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Stomach fat

Posted: August 25th, 2006, 12:54 pm
by mollie
On this diet will I eventually lose my stomach,I have been on it for five weeks this coming Monday.
It seems I am loosing weight everywhere but there. I started at 297 now 264.
Any suggestions would be helpful. It seems I am stuck there.,on 264 ||||||

Re: Stomach fat

Posted: August 25th, 2006, 2:55 pm
by niki
hi're saying that you lost 35 pounds in 5 weeks?........that's prepare for a plateau because your body needs time to adjust to that kind of weight loss............
  i'm not sure how old you are....i'm 54...i hadn't lost weight in years....the clothes that i used to wear at this weight were all tight around the waist..partly because i used to live at the gym before....but also because as you get older(women),your body does not give up the fat around your waist that easily(it's related to your adrenals and your cortisol levels) was the last place i lost weight.....but i am now...slowly.........i went 2 months on this program not losing any weight....mary had posted on that and so did i..i also posted on the discussion board about why different people lose at different patient........niki

Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 12:07 pm
by rhernan216
you know guys we all forget that fat is not only what is visible to the eye on the outside but our internal organs develop layers of fat inside of our bodies under our skin as well. So the frustration of ,Why is my tummy not going away or my hips are still wide?, could be as simple as fat that has manifested itself along your internal organs and abdomen could be taking it's turn being flushed from your body. It took me eight years to gain 80 lbs. I have lost right at 50 lbs since June 9th 2006 and my weight loss has slowed down alot but the great part is I have not gained any back. The way I look at it is I am way ahead of the game. Folks tell me eveyday how great I look and encourage my strength to lose this weight. I can lose 30 more lbs and i would be back to the weight I was when Lisa and I got married. Now to ever get back to what I weighed as a young adult and be a trim and buff 185 to me might be unrealistic so I would be happy to get down to maybe 235 or so. That still would put me losing at 100#'s on LDL to reach that goal.

love ya'll  and take care!


Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 2:51 pm
by BettyBoop
Wow, rh, 50 pounds is a great loss for that short of a period of time.    Keep up the good work and keep us posted of your continued weight loss.


Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 6:53 pm
by Queenie

I'm so glad to see you back!!!  Tell me Lisa is going to be back on the boards too??

Your weight loss is nothing short of phenomenal!!  You are such an inspiration to everyone, and the fact that your entire family is involved is fantastic!

I can't wait to start reading the boards (I've not been online just about all day!) and see if you've posted anywhere else.

Again, welcome back!!!


Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 7:50 am
by tcasola

Great going my brother !! You keep up the great work. You are a great inspiration to us all !! Not just for your great success, but also for your warmth, compassion, and helpfulness.  It make me proud to be in your company !! Thanks for sharing this.

Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 9:05 am
by Forever Young
Mollie - Way to go girl!  That is a fantastic weight loss!!!  In ONLY 5 weeks...I don't know of any other plan that it would happen that fast!  This should surely be an inspiration to anyone who has not started LDL yet.
Yes, the stomach fat will also go away.  I know mine is slowly leaving.  I have lost inches across my back, shoulders, and arms.  Some of my sweater sleeves and shoulder areas are now more hanging more loosely than last year.  Hang in there girl!!!  This plan really does work!!!  Praise God from Whom ...A.L.L... blessings flow...and LDL is truly a blessing from God!
God bless!

Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 1:21 am
by robnveronica
Even when you hit a plateau Mollie...remember the aren't gaining and you are down much more than you would be if you hadn't started the plan!!! Good luck to you! I started week 5 on Sunday and am now down 17 3/4 lbs. I started at 256 and am down to 239 1/4. But when you figure that in Jan when I started trying to lose weight I was at 268 (My highest ever) I'm thanking God everyday that I'm lower today than then and healthier also.
We didn't put on the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight!

Re: Stomach fat

Posted: November 4th, 2006, 11:04 am
by Julietress
Hello ,
I suggest doing some pilates exercises, They are not hard and the moves really give you results.
There are alot of pilates cd's out there to buy but the one that gives you the best results that I did for 2 years is Windsor Pilates. The movie stars use her as a trainer and they really work.
I use to teach Pilates in the gym and between the windsor pilates and denise austin, They both give you results.
Go for it !