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Need a new blender!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 4:57 pm
by Tori
My blender just went Kaput a few minutes ago, and so I am in the market for a new one. I was wondering what types of blenders/food processors you all use? The one I bought I have had only a few months, and it is already broken. So beware this model, which I bought at Costco: ... B000BQJ54K

It has leaked from the bottom from day 1, and now today when I was making my smoothie, the little post that you stick the blender on top of (on the base) broke off. It is only held there by a piece of rubber ... it is not a solid metal piece.

Sooooo, what would be a good blender to look at? I've heard good things about the Magic Bullet, but are they really as good as people say? I have also found this food processor, but really know nothing about it, or the website:

Cuisinart Duet Blender and Food Processor

I would love some advice!

Thanks so much!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 5:25 pm
by tcasola
I've been using the Hamilton Beach 50754 WaveStation 10-Speed Dispensing Blender. It makes smoothies. I bought it in ShopRite, and (so far) it's been flawless.

Here is a picture (and details) from

Hamilton Beach 50754 WaveStation 10-Speed Dispensing Blender

You may want to look into getting the Back-to-Basics Smoothie Elite Maker

Again, on

Back-to-Basics Smoothie Elite Maker

*Edit to keep the board from stretching*

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 5:34 pm
by Tori
Thanks Tom. I have looked at both of those, but I'm just not sure if I want a plain smoothie maker, as I use my blender for all kinds of things. LOL!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 6:08 pm
by imkay
i have an oster. have had it almost a year and have not had any problems with it ... B00006IUUS

i got mine at target and it was on sale.

good luck tori!!!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 7:09 pm
by Queenie
Tori - I have a vita-mix. 

I should qualify that - Years ago I bought a vita mix - I have no idea where it is now (divorce - long story).  A few months ago I was VERY lucky and found my current vita-mix in a thrift store (for 14.99!!!).  I replaced the rubber seal and side clips for about 8 dollars, and had to replace something else that was $56.00.  Even though that sounds like a lot, the stupid thing retails for over $450.00, so I looked at it as an investment.

NOW - when I was waiting for this 56 dollar part, I HAD to have something to make my smoothies in, so I went out and got an Osterizer (yes, I looked and that's exactly what it says on the front) 12 speed blender.  I only used it for about a week (then the parts for the vita-mix showed up), but it worked wonderfully.  Unfortunately, I can't tell you about any long term results...

This may or may not help...


Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 1:14 am
by neakybird
I have an osterizer 10 speed that I got cheap at Target and it works just fine.  I gotta tell ya though I think that is a darn good deal on that blender food processor that you gave the web address for.  If you get any kind of guarantee with that refurbished item I would go for it.

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 8:17 am
by tcasola
(off topic) vita-mix isn't made by the same company that created Vitameatavegamin

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 12:28 pm
by Tori
Oh, decisions, decisions! Definitely can't afford the Vitamix machine, so that will have to wait until I make my first million. ;)

I think I'm just going to have to get out and hit the stores today, to see what I can find. I can shop all day long on the web and never come to a decision! LOL!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 9:35 pm
by Queenie

Did you get one?


Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 12:04 am
by Tori
Not yet, Carolyn. Didn't have time to go shopping today.

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 9:20 am
by HarleyGrandma
I ended up buying a blender at Kohls last week, its a Hamilton Beach 700 watt 12 speed wave action.  Is perfect for smoothies and has a lot of power.  I paid $35.00 for it.  So far I love it.

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 11:08 am
by tallyrand
You know, I had that same Oster 16 speed Blender, just in white, It broke in the same place for me when I started making smoothies. 

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 12:34 pm
by bleego
I have the kitchen aide blender. I love it. It does everything I want it to.
Happy Shopping.


Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 1:11 pm
by ksayer
Hi - I'm new - only a week, and I was a little worried about how my blender would go for all this frozen banana and fruit thing . . . but it's great!  I have the Hamilton Beach 10 speed with Ice Breaker (Hi and Lo).  It goes through the fruit at breakneck speed!  Good luck . . . KathyS

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 5th, 2006, 1:30 am
by robnveronica
We have the hamilton beach 12 speed and haven't had any problems with it. Been in use every morning for past 6 weeks with frozen fruits chopped/pureed to smithereens!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 5th, 2006, 10:53 pm
by Tori
Thanks everyone!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 12:57 am
by robnveronica
Ok...Tori...much as I love looking at your cute new figure...I WANNA SEE YOUR FACE!!!! I need a new pic on line for you!

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 1:15 am
by mrsj
(Off Topic)
Tom, I love that I Love Lucy skit on Vitameatavegamin.  I remember showing that a couple years ago to my then 24 yr old who had never seen it.  She's the kind of person who has an infectious laugh.  I laughed so hard with her.  If anyone has not seen it yet I recommend it highly.

mrs J

Re: Need a new blender!

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 11:56 am
by GClinton
I never thought I would gush over an appliance before, but I just got a new blender I'm in love with!  It is the new model Kitchen Aid household blender - as opposed to the old model (not as good).  It is a Kitchen Aid model #KS8560MCO - it is different from the old Kitchen Aid model in that the bowl and lid are shaped to come to a point, not round like the old model.  It is powerful, does not leak, very easy to clean, works incredibly well and looks good too.  The blades and base are built into the bowl as one unit so they can not separate and leak.  It has an unusual blade start up motion that sort of hick-ups to jump and pause that tosses everything into motion all at once - blends anything I put inside into varying degrees of homogonized bits, depending on the speed setting I use. It cost me $99 at Dillard's.  I went through two others that were inferior to this one - Waring Stainless Steel Professional and a Cuisenart model - both cost more but were not as good as this one.