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Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 3:33 pm
by Clown Lady
I have a weak back bone at times.  I will fade into the background and just go along with everyone else.   But today I stood up for me.  You know ME is very important.  Had club meeting in town and after all were going to lunch.  The one lady who doesn't need it  Said Pizza Hut.  Most agreed.  Donna are you going?  Reply no there is nothing there for me to eat and I didn't come prepared for pizza.  I need to have protein at noon.  Answer back they have meat sandwiches.  Reply I just don't do processed meat.  Another friend said I have gain my weight back with WW and I just can't do pizza hut either.  So the two of us went to chinese which has the best steamed veggies and beef and the the other 10 went to pizza hut.   I am learning not to give in to the others that will cause me to stray.  My husband does pizza hut on tuesday evening and I now take my own food with me.  To me pizza hut is a killer.
Thanks for listening

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 3:45 pm
by MissBizzyLizzy
good for you Donna!  we went to chinese 2 weeks ago.  i thought for sure i could have some chicken stuff or you can never go wrong broccoli and beef...i was WRONG!!  it all tasted really gross to me. i gave my plate away and went to the fruit and salad part of the buffet.

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 4:01 pm
by bamaluvr
Great job Donna! I am so proud of you. :thumbsup:  Keep up the good work.

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by Jerzygrl09
Good for you, Donna! You have the courage of your convictions!!

As for taking your own food to Pizza Hut....up here in Jersey, they'd give you the bum's rush out the door by the seat of your pants before you got all your stuff out and onto the table!!!   :D

I told you....I'm comin' down there one day for hospitality and FOOD!!!

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 4:36 pm
by Clown Lady
For as much money as we spend in pizza hut they better not boot me out.  Our pizza hut is the best one that I have ever been in.  They even tried making me a atkins pizza but I didn't like it.  Sometimes in the evening I will eat the salad bar.  Not my favorite.  I husband would eat pizza 24 7 if he could.    I had a hard time adjusting to small town life sometimes it is okay.  I am orig. from Los Angeles area.  Big adjustment for me.  I have been here 14 years and still an outsider.

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 5:11 pm
by heretotheend
Donna I am proud of you!  you did exactly what you had to do to stay on least one person understood where you were coming from......we know where and what we can eat and you did not cave are 100% LDL


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 5:19 pm
by electricj1316
Donna that is so great!! Way to go!! Sometimes people can make you feel like an outsider when you eat healthy but we can stand up and be good examples and just hope and pray that eventually they will see how great we feel and how much more healthy we are and decide to try LDL out! You just keep up the great work and keep being a great role model!! I am so proud of you!!  *woot* *woot* *woot*


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 5:44 pm
by julie409
Hi Donna, what a great story. I am so happy for you to be able to feel so strong in your resolve and confident in your choice!  Congratulations! :thumbsup:

I really know how you feel when you had to say "I can't eat that!"  :stop: I am so proud of you for walking away and God bless the person that went with you! I am so glad you did not have to eat alone.  :angel:

Jerzy  :laughing:

Julie :rose:

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by LittlePrincess
Donna YOU ROCK!  :thumbsup:  I'm so proud of you and so happy that you had a friend stand up with you.  I don't know why it's so hard for us to stand up for ourselves, but I guess that is something we are all learning, myself included.  *HUGS*  You did great.

(In Faith)  LP

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 7:28 pm
by Jerzygrl09
Donna - I've often see your reference to how delicious the "Blueberry Pie" recipe is.

Tonight for supper, I decided to try it, but didn't have blueberries, so....I made the same recipe with 2 fresh, black plums and the banana. I added some Cinnamon and nuked it in the microwave until bubbly. Although the plums were very sweet, after cooking they tasted a little acidic so I added a little sweetener. WOW!!! Delicious and VERY filling.

I'll try it with blueberries after shopping tomorrow.


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by crickadoodle
What a victory, Donna! :)  Congratulations.  These choices are what will give you the big victory. 

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 8:30 pm
by CodingQueen
Donna, way to go :thumbsup:....more than likely if you hadn't stood up for youself the other lady would have gone to Pizza Hut, too...and who knows, maybe some of the others will join you next time...and if they don't, it's their'll be the one that's skinny.


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 13th, 2009, 9:11 pm
by Clown Lady
Thanks everyone
My friend that went with me is struggling on WW.  She works for WW.  I gave her a document that greenheron sent me for her to read.  she stress eats and when she does she eats everything in sight.  I asked her to get rid of those WW snacks and eat popcorn or even a piece of fruit.  I said figure out your points and go for it heathy  she is a sugarolic big time.  I love her and want her healthy.  Some day by example maybe she will listen.  LDL ROCKS I have made 8 copies and today I made 5 more and only have one left.  I am planting the seed and sure hope it grows

As for the pie I have made it with blueberries, cherries, peaches, necturines, strawberries.  My least favorite is strawberries.  Also have made it with blueberries/strawberries, peaches/blueberries.  Endless ideas so you don't get board.  I take it with me to market

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 3:00 am
by powder99
Hi Donna
You rock. I had lots of pressure from people when I was on South Beach. They would say, "Oh you are just being silly." My least favorite was when people would say, "A little bit wouldn't hurt you." Yeah right. I did not have the strength I do on this program.
Where I live, they'd toss you out if you tried to eat your own food. Also, if they serve liquor, it is against the law to bring your own food to eat. I see that all the time at my ski hill. They pretend not to notice if you are discrete but a ski hill without a liquor license is not going to do well.
The next time you have to stand up for yourself, take comfort in knowing the people on this site are standing right behind you.
Be proud!

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 6:06 am
by Jerzygrl09
Donna - what was the article greenheron sent? One of my daughters is struggling on WW also.

I don't think she'll try LDL until I drop more weight - so I have a new motivation to keep going.


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 1:14 pm
by greenheron
Way to go, Donna!   You're doing what works for you, and sticking to it....and you're happy.  What else do you need?

Now if you could just convince your husband to do carry-out or something  :wrong:  ...but it sounds like you're coping pretty well!  :thumbsup:

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 1:25 pm
by greenheron
powder99 wrote:Hi Donna
You rock. I had lots of pressure from people when I was on South Beach. They would say, "Oh you are just being silly." My least favorite was when people would say, "A little bit wouldn't hurt you." Yeah right. I did not have the strength I do on this program.


People just don't get it.  When DH and I were doing Atkins and happy with it, my MIL thought she could serve us "baby peas" because they're less starchy than regular ones.  :wacko:  Did they kill us?  No, but if they're not on plan, they're not on plan.

Learning your own limitations...your own what's going to lead you to success.  For some, "A little bit won't hurt you" is accurate...I ate ONE Cheerio this morning from my son's breakfast, and I know I haven't fallen off a cliff.  For others, a taste of "forbidden fruit" can lead you right off the cliff.

Someone posted something funny back in my LC board days.....a recipe for chocolate chip cookies......1/2 cup butter, 4 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1/8 teaspoon mouse don't have a problem with that, do you?  It's such a tiny amount in a big batch of cookies?  Why should it hurt?  

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 1:32 pm
by julie409
Hey Jim and Greenheron,

I could not agree more with both of you!  :thumbsup:

A few years back I was on Atkins and doing really well. Energy up weight down and staying there and no allergic reactions. Then I started to date someone who ate in the exact opposite manner bc he wanted to eat kosher and usually that equates to vegetarianism in a non kosher setting - lots of veggies and CARBS.  After much pressure from him and my family and the pasta and the bread were gradually added. The weight came pouring back on and I have not been able to control it until LDL.

So I echo the sentiment - KNOW your own mind and follow it like DONNA did. We all need to be advocates for our own health!  Julie :rose:

Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 1:42 pm
by CodingQueen
I agree about people not getting it at first but they do eventually when you hit them between the eyes.

When I was on the Atkins Diet about nine years ago my mother-in-law made the comment that she'd see to it that I would have a salad to go with my turkey on Thanksgiving. Oh, I had the salad all right but she put the dressing on before serving it. It was full of sugar (I hate sugar in my dressings anyway, diet or no diet).

The following year I decided that I'd had enough and told her that we wouldn't be spending any of the Holidays with her because she didn't have enough respect for my decision to lose weight and I wasn't going to put up with her **** anymore. Of course, she called her son and cried, pleaded and begged. I told him if he went THEN HE WAS NOT TO EVER COME BACK HOME! He and the boys spent the Holidays with me.

Last year was the first year that we've gone back to his parent's home and, believe me, she was bending over backwards to make sure that everything she had prepared was on my diet.

I think she gets it now!


Re: Stood my ground

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 2:10 pm
by greenheron

Wow.  Just wow.

I have to give some credit to your MIL for making the effort, eventually.  I don't think mine would, but it's not worth the drama to fight it.  Pick your battles.  I have enough trouble with the way her twisted choice of words are thinly veiled criticism for all sorts of things she disagrees with or doesn't approve of.  When we're there, we eat what she fixes and deal with it.

Do you think her salad dressing incident was ignorance, or spite?  Being thoughtless is one thing...trying to sabotage you is another.  Yikes.

We also usually take an ice chest full of things we want that we know she won't have....yogurt for our son to snack on, more fresh fruit than she tends to have, other snacks so we're not rooting through her fridge when we want something to munch.....luckily it's just a car trip to her house...6 hours or so....we couldn't do that if it were a plane trip.

Now.  We haven't been there since Christmas, DH isn't currently doing LDL with me, and we're going to her house over Labor Day weekend.  I don't think I'm even going to mention LDL this time around, and I'll do my best to eat healthy while we're there.  If I mention it, she'll fret and wring her hands, and say, "Well I don't think I have anything you can eat!"  I should have more weight off by this Christmas and will gladly share if she's interested.  (She doesn't need to lose any weight.)  I've lost just over 25 pounds so far, but I don't think anyone will notice, so I'll just keep on eating my grapes and cherries and jump right back in when we get home.  It works for me!