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Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 6:55 pm
by crickadoodle
In making preparations for my upcoming class at the university, I decided I needed to research how to reduce gas.  This is always a problem when adding so many beans to the diet.  I thought others might be able to add to this, and welcome any suggestions.  Mostly, I wanted to share it with many who I know have this problem.

Natural Remedies for Reducing Gas

You start eating healthy and begin to lose weight, but then a new problem crops up — embarrassing gas.  Although gas is a natural by-product of eating food, there are ways to control it.  Here are some suggestions:

1. Start taking probiotics.  These are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to beneficial microorganisms  found in the human gut.  (The opposite would be “antibiotics” which kill the beneficial flora of the stomach and intestines.)  Sometimes the environment of your intestines needs balancing to properly digest your food.

2. Slow down and chew your food well.  Not only will this help you feel full and not over eat, but you will digest your food better, reducing gas.  Starchy foods are digested most in the chewing process. (I think this is a biggy!  Think about it.)

3. Drink Carmina Tea — this is made with chamomile, caraway, dill, fennel, Melissa and peppermint and sweetened with licorice.

4. Use Beano —  contains enzymes that can digest the gas-causing carbohydrates raffinose and stachyose. Most beans are high in these carbohydrates.   Be sure to take enough — 5 drops per serving.  (a serving of beans is 1/2 cup)

5.  Prepare beans with kombu (seaweed) or by de-gassing them using baking soda, soaking beans overnight and throwing away the water, or other ways you might have heard of.  These techniques are supposed to reduce the gas.

6. Use carminatives (herbs for gas and bloating) —  herbs in the mint and carrot family, anise, basil, bergamot, caraway, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, juniper, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme.

7. Avoid: smoking, chewing gum, drinking carbonated drinks, drinking with straws, and drinking from water fountains — these cause you to gulp in excess air and gas.

8. Take a walk after a heavy meal.


Posted: December 6th, 2010, 6:41 pm
by debbiewetzel
Hi Crick,

I bought Probiotics and started taking them b4 meals and have noticed such a difference.  Much, much better now.  You wrote about soft drink consumption.  I have a real addiction to diet drinks.  I know that I should stay FAR AWAY from them, but so far, I haven't.  Today, I did walk by the 2 liter bottles and picked up a 12oz instead.  Am trying to drink more water, day 1.



Posted: December 6th, 2010, 8:15 pm
by crickadoodle
Debbie, we make changes one step at a time.  When we change too much too quickly, I think we tend to not stick to them all.  For me, anyway, I do better if I take one change at a time.  I think you could maybe switch to iced tea -- at least that has worked for others.  I'm certain you won't retain as much fluid and your weight will probably go down in a big spurt when you give up the carbonation.  You are doing great!  Glad the probiotics worked!


Posted: December 6th, 2010, 10:10 pm
by MsHeirloom
I have found that rinsing all canned beans well, until foam is no longer formed, is very effective in reducing or actually eliminating gas.  Pam


Posted: December 6th, 2010, 11:52 pm
Looks like you covered all the bases, Crick. Good post.
Pam, Since starting LDL, we have been eating rinsed canned beans. When I cooked some dry beans a while back, I noticed I had a lot more gas.
Debbie, as much as I loved sweets, it helped learning about how bad the corn syrup & processed flour was. For me, it was easier to make healthier choices after learning the facts. Hope the facts help you kick the soda habit.


Posted: December 7th, 2010, 12:57 am
by debbiewetzel
Crick,  You are so right.  I do drink green tea with Splenda and love it.  Thing is everytime I see a diet soft drink, I really struggle, but I am taking one day at a time.  Pam, I rinse the can beans too, but Walmart has 25lb bags of dried pinto beans and my dad bought them to save money.  The only thing I haven't done is soak them the night b4 and maybe I need to do that.  Linda, I got over sweets so easily and never crave them...I am surprised by that and was hoping to drop the diet drinks as quickly.  Truth is, they really don't taste that good any more, but they certainly call my name when I go to the grocery store.  Maybe I will wear ear plugs.  LOL.  I am so grateful to have all of you here on the boards to help and encourage but also to pray with me when I need it. 



Posted: December 7th, 2010, 1:05 am
by wendysgoodnews
I was taught to soak beans over night in soda water.  Heat the beans in soda water until they boil then remove from heat.  Next morning rinse well and cook and it removes alot of the gas.


Posted: December 7th, 2010, 3:33 pm
by Joyful Friend
Wendy, That's exactly how I was taught to do, and it really helps.  After  they have soaked over night, I then  boil  them in the soda water, I usually rinse them then, and then cook. Either way is fine.  It does the trick.  :thumbsup: JF


Posted: December 13th, 2010, 10:13 pm
by debbiewetzel
I will try soaking this way.  I read this to my dad and he remembers his mother doing the same thing....



Posted: January 13th, 2011, 6:10 pm
by Karen Weeks
Cricket  where do you get probiotics?  Thanks Karen


Posted: January 13th, 2011, 10:01 pm
Health food stores have them.
Or you can buy them on line.
I started with some Dr. Becker sold that do not need refrigeration.
They are pricey though. After a few months I tapered off taking them and now just keep some childrten's chewable (kinda like Tums) in the refrdgerator. They are called Chewable Acidophyllis. They are much less expensive, but starting out you may need to take more than just acidophyllis, so go for the ones with the highest culture count and the most different cultures. Seach the boards for more info on Probiotics. I know we have posted several articles about it. It is basically putting back the normal bacteria that is supposed to be in your GI tract that taking antibiotics has killed off.


Posted: January 14th, 2011, 12:28 pm
by crickadoodle
I get probiotics from  I have them to take everyday, but I don't always remember to take them.  There are different kinds, some with many strains of bacteria (good thing) in them.  You can take them at each meal too.  They won't hurt you.  It gets your digestive system very healthy. 


Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:20 pm
by Karen Weeks
Thanks  will certainly check into these..  Karen


Posted: January 1st, 2012, 5:54 pm
by stevens660
That's really good to know! I have been having that problem, but I just love the veggies so much! I didn't realize drinking through a straw would cause excess air. It makes sense, but just never considered it! Interesting fact about the beans too, I'll have to try that! Thanks!
