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Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 12:42 pm
by niki
it's absolutely because i didn't grow up on a farm or around a lot of animals...that's good that your kids were alright with that....God intended us to kill to the old testament animal sacrifices were a way of life....
  years ago,i was reading a book on jewish folklore and came across an old custom in secular judaism....before passover,you were to take a perfect lamb...have the children care for it....allow the children to love it.....then for passover,you slaughtered it....this was meant as a foreshadowing of the Messiah so that the children would experience the pain and remember they got older,the sacrifice of Messiah would become more real to them.............
  i know that God intended a lot of animals to be killed for us to eat and be nourished...i just know that it would be hard to kill my friends...........and while we're on the subject,i'll tell you the origin of these feelings...when i was 8,we went to visit my grandparents in peru...we spent over 3 months there...first,they killed rabbits we used to play with and then lied to us telling us we were eating chicken.....they used to raise pidgeons and eat front of me,my uncle squeezed the head off a pidgeon and then dropped the body on the floor where it danced around for what seemed like a long time but really wasn't..................that's where it started for me.....................niki         

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 1:07 pm
by Gammamel
My dad was a life insurance agent and encountered many people on his "route".  (My parents are both deceased now.)  He made lots of friends who were customers and they gave him all kinds of stuff. One time a customer gave my dad a possum, all dressed and ready for cooking.  He brought it home and my mom made barbeque out of it.  However, none of us (my mom, my dad or myself) could bring ourselves to eat it.  My brother came home while we were out and discovered the barbeque.  Not knowing it was possum, he ate almost the whole pot.  You should have seen his face when we got home and told him what he'd eaten.  ;D

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 1:16 pm
by rhernan216
Now that was a great story....oh the times of our childhood. we have a Mexican cultural dish down here we call " barbecoa" or is actually the foil wrapped bbq'd head of a steer or a goat. this is the most awesome tender meat you will ever eat but it so laden with fat it drips down your hands and arms as you roll up a corn tortilla stuffed sandwich sprinkled with homemade salsa or pico de gallo. the first time my kids had it and i told them what it was they about died...i laughed so loud then. i don't eat that way anymore and haven't for years. Eating the cow tongue was another story and was even funnier.

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 1:22 pm
by Queenie
you GUYYYYYS!!!!!!!!!!  :-X  You need to start a new thread - maybe called "icky things we've eaten"!!!!!!! 



Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 1:30 pm
by rhernan216
Icky things,huh? we don't wanna go there...Mexican people along with other ethnic groups do not waste very much when it comes to animals and i think most of the LDL'ers would not be able to stomach the menu...would be too much like Fear Factor i am afraid.

I love it and haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Ain't it great?

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 9:19 pm
by niki
hey,greeks cook the head of the lamb in soup at open the pot and the eye of the lamb is staring at THAT'S gross......
  i'm sorry...i'm a takes a LOT to gross me out..............but,this is a common tradition for all greeks and probably other ethnic groups as're absolutely right richard....any meat was precious....i come from a long line of peasants....meat was a treat.......niki     

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 11:29 am
by joecaracappa
That's the "White Trash Cookbook", I have it in my collection. How about the potato chip sandwich with mayo on white bread. How on earth would we come up with an LDL version of that one?

By the way guys, yesterday I bought a new blender at COSTCO just to make smoothies. After I washed out the pitcher prior to use, I failed to check and make sure the base was nice and tight.............filled it up with fruit, turned it on and guess what happened? This time my the cabinets were spared but my pants and shoes were covered with it.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 3:39 pm
by rhernan216
Joe + Blenders = disaster...Joe please do not apply at Smoothie King



Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 3:41 pm
by rhernan216


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 3:44 pm
by Queenie
White Trash Cookbook???  Oh, my - I never even knew something like that existed.... No, Joe - This is called "Charleston Receipts" - yes, receipts, not recipes!!  LOL!!!

Apparently in Charleston, SC, it's a best seller!!  LOL!


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 6:47 pm
by joecaracappa
It's a turtle.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 7:00 pm
by joecaracappa
The politically incorrect one?


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 7:18 pm
by Queenie
Yeah, I emailed her...

Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 4th, 2006, 11:51 pm
by joecaracappa
I went to what was then known as Biscayne College in the sixties. One Saturday My good friend Mark and I went fishing in the keys. We went to the Sugarloaf Inn for dinner (on Sugarloaf key) and dined on green turtle steaks (was legal then) and Key lime pie. It was a wonderful dining experience but one that will never be repeated again (not just because of the program but real key limes are hard to come by).


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 5th, 2006, 12:31 am
by BettyBoop
Mary, your lizard story reminds me of one of my own.  We were visiting in Fl and staying in a motel.   It was late, around eleven at night, when I saw a big lizard at the head of my bed.  I called the front desk and told them to get somebody over there to kill that lizard or else put me in another room.   Well, they didn't have any other room vacant, but they sent a maint. man to our room who seemed to be more afraid of the lizard than I was.  We were beating on the walls trying to run the lizard out.   My husband and I laughed later and said other people staying there probably thought we were fighting.  Finally the maint. man said the lizard had crawled between the box springs and the mattress and he couldn't get to it.  I told him that he would just have to take the bed apart, which he did.  He finally got the lizard out.  In the meantime I was hid in the bathroom.  My husband knocked on the door to tell me the lizard was out, but he had it in his hand and was going to scare me even more.  I should be ashamed to tell this story; but I think everyone will understand when I say I'm from Tn and haven't been around those critters.   They remind me of little snakes.   Hope everyone has a good laugh on me.


Re: Smoothie Disaster in Van Nuys

Posted: August 5th, 2006, 7:37 am
by tcasola
I hope this works .. I have no idea if I could insert this picture.
