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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 14th, 2010, 10:01 pm
by BMorg
PROUD of you Katie....!!! That's very inspirational to us that have lots to lose.  :thumbsup:

Beth M.

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 14th, 2010, 10:33 pm
by LilMizMargi
Well, that would be me! I need to lose 100 lbs. so can I join the club???

I was all set to begin the process for bariatric surgery when a friend gave me RT's blue book.
I decided to give LDL a try.....and here I am, 5 days later. Still reading the book and the board.
I have so much expectation from reading all the posts and the success stories.

Would love to be 100 lbs thinner by June 11, 2011 when my youngest son weds his sweetheart in Brasil.


Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 14th, 2010, 11:28 pm
by MsHeirloom
Margi- Welcome to LDL and congratulations on making the decision for health.  If you aren't 100 pounds down for the wedding, you will be closing in on your goal.  This is the best way in the world to reach your weight loss goals.  I like to call the process "discarding"  weight, because anything "lost" could someday be "found".  We certainly don't want that, do we?  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 8:45 am
by LilMizMargi
Thanks for the warm welcome, Pam! I love your little byline..........The Incredible Shrinking Woman! So cute and so true!


Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 10:04 am
by VickiLynn
jkgregory wrote:Woohoo!!! i no longer have 100 pounds to lose.. I have 99 pounds to go.. *woot* *woot* This has been an incredible journey so far..

Katie,  you are amazing!  Yes, the journey is incredible because on this way of eating one should never be hungry.  Also, it so comforting to not have to eat the same thing day in and day out and on top of it being able to eat, eat, and eat until full instead of having to portion control, count calories, measure food, etc.  I love LDL!

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 6:32 pm
by Jessica
I know you all probably have done this already or do it already, but I just wanted to tell you all that I bought some Popsicle ice trays, and I filled them with a very thick smoothie to make a quick, healthy, frozen snack.  I have been trying to think of a way to make smoothies more convenient and snackable without all the mess.  This is what I came up with.  I thought I would share in-case there were others out there who haven't thought of it yet.  ~jess

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 7:09 pm
by RB Kayaking
Wahoo to you JK!

Love to hear of your success.  You'll be small before you know it.

Be sure you take another picture.  I just received a pic of me at my heaviest from a friend and wow, do I look good now.

Those heavy pictures sure make thin choices taste mighty good.

RB Kayaking

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 16th, 2010, 7:44 am
by VickiLynn
Jessica wrote:I know you all probably have done this already or do it already, but I just wanted to tell you all that I bought some Popsicle ice trays, and I filled them with a very thick smoothie to make a quick, healthy, frozen snack. 

What a great idea! Where did you find/buy popsicle ice trays?

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 16th, 2010, 10:30 am
by Jessica
I bought the trays at Walmart.  There were where all the summer picnic stuff was located. 

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 6:34 am
by VickiLynn
Thanks for the info.  Will be making my weekly trip to Wally World this coming Saturday and will definitely look for them.  Thanks... Vicki

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 25th, 2010, 12:57 pm
by MsHeirloom
Today is my anniversary!  One year ago today I committed to LDL and have never looked back.  I love the plan, the food, the members, and the results.  I did, however, suffer my first monthly gain- 1 1/2 pounds.  Nothing changed and I have not eaten off-plan.  Just one of those unexplained things that happen on the way to our weight-loss goals.  I bet next month will be better.  Hugs to everyone, especially Julie my weight loss twin.  It's her one year anniversary also.  Yeah for us.  Pam

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 25th, 2010, 2:06 pm
by Jaye
Congratulations on your one year anniversary.  That is awesome!!!


Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 25th, 2010, 2:13 pm
by Deborah D.
way to go Pam, your looking WONDERFUL.... :rose: :rose: :rose:

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 25th, 2010, 6:24 pm
by barrypaxton
Got my popsicle ice trays today. Looking forward to trying freezing the smoothies this way.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 8:40 pm
by Jessica
I hope I am still at it after one year!!  It will be cool to see the differences in myself.  Congratulations!!  Sticking with a diet plan for a year is a super achievement. 

I do have a bit of good news.  Although, I am a slow loser, I must be losing inches because I just realized that I can pull my pants off without unzipping them or unbuttoning them.  So, I am happy about that.  I am happy about LDL in general, but it was nice to have the boost.

I hope you all enjoy your popsicles.  I am enjoying mine especially in the hot weather we have been having. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!  ~jess

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 11:30 am
by julie409
HI Everyone,

Sorry I have not been on the boards much in the past few months. I have had a lot of work challenges and so my time is being focused there - including a lot of my "free" time.  But I do still pop on from time to time but just limited in writing time.

Pam, You are such an inspiration to me and everyone else. Your resolve is incredible and you do look fabulous!  *hug* *hug* *hug*
You have never looked back - I can attest to that. Congratulations to you!  And I am honored to be travelling with you.

I am doing well, though not losing much since the initial 55 lb drop in the first 6 months. That was fabulous!  I seem to be going up and down in the same range. I may have to press reset and start all over as a newbie. Maybe it's the added stress. Not sure. But I am grateful to have found LDL and all of you!  *love*

Have a great day everyone!

Julie :rose:

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 2:45 pm
by crickadoodle
Julie, great to hear from you again!  You can believe that stress has an effect on weight loss/gain.  My sister-in-law says that she loses weight from stress, but many do gain from stress.  It does things we can't see with our hormones.  Also, a good, honest self evaluation is always a good thing, when you notice you aren't losing much.  Sometimes we can talk ourself into thinking we are doing everything the same, but really we aren't.  At least, that is truly biblical -- the heart is deceitful above all else.  ;)  So true.  Rationalization!  Such a powerful enemy -- and we do it to ourselves.

I'm still maintaining within a 5 lb. range.  I love LDL.  The only thing is lately it is raining everyday here and I don't get a good morning walk, which really makes me feel better.  I have my rebounder, but it takes more for me to step on it, for some reason.  I'm about to do it now, though!  :thumbsup:

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: August 8th, 2010, 9:25 am
by Jessica
Wow, this thread is really quiet.  Does no one have 100+ pounds to lose anymore??  Is everyone doing so well that they no longer fit into the 100+ category?? That's awesome, if that's the case, although I would feel a little lonely and left-out.

As the new school year begins, I am going to try to fast track this weight-loss thing.  Summer did not result in any results.  So, I am starting fresh and frozen fruit and vegie Sundays.  NO popcorn, no sugar or substitutes, no oil, as little processing as possible in my food.  I am hoping that will get me going for the work week.  I am also going to try and do LDL (what I call) commando style- fruit for breakfast, biggest meal with beans, fish or ground turkey at lunch, and veggies and or fruit for dinner.  No snacking unless I am famished.  Although, it is not required, I am also going to try and cut down on my portion size.  I realize that when RT said eat LDL approved food whenever you want as much as you want in the beginning, he didn't mean a 9 month start (eh, it takes some of us a little longer than other to catch on  :blush:  ).  Anyway, I want to see big result.  And, I want other people to finally see it, too.  We'll see how long this resolve lasts.  Hopefully, forever.

Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts, everyone ~jess

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: August 8th, 2010, 1:16 pm
by julie409
HI Jessica,

We used to have a thread a while back that was LDL Pure. It is about following the program the way Roger had written it and exactly how you have described it in your post.

I am ready to start that again. I think there may be a number of us that would benefit from eating LDL Pure.  It is like a group journal but with out reporting all that we have eaten that day. More moral support than anything else. Some of us also decided to include exercise as well. We did quite well for a while. But it is a little limiting so not a long term solution. But I believe it is a good way to approach LDL if you are not having the results you want bc of maybe eating some once in a while foods a little too often. And it is possible that some people can eat things like popcorn all the time but others - not so much.

What do you think Jess?  Would you join me on the Pure thread? *hug*

Julie :rose:

Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Posted: August 8th, 2010, 2:19 pm
by Jessica
Yes!! I'm in! 

Is there already a thread started??

Today I have (so far) done well with fruit and veggie Sundays.  So, I am happy about that.  I am also riding my stationary bike a bit.

I will need a place to go when the urge to splurge on popcorn and other maybe not so top-of-the-line choices creep their evil presence into my thoughts, so a pure thread would be great.

See you there ~jess