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Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 10:22 pm
by Adaas
I've read about people holding you accountable for goals, and so not to keep them just in your mind. But I'm sick of telling everyone I know that "I'm going to lose weight" and then failing again and again. So will everyone here please be here for me? I've read a lot on this board, everyone seems so nice. So many people are faithful in God and I really identify with that. I just want the support in losing weight so that I don't have to tell my family and husband "I'm done eating like crap" only to fail a week later. I want to just one day in a few months have everyone notice I've shrunk!
;) The book hasn't arrived yet, but I'm starting the best I know how tomorrow morning when I can go shopping for good foods. I haven't been able to buy any up until now but DH just got paid so I'm going to buy myself some fruits, veggies and popcorn.
I'll update how I'm doing every day :)

God bless!

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 11:00 pm
by Honeygram
Welcome to the Club, Honey.  Most successful people have had many failures, i.e. Thomas Edison for one.  We all have had our share too.  One of the mottos I like and need for my office is "Never, Never, Never Give Up."  I have been looking for years for a diet that suited my lifestyle and personality and this is it!  I have slacked off of LDL for a few weeks when I was on the road and visiting family, but jumped right back in as soon as I returned to either of my homes--live and work in one city and spend weekends at our home in another city.  My body is partial to it's fat and doesn't like giving it up, but it is giving it up on the LDL diet.  My blood pressure has dropped, too.  I am looking forward to results of  my blood tests.

Again, Welcome and Best wishes!


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 11:18 pm
by t-rock
Hi Adaas:

I am sure you will find this community to be the most supportive, kind, caring group of people you will ever encounter.  You can do this!  Even if you lose slowly, the fact that you are able to eliminate cravings and eat only wholesome, good foods is a BIG WIN!  I haven't been losing fast, but I can also say that I haven't had an ounce of pasta, rice, butter, and a lot of other bad things over the past eight weeks.  I have had my slip ups, but I can feel good about the fact that I am treating my body better than I have in a long time.

Stay connected to these boards.  THESE PEOPLE ARE AMAZING!!!

Take care.


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 7:14 am
by MusicManiac
I've only been here for three weeks and this is the EASIEST, uh, "diet," that I've ever tried.  I thought I could make it through a month to give it a shot.  I feel so much happier just by eating my main meal at lunch that I have no intention of going back to my old habits.

I'm sure you know by now that we're all together in this!!!

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 7:42 am
by Glen M
Hello Adaas,
I've been on LDL for almost a month now and words cannot describe how much better I feel about myself, and I finally have hope that I can change the way I look and feel! I can see (and feel) so many differences that excite me! I haven't weighed yet...and I may not for a while. There are other ways to measure your success. I am able to get into a size smaller pants, my belts are almost too big now, all my clothes fit much better! I can bend over and tie my shoes much easier and its much easier to squat down or bend over and pick up something! And ..even better benefits than that blood pressure has dropped dramatically! I was on the verge of having to go on blood pressure medicine, as a matter of fact the doctor had already written me a script for it...just before LDL! I keep a close watch on it in almost disbelief as it drops on down! My wife can't believe that I'm losing so easily and the best thing is I'm not craving sweets or junk food! You can do this! I needed to lose 80-85 pounds when I started LDL. As I mentioned earlier I haven't weighted yet, but I know I'm well on the way down to Skinny Town!


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 8:08 am
by heretotheend are not alone when you think that you don't want this to be just one more failure.    I have been on probably any kind of diet that is out there.......I have proved that they problem has always been not being able to keep of the weight.........I would get tired of watching everything that I ate and then the next thing you know I am right back where I started......  LDL is so much better since we can eat all of the allowed foods that we want to satisfy us...and the longer I am on LDL the less I want to eat.....The support here is first rate and that is another reason that we WILL be able to do it this time.

I have not talked alot about me doing LDL because I have been on so many diets that I can just imagine some people joking about me "being on another diet".  Time will tell the tale. You can already tell that I have lost weight and people that I don't see that often can tell but no one else except my husband has said anything.

It seems that everyday I learn something new that will help me on this journey to Skinneytown.............the one thing that I know for sure is that I lose more weight when I eat a lot of beans and corn than when I don' be sure to try alot of the recipes with beans and you will not even know that you are eating them in alot of the recipes.

Looking forward to being with you as we all get skinny and healthy together,


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 11:21 am
by mom
welcome to both the ldl woe and the message boards.  if you start a journal, and journal what you are eating each day, it allows you to look back and see where your sticky points are, and we as your friends will remind you of things that may stall your weightloss. God bless as you continue your ldl journey.

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 12:53 pm
by chipmunk
Welcome to the board..I was the same way always on a diet losing some and everyone happy for me. JUST to gain it back..This time I told no one except my adult children that live with me because they are eating what I cook so they know.....A week  before I was to weight in my daughter asked when do I weigh in ,I said one more week ..

(THIS WOULD BE THE FRIST TIME I MADE IT FOR A MONTH WITH NO SCALE..) she asked if I would tell her how much I had lost to date when I do weight in..WHY..... *lipssealed*She said she told people @ her work about what I was doing and losing...They were all waiting to her from her about me and LDL... *lipssealed* *lipssealed* *lipssealed* So here I kept it quiet and she could see what I was losing so it felt good that she could see me losing...I will not see the people @ her work..but It really upset me that someone other then the board knew I was do this way of eating..But I guess I will get over it..because this is a way of life.... :rose:

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 12:54 pm
by Victoria

I am way past 50 years old and have tried every kind of diet you can possibly imagine.  My last was Weight Watchers -- I lost weight, but I quickly ran out of patience counting points or limiting what I could eat on the core plan.  Even though there are a lot of dishes that you normally ate that are not on LDL, those that are LDL friendly you can eat as much as you want!

My husband and I have been on LDL since July 4 of this year and I must say this eating plan is the easiest of all!  Neither one of us has had a craving for pasta, potatoes, pastries, etc.  We love eating our main meal at lunch time (you don't have to do this every day).  My husband said he is eating more fruit than he can ever remember and forgot how good it is, and good for you too -- same with vegetables!

KEEP THE FAITH -- LDL members (long- and short-term) are always there for you!


If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone that you are doing LDL.  If you are asked why you aren't eating a specific food, candy, cookies, pie, etc. just tell them that you aren't really hungry for them right now.  Sometimes friends and relatives can be really pushy and that tends to

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 1:27 pm
by MissBizzyLizzy
we are here for matter what  ;)  i wanted you to remember as you shop...look look look and READ the ingridients.  i can't stress that enough.  you would not believe how much sugar different brands put in our foods.  i was so shocked when i was shopping for the first time.  i know you can do's just to simple not to.  i can't wait to hear your post in a month about what your friends and family are going to say to you.  ;D

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 5:29 pm
by Adaas
Wow guys thanks so much for the support! Seriously, I didn't expect so many responses and I really appreciate it. I think I definitely will just not say anything to anybody about my diet (except my husband because I make us meals lol) and just wait until the pounds start coming off! I'm really excited and motivated by everybody else's success.
I'm just waiting for my book to get here, but can anyone tell me if it's okay if I eat tuna with a small amount of mayo for lunch? I usually eat it every day and I really love it.

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 5:34 pm
by heretotheend
Tuna and mayo is fine.  Just be sure the tuna is packed in water and the mayo is LF and enjoy.


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 5:53 pm
by julie409
Hi Adaas,

Welcome aboard! You have already received some terrific info. I am sure you can see/feel the family atmosphere here. Everyone is rooting for you and we will be there for you when you have questions, need to vent or need to be picked up after a fall. I really believe the good people on these boards are a great part of the LDL success story.  *love*

Do the best you can until the book arrives. Many of us --me included - began just with the info on the boards and by asking lots of questions. Check out the FAQs for more info. You can also do a search to see if info already exists about the question you may have. A lot of these guys use corn thins for making sandwiches or for salads and soups. I think it would work great with your Tuna. (Info on them also in the FAQs)  :thumbsup:

I have been on LDL for 2 months. I was looking for a new lifestyle bc I figured out a diet would not work bc when I go off it, I just gain it all back. I have only told a couple of verrry close people that I knew would be genuinely happy for me.  I am waiting for people to notice b4 saying anything. Even then I will try to hold back giving too much info. I would like my success to speak for itself. (I have also been on every diet as well - so I know what you mean!)

This will be a process for you that will touch every part of your life so jump in; the water is fine! Looking forward to hearing about your success!

Julie  :rose:

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:37 pm
by Clown Lady
Welcome on board the train to skinnytown

I also have tried so many diets only to fail.  My husband is so supportive of this program.  It is the only one that I have been able to stay on.  He tells different people that she eats alot of food and still looses weight. He just cant believe it.  I am in week 11 and have lost 20 pounds.  As the others have said read the labels, eat until you are full and don't forget to post any questions you might have as some one will chime in with an answer.  I am dumppy today and I place to not having enough protein at lunch and enough beans and corn for two days.  i am now going to make my black bean/corn salsa to eat on my salad.  It take the place of dressing.
Good luck with us here at LDL

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 28th, 2009, 10:02 pm
by Adaas
Well today has been my first official day! I started out with strawberries for breakfast and then had tuna and a banana for lunch. Eating until full both times :) Then for dinner I had a fruit salad and a few bites of canned chicken with dried cranberries. Realized this probably wasn't the best idea so I only had a little and then stuck with the fruit. Until the book comes I'm just pretty much sticking to fruits and veggies so as not to mess up too much lol. Tonight I'm going to snack on popcorn and more fruit. Also picked up a "corn snack" from the health food store that's just corn, non-hydrogenated soybean oil and salt. I figured it was okay since it's pretty basic.
I'm just so worried about messing up! I really can't cook worth beans so I'm stuck with a pretty limited menu. Speaking of beans....can I snack on black beans, corn and green beans during the day and at night?
Hoping everyone else had a good day!

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 28th, 2009, 11:53 pm
by mom
don't operate blind, at the top of the boards, there is a faqs section to help get you started.  try not to snack, but anytime you are hungry you can eat any ldl food including and especially beans, and corn until you are full, try and save your heavy protein meal at lunch, and have fruit, or fruit smoothies for breakfast to get your metabolism going. You can also eat any vegetable or popcorn in stead of fruit for dinner if that is what you want.  there are some very easy recipes to make using canned beans on the boards, I specially like the chicken corn chowder, and the tuscan bean dip.  I often will have vegetarian refried beans (to spice them up I add spicy salsa) and then top them with a poached or soft boiled egg.  I love the runny yolk in the refried beans.  the three bean salad is also good.  and the pumpkin smoothie is just opening cans and putting them in the blender, so anyone even a noncook could do that one.  *hug*

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 30th, 2009, 10:46 pm
by Honeygram
Hi, Adaas,

I can cook okay, but I rather not usually.  That's one reason I like this diet--I can eat fruit and popcorn and skip the cooking part.  The funny thing is that I am cooking MORE now than I was.  I have enjoyed many of the recipes; my husband, too, even though he isn't on the diet.  One that is so simple and that we thought was really good is Little Mary's Easy Mexican Chicken.  It's on page 6 of the main course menus at this web site.  I don't know if you like Southwestern cooking or not, but we do.

None of us like to make mistakes, but we ALL do.  The important thing is to  learn from your mistakes and move forward.  I have made MANY, MANY mistakes.  The world hasn't ended yet because of any of them.  I haven't finished making mistakes yet and probably won't.  I have given up on being perfect--too much stress and disappointment.  I just do the best I can.

Hope you have a great day tomorrow!  Have some fun! :rose:


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 2:19 pm
by terrims54
Welcome Adaas,
I am not sure about the corn snack you bought. You can buy Real Foods original corn thins on I just ordered some more today. They were $30.49 for a case of 12 no tax or shipping fee. Last time I paid around $44 with shipping. I just love them. I have more left from the last order but when I saw the price I had to order them.

This is such a wonderful community. Everone is so helpful. You are going to love it.  *love*
All aboard the train to skinnytown!!!!!!!

Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 11:26 pm
by Honeygram
Hi, Adaas,

How is your weekend going?????

Mine was restful and I think more expensive than it should have been--shopping too much on the computer.  It was stormy this morning which curtailed our activities.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Re: Here Goes....I really don't want this to be one more failure!

Posted: August 2nd, 2009, 8:56 am
by Victoria

Snacking (eating between meals) according to Roger on Pg. 56 in the new red book should only be done if your are EXTREMELY hungry, but if you do need a snack it should be either popcorn, carrot sticks, Edamame soybeans, or dry-roasted soy nuts.  If you are hungry after supper, eat some fresh fruit or have a fruit smoothie. A few raisins are also o.k.

Not much of a cook?  I suggest making salads -- there are a lot of recipes on the soup and salad board.  Making soup is easy (the soup board has great ones) plus you have a hugh amount that you can freeze in a lot of small containers for eating later.  Also, if you include some kind of beans in your daily eating, you'll lose weight faster -- go to the HOME page, click on the FAQ's then read Little Mary's message "What's with all the Beans?"  It is enlightening!

Have fun on LDL!  It's wonderful!
