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Posted: August 18th, 2007, 5:22 pm
by niki
EnJae wrote:1) niki advocates not eating for several hours before bed.
2) I eat whenever I am hungry. I don't like 'rules'.

   OK NOW, 2 things.....i don't like rules either and i HATE being you have to know i would never tell ANYONE to do anything that left them HUNGRY...
   you're ALWAYS supposed to follow let's do lunch by eating until full....this NEVER you continue eating the allowable foods, you just find that you're hungry less often and you eat less AND less often....i never advocate intentionally cutting down on your portions....THAT is the beauty of let's do lunch....NOT having to do that.....   
  i actually don't think i've ever brought up the subject of eating at night.....i only brought it up in margo's case because she goes to bed so matter that it IS better for your WHOLE body to rest at night, including your digestive tract, i wouldn't care how healthy it was if i was hungry...if i'm hungry, I WANT TO EAT...AGAIN, the beauty of let's do lunch.........that IF you're hungry, you CAN eat....
  i had just suggested a time to margo to see if she COULD eat at an earlier time.....if it's hard to do that, i would suggest doing it gradually.......a half an hour earlier every so often,until you're hungrier earlier and earlier every day......sure, if you ate not long before going to bed, you're not going to be hungry when you wake wasn't that long ago that your digestive tract went to sleep...but, if you try eating a little earlier every day,before you know it, you WILL be eating most of your food during the day and NOT hungry at you're not going to deprive just won't be hungry.......
  i thought just what veronica thought when she read what you didn't eat enough fruit if you're ravenous not long after....i can see the texture thing...i love having popcorn after eating my fruit...i try if i can to space it a couple of hours because your body digests the fruit a little differently when it's on an empty stomach...but, if you want popcorn right after, go ahead....let's do lunch is NOT about's about abundance......don't consciously cut down on the food you eat...and don't think you're going to lose or break a plateau by purposely eating everyone, eat all the fruit you want to eat...make it a meal...and this brings us to another subject......
  if you're hungry and you want to graze(i LOVE to graze)make a meal out of it....i remember someone on these boards saying she snacked on fruit at work all day....if you eat too often, if you snack TOO much, your blood sugars will not stabilize as well and you won't lose the cravings quite as well.....
    of course, if you're hungry, BEANS are a great choice and one you CAN'T go wrong with...did ANYONE expect me to say ANYTHING different than that?..............the bean queen   


Posted: August 18th, 2007, 7:47 pm
by niki
EnJae wrote:Which of us in sleeping peacefully and which of us is up typing in the middle of the night? (laughing at myself)

  at 3:36:04 am today, ME and my digestive tract were SOUND asleep.....haha...........niki


Posted: August 20th, 2007, 6:26 am
by margo
Hi all....i get up early to begin my work day.  I need brain power to do my work and i get the best brain power early early in the morning when everything is nice and quiet.  Brain does not work as well after...say...10am and it's downhill from since i naturally wake up early, i get up and take advantage of the time and energy.....can get in about 5 hours or so of concentrated reading/analysis/writing by the time the rest of NYC really gets going!  Then i take really good old fashioned care of my husband (like my grandma used to do for gramps) and while i do that i can answer the phone and handle the normal business calls, etc -- work on my quilting....then after 5pm i do not use my brain at all! ;D....(unless it's an emergency!! ;)

Have a great week everyone!


Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 2:42 pm
by EnJae
Good to 'see' you Carla! Hope you get some free time soon.


Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 5:20 pm
by cm in tn
WaY  to go NJ ,
Did you have a 2pd lost this week thats gr--------eat you have done wonderful i sure hope your proud of your self because i sure am !!!!!!!

    You go girl heres a high five to you!!!!
                              GOD BLESS CM IN TN


Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 10:46 pm
by robnveronica
Meeeeee toooo !!! Very proud of you NJ! Me not steppin on scale til next month. and can't wait til FRI for VACATION!! (only couple days but still lookin forward to it)


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 12:45 pm
by cm in tn
Hey VEE'

                                        CM IN TN HILLS hee haw  yall!!!!!!


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 4:59 pm
by EnJae
MAN! I was reading the messages here a couple of days ago and lost my internet connection. Still don't know what happened. On my brother's computer while he's napping. Hopefully my foster-dad can find time tonight to repair my computer. He's been too busy the last couple of days.

Yes, I lost 2 pounds! AND that was while still making daily, poor-food choices.
I have been faithful to the program for 3 days. AND my moodiness is beginning to lift. [Why in the WORLD do I choose to eat bread, tortillas and sugary products sometimes, when I have learned from personal experience that it triggers a serious depression episode?!]


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 5:32 pm
by cm in tn
    Don't be so hard on your self like you said why do we eat things we shoulndn't maybe like you said we' re depressed or down and out some days are better than others thats the facts of life.So with this plan if you mess up one ,l hop back on the next and maybe there won't be to much damaged done. I TO HAVE GOT TO GET BACK ON WHY? WHY? DO I PROSCIATE NOT HOW U SPELL THAT 75 CENT WORD BUT U KNOW WHAT I MEAN LOL. But one thing for sure you lost 2 pds and that girl you can be proud of.

                                      BAKED WELL DONE  ONLY 104 HERE
                                          CM IN TN


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 5:45 pm
by niki
EnJae wrote:Why in the WORLD do I choose to eat bread, tortillas and sugary products sometimes, when I have learned from personal experience that it triggers a serious depression episode?!

  i often ask myself the same question...for me, it's fatigue...before i came back to the boards, i was off and on...the longer i was off, the more tired i got....until i finally told myself i had to go back on and STAY on....glad to see you're getting yourself back to the place you need to's a BETTER place for ALL of us.......sincerely,niki


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 6:00 pm
by margo
okay...i'm sure of it....Niki MUST be my long lost twin!  Almost everything she says resonates with me.

i am sure that fatigue also played a big part in my bad eating habits....even now, i think that when i'm coming up on 13 hours of work and chores and serving hubby (like right now)....i know i am tired and it's time to get off my feet and chill out....but somehow my body/mind,whatever, sends me this message: "Hey Margo....let's eat and get some more energy and finishing accomplishing more things on our 'to do' list."    I'm learning not to listen to much to these ideas.....It's just that the stress of letting work (especially legal work with clients whose liberty or lives and families depend on my work)  pile up causes me another type of stress that i hope to avoid at almost all costs....must get work done...must keep going...must win cases...must keep clients happy...must keep husband happy......must......get.....some.......resssssssttzzzzzzzzz..... ;D

i wish i could learn to procrastinate a bit! Might go on down to Tenn and see if CM can give me some lessons

g'nite all....and God Bless...


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 8:29 pm
by EnJae
:D CM;

I am not down on myself. I don't communicate clearly.
My point was supposed to be that I have been true LDL for the last few days and the depression is GONE.

I lived with depression, anxiety and fatigue from birth. Other kids ran around; I sat with the grown-ups. I was always too sad, too tired; my feelings too easily hurt by the other kids.
Finally as an adult I was diagnosed with a "chemical disorder" involving depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The psychiatrist attributed all that to child abuse.

But for some reason  ::), after I began eating the LDL way, I felt better; got along with folks better and began to wonder if I could do with out the drugs I was prescribed. My doctor supervised me and finally agreed I could do without.
Now, whenever I eat junk, I experience the old symptoms. But when I cut out all sugar, potatoes & over-processed rice and grains I return to sanity.

To God be all the glory!

(Bits and pieces of these details are scattered throughout the Medical Success, Personal Success and Prayer Request posts.)


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 10:03 pm
by niki
margo wrote:okay...i'm sure of it....Niki MUST be my long lost twin!  Almost everything she says resonates with me.

    haha...that's why i loved giving you some suggestions about fine tuning what you're really open heartedly took everything i said and applied it all which was wonderful for soon as my grandson goes back to school, i look forward to meeting you....and if not on the beach,i'll meet you when we do lunch...niki   


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 10:14 pm
by niki
nj.....praise've dealt with adversities and are a loving and intact child of God moving forward....always and i both do our part by choosing to eat this way eliminating all those unhealthy we do our part, God blesses us.....keep trying, dear sister, to make those right doing our part, we widen the pathway for God to continue to bless us....
  i look forward to seeing your little ticker move knowing that that means that you are making more and more right choices.....praise God for all He has done in our lives and for all He has yet to,niki     


Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:47 am
by mrsj
Now, whenever I eat junk, I experience the old symptoms. But when I cut out all sugar, potatoes & over-processed rice and grains I return to sanity.

NJ that is amazing...........amazingly wonderful first of all to realize what's going on and secondly to have the help to handle it with LDL.
You said it!.....To God be the glory!


Posted: August 24th, 2007, 4:55 am
by margo
Good MOrning!

Cool Niki!  Can't wait to see ya'!  As i was waking up this morning i was thinking about you and this lamb i get at a restaurant near here...It's an Afghan restaurant and Niki...the lamb is to DIE for!!  I'm going to be out all day long today and i'm thinking to order a couple of portions of this on my way back home....THey make a delicious rice (Basmati) and salad that goes with the lamb, but i'll tell them to hold the rice and double up on the salad!  Maybe you might like to try that place one day with me and my hubby for lunch?  It's so inexpensive also....A BIG plate of food for like $6! will be my treat!  Otherwise, lets to Greek in Astoria!

i'm pretty hungry this morning....but will carry a big bag of home air popped corn and some fruit, water and diet pepsi with me in the car so i can eat between court appointments.....I don't want to risk being hungry when i'm around those street carts that sell the hot dogs (ohhh Lord...i haven't had a hot dog in soooo long...)

God bless and enjoy the weekend!


Posted: August 24th, 2007, 9:10 am
by niki
hi margo.....tell me the name of the father would love that.......lunch there sounds like a great idea....i just probably won't be going into queens before we meet roger for lunch....
  that's right...finding yourself hungry with nothing good to eat is not a good idea.....BUT, i LOVE hotdogs, too............niki


Posted: August 25th, 2007, 1:42 pm
by margo
Hi Niki...Hi All...

The restaurant is "Choopan Kabab" 43-27 Main Street, Flushing - almost across from the Botanical Garden.  Tel. 718 539-3180.  And, i believe that if you google it, you'll find the menu...but they have changed some of the numbers around so be sure to confirm the name of the dish -- not just the menu number...

By the way, Niki....what's your very favorite recipe for Greek Moussaka?

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend!
Stay safe and God bless!



Posted: August 25th, 2007, 2:41 pm
by niki
mousaka was never one of my favorite things...i prefer pastichio...i make that(of course...because that's the one i like)...i made mary's adaptation of moussaka..but, the truth is that for a lot of things, if i can't have the real thing, i'd rather not eat it..i love eggplant, but, i'd rather eat eggplant parm or rollatini than mousaka...with LOADS of mozarella...that's why i want the real thing and not the substitute..and so, i would just as soon pass...
  most of the recipes i've posted on the boards are recipes i grew up i've said before..they're not diet foods...they're the way greeks eat certain things...of COURSE, i'm not mentioning the hot crusty bread they eat it with....i don't have a problem forgoing that as long as the food itself is the real thing..........
  thanks for the name of that restaurant...i'm going to mention it to my brother, too....i know exactly where it is..........niki 


Posted: August 29th, 2007, 4:28 pm
by PA Crystal
I am a newbie, Day #3
I seem to be okay!  I want to join your WOW group and Look forward to reading all your advice ect in the days to come.
Happy Labor Day weekend. 
Here's to staying focused on what we all really want!
Thanks to all my angels