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Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 8:37 am
by julie409
Hey my buddies,

Today is the end of week 1 for me on the express train.
I am thrilled to report that I was able to reach my goal of 5 hours of exercise (with 10 minutes extra)  :thumbsup:
I ate and exercised as best I could, given that I had 3 days of meetings and ate at restaurants.
Total weight loss for this week is 4 pounds!   :shocked:

So, if anyone in on the fence about this plan, please do not hesitate. The Original plan that Roger created is the BEST way to shed unwanted weight. If you are looking to speed up your loss for a specific reason or to improve health in a hurry, the PURE LDL is the best way to do that.  :thumbsup:

The parameters that Roger added later to appeal to the masses - as Mary so kindly explained - also works incredibly well and will give you a weight loss you can count on.

Either way you go - it's all good!

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 8:38 am
by bamaluvr
Good Morning All....... Hope Everyone is doing well. It's cool and raining this morning and I have to go get food for the game today. All the kids will be here. And I have to get my LDL foods done before they arrive.

Breakfast: Blackberries

Lunch: Pizza Soup, Chicken, Corn, & a Salad

Dinner: Watermelon

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 1:25 pm
by crickadoodle
Julie, my week ends on Monday, but I lost 2 so far!  I always find eating this way works best for me too.  4 pounds is phenomenal!  That isn't going to happen to me at this point, but this way is still the way to go as far as I'm concerned.

I ate a banana and some pineapple for breakfast.
Lunch will be bean soup and a hamburger patty from last night.  They ate hamburgers and I ate fruit, but I cooked one for me to eat today.  One thing I've been missing in my diet is vegetables.  I need to incorporate more vegetables.  My soup has some carrots, tomatoes, onions and celery.  I just need to make an effort to get more of a variety of vegetables in my lunch.  I've eaten salad this week.  I love asparagus and need to get more of that.  I love lots of veggies.  I just haven't made the effort to fix some -- or buy some.  I always have lots of fruit, though. 

I walked an hour this morning and still haven't started my Total Gym workouts since the vacation interruption.  It's easy for me to break a good habit, but re-establishing a good habit is much harder!  :wrong:  Maybe later today?  Maybe not?  We'll see. 

Have fun watching the game, Bama!  Go Tigers!  Oh, let me make that clear -- Go, LSU Tigers!  They are playing the Auburn Tigers.  :laughing:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 1:52 pm
by Joyful Friend
Julie, Four lbs.  Wow!!!  I'm watching Ohio State and Minn.  Hope OS wins after their loss last week.  We just came from the Gym.  Feel so good.  I'm losing slower right now, but still losing, and losing inches.  I am so satisfied.  Yesterday, I made two pumpkin pies.  I make the one on the Libby's can.  Before I added the sugar, I took a cup out.  I always have that much left after filling two deep dish piecrusts.  I also used  evaporated skim milk.  I mixed 1/3 cup of Splenda in the cup and cooked it for me.  It was so delicious.  I had couples over for dominoes last evening.  I fixed pop corn, and pie.  I also had a nice bowl of fruit, and a bowl of candy bars.  I am so glad that I didn't desire the candy.  I'm having my family in tomorrow after church.  I plan to do pork loin with sauerkraut, Cracker barrel fried apples, (LDL recipe on boards) red potatoes, salad, big pot of  beef veggie  soup, and a crock pot of bean soup, corn bread.  I have my roasts baking now.  I want to skim the fat off the top before I add the vegetables.  It is so easy to eat LDL because there is no counting calories, weighing, or eating certain amounts.  Good to read about your success.  They have inspired me onward.  Joyful Friend 

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 2:10 pm
by aalwysl8
I got scared when I read these comments about the Express Train. My initial thought was, "I can't do that right now.
What am I going to do?" Then I read Roger's comments and felt a sigh of relief. I am having a really hard time staying on the program, but being able to eat popcorn when I am craving really helps. I quit smoking recently and I am really trying not to gain a lot of weight. I would really like to lose weight. I am struggling with sweet cravings and the more I eat the worse it gets. I had lost some weight on LDL and then got sidetracked with a week long training, company visiting, etc. Need to get back on track, but maybe not on the express train?

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 2:26 pm
by Joyful Friend
AAlwy, Congratulations, on quiting smoking.  Working lunches can wreck your weight loss; however, for the sweet cravings, I suggest eating the sweetest fruits, like pineapple, grapes, banana  I am still amazed  that my cravings got satisfied with fruit because we can eat as much as we want.  Express Train is only one type of train.  The important thing is to get on one.  Just with the story of the Turtle and Hare,  slowly but surely won the race.  Some days I feel as though I'm the turtle, but then when I try on my clothes, I'm a winner.  We all will be pulling for you.  Joyful Friend 

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 4:50 pm
by julie409
Hi Bama,

Hope you are having a great day with the kids!  *hug*  Sounds like fun!  What did you make?

Thanks Doodle, you are doing terrific.  :thumbsup:  Whatever the loss is - it is. And when you are feelin it you will get back on the Tot gym. No worries - all in it's own time. You are so close to goal, there is no need to rush the process.

Joyful, thank you. I think the exercise really revved up my metabolism and I also walked the malls quite a few times this week. One of them is 2 miles up and down. SO I think all things added up.  ;) 

AA - No need to do PURE LDL. Just do LDL as Roger has written with the wider parameters and you will have fantastic results. The last time I did PURE,  I went for a month and then back to the more forgiving LDL plan. Besides quitting smoking is the most important thing you can accomplish now for your good health!  :thumbsup:  That is quite a big deal - congratulations!  And Joyful is right - we will all wind up in the same place no matter which train we take. For me, I have a birthday coming up in April and I promised myself I would be in the best health of my life. So I am very motivated to reach my goal and beyond, bc with LDL, ya never know.

OK now seriously, with all this train talk I am getting the itch to travel!  :laughing:

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 5:24 pm
by crickadoodle
aalwysl8 -- don't feel like you have to do what we are doing to lose weight.  Some of us were experimenting a couple of months ago to see if we would lose weight faster if we did the program as it was done originally -- just fruit for breakfast and dinner and the big lunch of beans, veggies and lean meat.  It really worked well for us -- that is why we call it the Express Train.  We sort of relaxed it a bit for about a month and then came back to it to see if we could speed up our weight loss again a little.  It's something that works for us and we invite anyone to join us who would like, but by no means does everyone have to do it.

Julie -- we took a train ride through the Smoky Mts. on our vacation one day.  It was so beautiful with all the autumn leaves and the water falls. I have a couple of pictures from it that came out nice.  I took one of the conductor walking along the track that is artistic looking.  I really liked that one.  It was a total accident, though, so I can't take credit.  I was trying to get a picture of the leaves on the track and he happened to get in the picture.  At first I was like, "Oh, you walked into my picture  :wrong:"  Then when I looked at how great that made the picture I showed it off to my husband.  :laughing:  Come to think of it, I never mentioned to him that it was a total accident and he is not married to an artist.  :D

Well, the fishermen got back from fishing and they caught quite a few speckled trout.  I'm sure that means my husband will be frying fish tonight.  :stop:  I'm not eating them!  I'm eating fruit tonight anyway. 

Oh, I got a couple of those "personal" watermelons.  They are a little priceyer than I'm used to, almost the price of the big ones a month ago, but I missed watermelon so much.  I see the local store has cut watermelon for sale, but the amount you buy is hardly a snack!  I pass those up.

I've been enjoying pears lately.  They have so much flavor.  I guess each season will bring us some favorites.  I wonder what a whole year of LDL will be like -- for one thing, I'll be totally svelte by the end of a year.  I feel slender already.  I'm curious about where I'll end up.  Already it is good.  I am serious that I look better at 143 lbs. than I remember looking at 135 lbs. in the past.  I don't know what it is about LDL, but good things happen to your body.  :laughing:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 6:19 pm
by Eljayne
OK, I think I'll just put my journal on hold and start on the PURE LDL journal page effective the 26th, which is my weigh in day!  Then I'll have a start date/weight and time line that give me a good comparable for the pure LDL woe.  Let's see today is the 24th, Saturday, see you here Monday!!! I still think MN would be a great place for our next annual convention but not in the winter!!! :rose: EL

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by Kathie
*love* I had a good day today on the Express Train..
L..Lentil soup with turkey

I usually have the same schedule every day and am off Tue and Wed.  I am going to eat the same way as my work days.  I just need to tell you that I weighed myself this morning.. still working on that habit of daily weights.
Oct 8... started LDL  weight 175

Oct 10..weigh in      weight 170
I bounced from 170 to 172
Oct 23..Started Express Train 170
Oct 24..Lost  1 pound
Down to 169 Total 6 pounds off.  I think thats awesome.. I am moving in the right direction and lovin life!
I am 5 feet 6 inches so I have some to go. My Dr. says I should weigh about 150.  WW says 145..Lets see what LDL says!!

Today I received my book and recipes from Roger... I had borrowed a book from a co worker to get started for a couple of days.. I wanted my own book so I could refer back to it when I needed to and to re read all that I read before.  My book is wonderful and I love the recipe cards. The cards are so well illustrated. The book is personally signed by Roger too.. How wonderful is that? 
Gonna close now and go get my smoothie!  Just had to tell you all..

Thanks so much! Kathie K in Fl.

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 8:29 pm
by julie409
HI Kathie,

That is awesome.  :thumbsup:  Thanks so much for letting us know how you are doing. Your success could be just the thing that will convince someone to start LDL. It's an incredible plan that Roger created for us!

OK - got to go exercise before it gets too late.  ;)  I am hooked!

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 8:38 pm
by julie409
Julie -- we took a train ride through the Smoky Mts. on our vacation one day.  It was so beautiful with all the autumn leaves and the water falls. I have a couple of pictures from it that came out nice.  I took one of the conductor walking along the track that is artistic looking.  I really liked that one.


Sounds beautiful!  Can you please email it to me? I would love to see it!

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 9:19 pm
by CodingQueen
Julie, that's great...4 lbs...I think I'm going to make everyone wait a month before I post mine and change my ticker. :laughing: But I will say one thing... I bought a couple of short outfits before I went to the Keys and they are hanging on me already.. :thumbsup: I'm just glad they were half price when I bought them.

Well, today I didn't get up until around 10:30 am. I stayed up late last night (or should I say morning) watching a really creepy movie on the Chiller Channel...I love those type of movies except the ones like "Friday the 13th." Anyway, I didn't have my breakfast until around 11 am and lunch was around 3:30 pm because, believe it or not, my fruit held me that long. It's after 9 pm now and I still haven't had the urge to eat any dinner so I'm going to skip it tonight.

Breakfast  Watermelon and cantaloupe

Lunch      Italian White Bean, Spinach and Turkey Soup with a salad

Exercise    Stationary Bike while watching TV


Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 11:09 pm
by julie409

That's great about the shorts. Sometimes it happens so fast - it is hard to believe it is happenning.

Your day sounded absolutely heavenly :angel:

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 11:12 pm
by julie409
Here we go!  Week 2
Saturday: 45 minutes  :thumbsup:
Sunday:   60 minutes  :thumbsup:
Monday:  40 minutes  :thumbsup:

More to come----  I'm so excited --- as long as I can still find watermelon, alls well in NJ.  :drool:

Julie :rose:

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 25th, 2009, 10:14 am
by bamaluvr
Morning All..........Hope you all have a great Sunday!!

Breakfast: Watermelon

Lunch: Beef Veggie Soup

Dinner: Grapes & Grapefruit

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 25th, 2009, 10:42 am
by crickadoodle
I'm going to try to make this short, because I need to bathe and get ready for church.  Mom got herself ready early this morning -- shoes and all, so that is one thing I won't have to do.

I just want to encourage anyone doing Express Train or contemplating doing Express Train.  Yesterday, I ate according to plan with fruit for breakfast, bean soup and a hamburger patty for lunch, and fruit for supper.  My dinner can sometimes last several hours.  Sometimes I'll eat some fruit around 5:30 PM, and then maybe some more around 7 PM and then maybe some more around 9 PM.  That's what happened last night.  I was feeling hungry and the others were going to eat when my husband got back from church, because he was frying the fish they'd caught.  That meant they ate around 7:30 or 8 PM.  I had 3 satsumas and a pear first, then later I had a piece of watermelon and an apple, and then during the football game (the LSU Tigers beat the Auburn Tigers -- Geaux, Tigers!) I had a bowl of grapes.  I remember doing this before and thinking, "Oh, well, I probably will mess up my weight loss."  The opposite happened, I lost weight!  Well, I got up this morning and stepped on scale and another pound was gone!  Vary your fruits and they'll satisfy you more. 

Now, for someone who is 7 lbs. away from the goal I set, I am reeling at the outcome so far this week -- 3 lbs.  Tomorrow is the last day of the week for me, but I was excited about the 2 lbs. earlier in the week.  My BMI is already in the normal range, and when I think of it some people would probably consider it their goal weight.  I am small boned and know that I'd be better off at a lower weight, although I in no way look overweight at this point -- even to me, and aren't we our harshest critics in that area?  I can't say it enough, LDL is such a blessing to my life and the Express Train is the fastest way to reach goals. 

Today, we normally go to a restaurant after church, but I have no problem in or out of restaurants now.  I know the LDL principles and love what they do for me, so I have no desire to stray from them. 

Oh, I saw a couple from my church at the store yesterday and they told me they are talking to each other about doing LDL too.  I was thinking, I'm going to share soup with them this week to help them make their choice for good health.

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 25th, 2009, 3:46 pm
by Joyful Friend
Crickadoodle, I had the same experience last night while I watched the Fla and Miss State.  What a good ballgame.  I so wanted Fla to win, and they did.  I think I like Tim T. a whole lot. Glad your Tigers won.  Ohio State, West Va., and Marshall all won.  I kept eating fruit-different kinds.  I had made a huge pot of vegetable soup, so while fixing it, I took a nibble of carrots, cabbage, and then tasted the soup and kept tasting before adding the beef roast that I had previously oven roasted.  I was also down a l lb.  It works.  Veggies and fruit don't add weight.  Today, I fixed the fried apples.  I will do them again.  The whole family liked them.  Ths skillet full disappeared.  They tasted just so much like Crackle Barrel's.  I am going to eat them instead of watermelon like Niki said she was doing.  I plan to go to Sam's this week-Hope they have watermelon and dried buttermilk.  If they have watermelon, it will probably be sky high.  People in our area have been making apple butter.  It is a sight how the ingredients have increased, especially the sugar.  LDL is the best, Joyful Friend 

Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 25th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by CodingQueen
Joyful Friend, wasn't that an awesome game between FL and Mississippi?

Well guys, the weekend is over and tomorrow starts another long week. :sad:

Here's my menu for the day. By the way, I got up late again because I just had to watch a movie with Sean Connery late last night...I think he's better looking now than when he played James Bond. So, of course, I didn't have breakfast until late and the same with lunch. It's after 8 pm and I'm still not wanting to eat so I'll skip dinner again.

Breakfast  Watermelon and cantaloupe

Lunch      Grilled pork tenderloin, corn on the cob and a salad

Exercise    Stationary bike while watching TV


Re: The Express Train: Maximizing your results!

Posted: October 25th, 2009, 10:19 pm
by Joyful Friend
CQ, I think we will see Fla go all the way.  Surely love watching them.  You don't eat much.  I guess our bodies are so different.  For lunch today, I had pork tenderloin, sauerkraut, fried apples, salad, bowl of veg soup.  For dinner, I had green bean sandwiches with tomato -used cornthins, fruit smoothie-pineapple, banana, apple.  Then I had some grapes.  Watching the World Series, and also turn to see what the football game is doing.  I'm getting sleepy.  Need to go to bed.  Have a good week, Joyful Friend