDL stew! Ah! I would love it!!! :rolleyes:

Do you live near La Jolla? I really enjoyed my trip to that area. Love Old Town in San Diego.

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 6:38 am
by Mary J
Sweet Rose,

I LOVE storms too!  I love being at the beach and watching the huge waves come rolling in... Love to watch the lightening in the sky.... hear the thunder..... awwww love it...

Mary J

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 9:24 am
by witheraway1
Hi SweetRose  :rose:
You make the rain and storms sound so exciting, and that pot of LDL STEW YUM  :drool:  iT ALL SOUNDS SO RELAXING!  I don't live too far from La Jolla or Old Town, Gas Lamp District and the beaches and Yes, it is very beautiful. We seem to have it all. It's a great place to live and have lots to do and see.
Well, your dream sounds so great I hope one day it will all become a reallity.
Nice to meet you....SweetRose  :rose:    Have a good day  Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 9:33 am
by witheraway1
Mary J,
Does it strom where you live? I have to say I don't like stroms or lightening. Since we don't have them in California { only a rain strom every now and then} they sceare me and my dogs are in my lap. Just wandering how much weight did you lose on LDL? You look very small to me....Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 9:40 am
by Mary J
Hi Wither.

Yes, we have lots of storms here.  I live in FL.... my yorkie doesn't like the thunder, but it doesn't bother my maltese.

I started LDL in Oct 09,, I lost approx 15 lbs.  I started out weighing around 150, maybe a little more or less,,, I really didn't weigh myself much.  Have had to watch my weight my whole life.  Went up and down,,, the yo yo diet.  I was very pleased to find out about LDL... I have really enjoyed all the recipes sooo much.  Hubby loves them too.  He lost probably 20 + lbs, and got his blood sugar levels back down... he was borderline diabetic...

I went from a size 10 down to 8 then a 6.... I can wear my 8's or 6's.. depending on the brand.

Mary J

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:21 am
by isthis4me
well some here know me and I believe I was on the last thread MzLizzy did.....but anywho, I got my screen name for obvious reasons.....1. my normal name I use does not function for here, for several reasons I wont go intp  :blush: and 2. I have done every diet known to man and woman :angel:  and have lost and gained and lost and gained and Im sick of diets soooooo I thought I would try this and make it a change  :tongue: 
my real name is trish, I live in GA, have 2 grown children ( one lives at home) and a grandson whom just turned 3 whom I have custody of...........
I am determined to stick to this and get my life back on track as well as my health and my body OH, I am attached at the hip to my ROCK of 9 years now..... :inlove:

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:07 am
by witheraway1
Thanks Trish for posting...  Are you the same Trish that went to SA convention In Texas?  I remember seeing a Trish in the pictures. Welcome back and keep eating LDL and the lbs will roll off.  A rose for you      :rose:      Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:37 am
by witheraway1
Nice to hear from you MaryJ.........i WANNA WEAR A SIZE 6  :laughing:  When I get there, and I will, I will post my picture for all to see!  A rose for me  :rose:  Wither

Re: Screen Name

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 1:03 pm
by isthis4me
No Ms. Wither, I am not the same person  :)

Re: Screen Name

Posted: July 2nd, 2010, 9:08 am
by witheraway1
I am gonna bring this post back up; I have noticed there are alot of new ones that have started LDL. won't you please come on and tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you That helps us to know who we are talking too. AND WELCOME TO ALL YOU NEW LDLERS. You will love it here and all the support you want at anytime. We love hearing about your success along the way. And there will be lot's of those. You inspire us!    :rose:  :rose:    Wither