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Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 9:34 am
by Steve T
Hi. I just joined the message board and have never used a board before. Could someone please tell me how to post a question and how to get some new recipies. Thanks. Steve T

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 9:38 am
by patsyfay
welcome to Let's Do Lunch, Steve!  To post a reply to this message, just click on "reply" above and type your message in the box that appears, then click on the "Post" box below.  To find recipes, go to the "jump to"  banner box at the lower right of this page and click on the down arrow to the left of the box.  A "menu" will come up and you click on wherever you want to go, then click on "go".  If you want to post a question, go to "ask questions and find answers"; if you want to go to medical success stories, click on that.  You'll figure it out in no time.  Again, welcome, and God bless you.


Re: Hi. I'm a new member

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 9:50 am
by chipmunk
  I thought I was going to die in my sleep I had the shakes so bad most of the day.I started  the diet after reading about it in the first when I got up that morning I was treated to a blended coffee [ large] so I drink it while I read all the post I could in 8 hours. ate 9 bananas in one day and a half of crab salad, yes it come with the coffee. so I guess I,m really going to start today so far on the right track just one banana @5.30a.m... Now a little about me no sweets no soda and coffee once  or twice a week. so you do I weight 260.because Ive dieted for 55yrs now.loose about 35lbs every diet Ive tried. but always I mean always just stop losing and rest is history just keep getting fatter. Everyone who knows me tells me I don't eat enough I eat salads all day if I have one. I love veggies raw, as far as the dressing i dip a fork in once a while  never finish what they give you. So now you have  the idea that when I do something I do it big. Yes I lived though the night  I polished my nails @ 10p.m  the read another hour or so. oh by the way I go to bed @ 8:45 and a sleep a 8:46. When by family comes home working the night crew they are going  to think I'm crazy I do not wear polish or sissy things.I backpack and work out with the guys. Oh by the way I'm a old lady.54yr young. I do know that it was the coffee yesterday.I will be going to the store to day for  fruit,veggies. Please for give me if I talk or type like a child I work with small children all day oh @ all night too. 

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 11:10 am
by gailmiller2009
Hi Chipmunk!
  I am a new member also, and 52 years young. I would be willing to be a partner here with you. I have been told the same thing you have... that I don't eat enough.  Been told that by Weight Watchers, Curves and even my family doctor. I always thought that if I ate very little calories, I would lose a lot of weight. That has not worked for me, nor for you. I bought the book yesterday in Lincoln, NE at my local Barnes and Noble ( they only had 2 left as it is FLYING off the shelves since the First Magazine came out!!! )  We can help each other learn how to do this.  LET'S DO LUNCH, CHIPMUNK!!! - Gail  :D

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 12:08 pm
by patsyfay
Dear Chipmunk and gailmiller2009,

You are going to find out on Let's Do Lunch that its not how much you eat, but what you eat.  The program that Roger Troy has outlined in the book WORKS!!!  Just stay with all the fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, beans and corn...using them in the wonderful recipes here on the site and you will both be delighted with the results.  I'm an older lady  :D in her upper 60's and I"ve lost more than 55 pounds, even taking meds. You will love this way of living.  Come to the site often, ask all the questions you want and God bless your journey!!


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 2:08 pm
by chipmunk
Gail, would love  to partner up.My book is on far today I am stuffed.1 banana  1/4c refried beans and TWO eggs never eaten two eggs before. then I started to make popcorn which took an hour because everyone kept trying the Cinnamon sugar on it they all thought it was great. I know I should have lunch in a hour but will wait to 1 or 2 because thats when we always ate dinner in the first place.How is your day going this far?

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 3:18 pm
by Gwennaford
Hi Girls!  (and Steve T)

I'm right there with you and living large, Chipmunk!  That's why I love Let's Do Lunch so much.  I can FINALLY EAT ! ! ! (large sigh of relief)  You can eat until full, whenever you are hungry, of ALL the LDL foods.  When starting LDL, there's nothing wrong with eating 9 bananas in a day, if that's what you want, and it's available to you - go for it. 

It is great that you are accustomed to having your main meal of the day at lunch.  Check the recipe boards for main dishes to have your heavy protein (lean beef & skinless boneless chicken or turkey) for lunch.  Beans, eggs & white fish are okay with your fruit at breakfast & dinner when you're getting started, but the focus should be on eating fruit at those meals.   I would lay off the caffeine for a while though, girl.  WHEW -- I got palpitations from reading your first post! 

One thing, please do my bifocals a favor and hit the "enter" key twice after typing a few lines in your posts.  Separating the text this way makes messages much easier to read & understand for tired eyes.  Thanks in advance!   :thumbsup:

I laughed when you said you're 54 years young and have been dieting for 55 years!  Me too.  I'm 53 and feel like I've been dieting since before birth.  Not anymore!  I'll never diet again, thanks to Roger Troy following the Lord's leading and sharing Let's Do Lunch with the world.  After 15 months of eating until full of all my fave foods, I have lost almost 100 pounds and am NEVER hungry between meals. :thumbsup:

Gail, our Dakotagirl Deb lives on a ranch near Fargo.  She's probably busy helping with calving right now, but I expect her back to the boards very soon.

It's great that you are partnering together.  I encourage you both to go to the Member Food Journals board and start a new topic using your name in the subject line.  This is where we share what we eat during the day (not the quantities unless you just feel like it) and chat about all kinds of non-LDL topics that concern us.

Welcome to Let's Do Lunch!


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 7:56 pm
by thc
I'm also new to LDL.  I read about this plan in First Magazine.  I'm trying to figure out what to eat since I ordered my book two days ago.  I've incorporated the fruit into breakfast and dinner, but am still not sure of the acceptable foods.

Can't wait for my book to get here.....any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :happy:

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 8:04 pm
by Gwennaford
Hi There!

The portions depicted by the magazine staff are very small, and we really aren't supposed to be eating bread products at all.  We satisfy those cravings with peas, beans, corn, popcorn, and Best Foods Original (flavor) Corn Thins.  Here's a picture of what they look like & a place to buy them if you can't find them in the grocery or health food store: ... 727#p42727

We are supposed to eat until FULL at all three meals to enable us to avoid wanting to snack.  But don't be confused.  That is only for people well established on Let's Do Lunch who have their blood sugar stabilized & all cravings under control.

When you're first starting out, you are supposed to eat until full of ALL the Let's Do Lunch foods to satisfy and any and all cravings - as much as you want, as often as you want.  Unbelieveable, no?  But it's true.

This link will help you get started deciding what and when to eat.  Please review the recipe boards, too to help you formulate a shopping list to customize a menu that you will love! ... 9753#p9753

Any more question, please ask!


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 12:51 am
by thc

Thanks so much for the info and the link to Tom's answer.  That is very helpful.  I'm learning more all the time by reading the message boards.  :happy:


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 1:15 am
by Sweet_Pea
Gail and Chipmunk,

So glad to have you aboard the train to skinnytown.  I can't believe all the wonderful people joining us on the boards this week, I can't keep up with reading all the posts.

Gail, thanks for the email.  Sorry didn't get you answered back but will.  We had our grandson's birthday party this evening and I worked all day putting some transfers on some t shirts for him.  I would love to meet you Gail and we will have to do that.  Maybe when we get back from camping.  Looked like you guys got some heavy rain today.  It passed by us to the South.

You guys will love this eating plan.  It is so nice to lose some weight and  not have to starve yourself.  We are getting sweet corn so I have 2 ears of sweetcorn almost every day and watermelon. 

I'm older than the two of you, just turned 64 in March.  I started October 1, 2009 and have lost around 36 pounds.  I'm a diabetic on insulin so won't lose very fast but my health seems better than in years.  Have more energy.

Welcome, welcome and all you others that are new to these boards.

God bless.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 3:54 pm
by skira
hiya everyone, am a newbie to this site! I read the article in First while in the checkout line & bought it so I could finish it.  That was last Saturday, I then went and bought fruit, am not really a big fruit person but i do like some & bought those.  I bought the book on Sunday-- well ordered it.  Its been a week and I'm down 3 pounds!  Can't wait for the book!!, looking forward to reading it and getting on the right track!
Been eating fruit & making smoothies & eating a sandwich or whatever for lunch.  Nice to meet everyone  :)

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 7:01 pm

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 7:39 pm
by Gwennaford
Hello Skira and Dottie -- Welcome to Let's Do Lunch!  Please scroll to reply #9 on this thread to see a couple of links that will help you get started.

Dottie - If you order the book from this website, you will also receive free of charge any coming updates and a set of more than 130 laminated recipe cards.  AND our fearless leader Roger Troy will personalize it and autograph it to you.  Just be sure to write what you want in the comment window - blue book (with updates), red book (same book - already updated) and your name for the personalization.  Roger does not take a profit from book sales through this site.  All proceeds go to charity. 

Happy Lunching!


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 8:18 pm

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 10:32 pm
by Eliza1964
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new member also.  I read the article in First Mag. as well.  I kept reading thinking any second now there's going to be something totally ridiculous about all of this, I read on I began to get so excited.  Here's why...I've pretty much low carbed for the last 3 yrs.  I lost 130 lbs. yeah, but not so good because I've gained back 50 lbs. of that.  I got to a place where I just could not stay away from carbs.  I felt so deprived everytime there was fruit served and other good choices, and my body just craved the fruits and juices, etc. So, I tried the eating plan as best as I could for 2 days, just using the mag. article.  I lost 4 lbs. and felt wonderful.  It made me cry to know that I can eat all of these healthy, wonderful foods God has given us and feel so good and lose weight too!!!  I've ordered the book and have been reading the recipes and some of the postings.  I have a few questions, but am thrilled about all of this. Been praying for an answer to my situation and I feel like this might be it.  Would love any encouragement or ideas, etc.

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 5:38 am
by Gwennaford
Dottie - you order the book from

Eliza, here's something to get you started while waiting for your book to arrive:

The portions depicted by the magazine staff are very small, and we really aren't supposed to be eating bread products at all.  We satisfy those cravings with peas, beans, corn, popcorn, and Best Foods Original (flavor) Corn Thins.  Here's a picture of what they look like & a place to buy them if you can't find them in the grocery or health food store: ... 727#p42727

We are supposed to eat until FULL at all three meals to enable us to avoid wanting to snack.  But don't be confused.  That is only for people well established on Let's Do Lunch who have their blood sugar stabilized & all cravings under control.

When you're first starting out, you are supposed to eat until full of ALL the Let's Do Lunch foods to satisfy and any and all cravings - as much as you want, as often as you want.  Unbelieveable, no?  But it's true.

This link will help you get started deciding what and when to eat.  Please review the recipe boards, too to help you formulate a shopping list to customize a menu that you will love! ... 9753#p9753


Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 10:58 am
by Chelle
Hello Everyone!

I am new also but started yesterday and then went shopping for some fresh fruit & veg.  Made my soup lastnight when I got home and well, did well except lunch (which I hadn't eaten until 7:00p.m.!)  I hope that is alright!  I still went through with dinner as only fruit...late...

I am excited because I can see it will be a pleasure with all this eating!  I know thought it will be easier if a person plans and prepairs food ahead!  That is why I ate so late.  I got home from shopping and continued to make my soup.

I am also one to not try different recipes but feel I should if I want a variety.  I don't want to get tired of soup!

Well, I am very grateful for LDL and it will be lots of fun seeing results with you all!

Michelle (Chelle)

Re: Hi. I'm a new member and need some advice and directions

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 11:17 am
by patsyfay
Welcome, Chelle!

You will find so many easy recipes for soup on this site that you will never run out of options! I try to make up two or three different kinds and either freeze them in servings size containers or keep the batch in a large container in the fridge.  That way, I always have something to eat along with my protein or when I want a "little something".  God bless your LDL journey.
