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Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: March 31st, 2012, 3:45 pm
by jopaul
Thanks JF and Crickadoodle! My library's copy is worn and slightly stained (must be loved and enjoyed a lot). The comments on the inside are positive and encouraging. I didn't want the book to end. Enjoy!

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 1st, 2012, 9:18 pm
by graceface66
I just finished reading 'The Harbinger' Jonathon Cahn. It was one of the best books I have read in a while.

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 2nd, 2012, 9:37 am
by MsHeirloom
I second that choice, Mary.  OMG!!!  Pam

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 2nd, 2012, 3:23 pm
by snowbirdie
Hi everyone,
      I just started a new book over the weekend. Assault in Norway by Thomas Gallagher.  I am only into the 3rd chapter but find it very interesting. It begins speaking of the "heavy water" that Norway was creating for use in preparing the first atom bomb. Can't tell you more as thats all the further I am. I had a dear friend who grew up in Norway at that time. She would never talk much about that time as it was very scary. She was in her class room studying English with her fellow students when they heard lots of very loud voices and marching boots. The Nazi's came into their class room and demanded all books written in English and Norwegian to be handed over. The Nazi's gave them all their books in German and till the end of the war that's all they were permitted to use. She said on the way home every street corner had Nazi soldiers standing there.  That's about all she told of that time except how frightening it was.
      There is a book called the  Klipfish Code written by Mary Cassanova. She helped this lady in writing the book. It is very interesting although written on a young adult level or a little younger. 
      I will let you all know how the first book goes.

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 2nd, 2012, 3:36 pm
by crickadoodle
Kris (GraceFace) -- My husband is 1/2 way through the Harbinger and I'm going to read it after I finish Bonhoffer.  We have the video about it and it is very eye opening for sure.

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 2:48 pm
by SweetRose
Just started reading A Night to Remember by Walter Lord- an account of the final hours of the Titanic. DF and I just saw the 3D theater version of Titanic a few nights ago- saw it once before when it came out in '99- so this book is filling in the gaps that the movie left out. Really interesting reading; though sad, of course.

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 3:35 pm
by snowbirdie
Hi Sweet Rose, 
        The Titanic! My Grandma was in England caring for her sick mom at the time. She had written a letter home that she was fortunate to get a ticket in steerage on that great new ship The titanic.  But as she was waiting to board she received a telegram to return to moms house as she had a turn for the worse. So disappointed she sold her ticket back to the company and went home. Thank fully it was two weeks later that she returned to America.
        I am still reading Assault on Norway. It was slow reading in the beginning but is picking up now. About 1/2 way through.  I am gonna read Klip fish code next.

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 3:41 pm
by crickadoodle
Just realized last night that my book isn't as many pages as I thought -- it has 60 + pages in notes!  I have about 40 pages left of the actual book!!  It is sad, also, SweetRose, because I know that Bonhoffer is about to be executed by the Nazis -- even though they all know that the war is almost over and the Allies will win.  So sad.  This book is really good and made me realize that there were Germans fighting on the inside against the evil government.  The really sad part is that they reached out to the Allies to help them and they basically wouldn't help.  They were very aware that the world would look at all Germans as evil because of all that Hitler and his guys were doing.  

Snowbirdie -- thanks for sharing.  Amazing story!

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 5:45 pm
by SweetRose
Wow Snowbirdie! Thanks for this awesome story! I'm so glad that your grandmother sold her ticket back. The outcome could well have been a sad ending. Did her mom recover during that time?

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 6:23 pm
by snowbirdie
sweetrose  That was so long ago. I think her mom must have recovered as grandma came home.That was way before my time.              judie

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 12th, 2012, 8:47 pm
by Joyful Friend
Sweet Rose, I'm now reading , A Night to Remember.  It is our book club's pick for this month.  It is unreal how people are saved from accidents.  When the Silver Bridge fell between Point Pleasant, W VA and Gallipolis, there were so many stories like Snowbirdie's grandmother's story.  I want to read the books, you have mentioned. I like history.  Some are very sad. Real life has happy and sad times.  :thumbsup:  JF

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 6:54 am
by SweetRose
Joyful Friend, somewhere I have a 1913 book all about the survivors of the Titanic- in their own words. I bought it years ago at an antique store and thought at the time that I was paying too much. Now I'm glad I bought it! But it is stacked somewhere on a shelf in my walk-thru closet made into a library, maybe behind hundreds of books. Tomorrow I plan to search for it. I also have a 1907 book about the San Francisco earthquake. I'll look for that one, too.

Boy, a lot of sad :'( but interesting reading!

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 10:10 pm
by Joyful Friend
Sweet Rose, Tomorrow is a  hundred years  since the Titanic's sinking, and our Library is featuring several books and articles about it.  One of the first class travelers who died was from our town.  He is buried close by on a knoll over looking the Ohio River.  He is mentioned in the book a couple places.  There are a lot sad stories on every disaster.  They keep our attention.  *hug*  JF

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 10:40 pm
by SweetRose
Boy, Joyful Friend, I would love to read any journals from the survivors of the Titanic. Even the youngest traveler is gone now, so there is no one left to talk about it. I'm going to look for letters that may have been compiled into a single book. First, though, I'm going to find my own old book! Haven't found the time to look yet today~

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 9:43 am
by witheraway1

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 9:54 am
by chewy
the starch solution by dr john mcdougall! excellent  starch based vegan diet book.

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 5:50 pm
by Joyful Friend
SweetRose, If you find the book, it could be worth a good bit of money, especially if it is a first edition.  There will probably be some family members from the survivors who may find journals.  If so, I hope they publish them.  I thought Night to Remember was a thought emotional book.  I found myself angry that people flaunted their wealth so much, and others catered to them.  God created us all, so It's remarkable that in His sight, we  are all the same.  :)  JF

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 8:11 pm
by SweetRose
Yes, I scanned my mini "library" for the book, but didn't see it yet! I'll be looking for the San Francisco book, too. If anyone saw my stacks of books they would faint. :shock:

I'm just not into Kindlle  :stop:....and my library shows it! :laughing:

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Whats everyone reading now?

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 10:11 am
by snowbirdie
Hi Folks,
      I am reading the Klipfish Code now. It was a very scary time in Norway during the war. It seems Norway was a neutral nation but the Nazi's cared not. The whole of Norway was invaded by the Germans. Bombs fell even in the towns the farthest away from civilization. The children were sent to relatives far from the main land. But even at that the Nazi's would find them. They went to the local farms and confiscated as much foods as they could. Took clothing and blankets also. By the way klipfish is cod fish. Any way a good book.