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Getting Started

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 2:10 pm
by santos63
I am about to order the book. I am desperate at this point.  They are recommending that my husband has surgery to lose weight but we don't agree. Will someone help us on how to get started and does this really work.  Again we are so desparate at this point...

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 3:20 pm
by niki
hi...i'm so glad that you found let's do lunch....this has changed my life and it will change yours and your husband's can eat all you want of so many foods and never be hungry.....with the absence of sugar/grains/nuts/seeds your blood sugars stabilize and the cravings are a thing of the past......
  then what picks up the ball as far as stabilizing your blood sugars are the beans.....make all the homemade bean soups you want and eat as much as you want for lunch AND dinner.....beans ARE my new addiction and have really helped me to feel full and satisfied.......
  i also love eating all the fruit i want to eat and snacking on good stuff in between...popcorn,soynuts,roasted chick peas...........i'm never hungry and i'm lovin it............
  welcome to our boards and to this wonderful program of eating that will bring you both to your ideal weight and optimal state of health..................sincerely,niki 

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 8th, 2006, 12:33 pm
by kkccmom
Good morning....I'm just getting started too...actually just rec'd the book yesterday and started reading this morning..I'll take the advice to read it 3x over, committing to heart and mind the ideas and perspectives.

I am a 44 y/o mom of 4, ages 2, 6, 15, and 18. I am about 80 lbs overweight and have, like most of you, tried just about every reasonable plan out there. I have not tried the costly ones (Jenny Craig, Nurtisystem, etc) since in our household money IS an object to be considered on a daily basis...

I heard about Mr. Wilson recently on a TV program, "Babbie's House" w/ Babbie Mason. I don't watch her daily (because of time w/ two little boys), but "happened" to watch the day Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were Babbie's guests.

I listed with eager ears as Mr. Wilson told his story, and immediately ordered the book.

I'm anxious to finally find a plan that will work with our family -- something my hubby and I could do together (he'd like to lose 60-70 lbs himself!) I'm ready to begin and allow the Holy Spirit to open my eyes to the new life that awaits us!

Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for your obedience to the Lord and for sharing your victory with the rest of us. Its nice to know there are new friends out there who can, as Paul says, "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."

Thank you to all the "Burden bearers" out there....

All the best,
Kim Thomas

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 8th, 2006, 1:02 pm
by jeandolleen
Hi Maria, and welcome.  I have been doing LDL for 6 weeks now along with my husband.  My husband has never wanted to change his way of eating, but the day I started eating this way I told him what I was going to eat and if he wanted to do it with me he could.  To my surprise he has been doing this with me and has not even once wanted to cheat.  We are completely satisfied.  My husband had high blood pressure and was on meds for several years and now he is down to a 1/2 a pill every other day and his pressure has been normal  for at least a month now.  I know you and your husband will be able to do this and you will  not be hungry.  We are all here to help encourage one another and give support.  You and your husband have ours.    Jean 

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 8th, 2006, 1:10 pm
by niki
hi kim..i'm so glad you were tuned in that richard says,coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous...i have been so blessed by this wonderful program of has changed my life..........
  make sure you eat EAT UNTIL're not on a diet....and keep portable snacks handy so that YOU'RE NEVER HUNGRY........
  check these boards(there's loads of info and lots of recipes).....EAT BEANS.................
  God bless you as you follow this life saving program for optimal health as you become just the right size for Him,niki       

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 11th, 2006, 8:19 am
by kkccmom
so far on Day 3 I'm doing fine. I've had only a few cravings, but miraculously I've managed to head them off.

I've done the frozen grapes thing -- I'm not "crazy" about that, but I don't mind it...but I am crazy about a mixed-fruit salad so that's been a cinch.

AND, I love corn and beans! No problem there. Last night for supper I had some corn (frozen, a spritz of the ICBINB spray, a little sale/pepper) and a big bowl of fruit salad. I was completely satisfied. Ate nothing else the rest of the day.

Are fat-free refried beans okay? What all types/forms of beans are allowed? I'm pretty much okay with any -- I esp love black please advise on that topic! I love to just heat up the refried beans and dip a fork-full into HOT salsa...what a treat.

I've not weighed myself...first, on the book's suggestion, and honestly, because I just simply do not want to know. I'll just watch my clothing to see what's happening.

And I've told myself, "I can do this for two weeks...and once I've gone that far, by then, I'll be on my way..." I know many bad habits will be broken by then, and for some reason my HEAD is in it this time.

Have a good day, everyone!

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 11th, 2006, 9:21 am
by niki
hi kim.....this all looks great....and to tell you the truth,once i got past day 3,i was's GREAT that you like don't have to eat beans on this program to be successful but it REALLY helps...
  you're the first person i've ever heard say that they didn't LOVE frozen grapes...i love them..they're so cold and refreshing..........just remember there's loads of other fruit you can eat.....enjoy it all...............
  you can eat any and all beans..the absence of sugar/grains/nuts/seeds stabilizes your blood sugars to get rid of cravings and the beans actively work to maintain and help that.....i posted some info on beans you might want to look for on the discussion board called "beans..they're what's for lunch AND dinner"...the best thing is for you to use dried beans and use canned beans for a fast meal..if you soak them overnight,you cut the cooking time in half and they retain more of the nutrients..........
  i love black beans too...i posted my favorite bean soup and called it "niki's favorite bean soup" and there are more black beans than any other...i love the flavor you get from them more than any other beans.....i make my chili using black beans too...that's great............
  just check the label on the fat free refried beans(and salsa) to make sure there aren't any hidden sugars...there's a recipe for black bean soup mexican style that you would like that has refried beans and salsa in it...check it's on page 7 of the boards and was posted by deucer pigeon...i make greek bean that's really easy and make it with black beans..i added eggplant to it and crushed red pepper to make it spicy(i posted that as spicy eggplant black bean soup)...
  just continue to eat until full(you're not on a diet)and keep snacks handy so that you're NEVER HUNGRY...i snack on soynuts,popcorn and roasted chick peas......
  you're on your sit tight and wait until you start shrinking.....there's just so much to love about eating this way..........niki 

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 2:11 pm
by grammabugcr
Hi all ordered the book on sunday,,,,,,still waiting for it.Ifeel that this is the right move for me now. Cant wait to read book and get started. Thanks for all the help and encouragement. Charlotte

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 20th, 2006, 7:35 pm
by montdon
I started in Feb and have lost 65 lbs.  I never feel hungry, in fact I can't believe I have lost so much when I eat so much.
God Bless,

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 20th, 2006, 7:43 pm
by niki
that's wonderful.....#1.a GREAT're not can't believe how much you're eating...
  so how did you hear about let's do lunch?.......
  and i hope you're going to be active on the boards now........welcome............niki 

Re: Getting Started

Posted: August 20th, 2006, 8:43 pm
by TNangela
WOW Montie thats a very impressive report from you!!! This definitely deserves to be posted on the success story board so everyone can be encouraged to hang in there especially if they have a need for a great weight loss as you have experienced!! I see that you registered mid 6 months and 65 pounds is encouraging!!God bless!!

Re: Getting Started

Posted: September 13th, 2006, 8:33 am
by darla45
Hi I am new I am 45 years old and atleast 100lbs overweight, I had been doing real well on my own I lost 70 lbs and started feeling and looking great. Then I quit smoking in Feburary of this year. I have put on 45 lbs and can not lose it to save my life my Dr wants to do the surgery but I'm scared. I want to try one last time on my own and heard this was a wonderful program

Re: Getting Started

Posted: September 13th, 2006, 8:38 am
by nyKath
Welcome, Darla! How'd you do so well the first time around with your weight loss? That was quite an accomplishment! I'm hoping that you find what you need here with LDL to get you back on track. Good luck! :) .......nyKath

Re: Getting Started

Posted: September 13th, 2006, 9:05 am
by niki
darla...let's do lunch can help you..look what it did for roger...he lost 230 pounds.....prepare yourself now by cutting out the sugars and junkfood in your diet and get the book which will give you a clearer picture of everything.....i bought the book from for $16.99..this is a drop in the bucket compared to other programs that you just about have to get a second mortgage on your house in order to invest in..........
  believe it or not,this is a program of eating that requires NO willpower.....the absence of sugar/grains/nuts/seeds stabilizes your blood sugars and kills the cravings....make sure you eat until full of all the allowable foods...check the boards for all that...ASK QUESTIONS....i wish you success.................sincerely,niki 

Re: Getting Started

Posted: September 13th, 2006, 9:17 pm
by greenglass
You can do it, Darla!  Welcome to Let's Do Lunch!  It is brave of you to want to try something else before you commit to surgery.  This plan is so delicious and healthy for you.  I have about 50 lbs. to lose and since I started three weeks ago I have not been hungry for the sweets I used to crave (chocolate being the worst).  You will be happy you made this choice.
God bless,

Re: Getting Started

Posted: September 13th, 2006, 11:27 pm
Hi Darla,
Welcome!!!!!  You are so lucky to have found this wonderful plan.  I have never been able to stick with a diet ever and this way of eating is so simple and satisfying you are gonna just LOVE IT.  I know its gonna work cause I have so much willpower and my cravings have all but subsided.  Smoothies Smoothies Smoothies.  My husband who didnt really even like or eat fruit much before LDL now craves his twice a day Smoothie.  I was standing looking at him at the store today and even though in one week he has only lost 4 lbs I can literally see his belly/body changing .  His face which had become sort of puffed out now has a new healthy glow!!!!!
God BLess