LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

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LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by LINDA RN »

Went to an inservice today sponsored by a drug company and taught by an endocrinologist. He was talking about the new diabetic drugs and protocols in treating diabetes. He said something that interested me. Said that for those who have been diabetic for quite some time that very tight control seems to increase their cardiovascular risk. He mentioned something about how docs used to throw everything at them trying to get their HbA1C down below 7. Well, I asked if the cardiac complications were just a result of side effects of too many meds, and he said something very interesting! The studies show that the cardiac events/complications are due to the effects of LOW BLOOD SUGAR. The low blood sugars cause the whole inflammatory process to kick in. Hummmmm....if you read any of my posts when I first started LDL, you may remember I was having a time stopping the low blood sugar dips. I AM NOT DIABETIC by the way. What Roger says is so true. The processed foods are the culprit in the radical fluctuations in blood sugar. Took me several months, but blood sugar is stable now with no ups and downs, and guess what? Both me and DH who took aspirin or motrin on a regular basis for aches and pains and/or headaches have not taken any anti-inflammatory drugs in at least 4 months! We have also cut down on the amount of meat, and, what we do eat, I try to buy grass-fed. Eating meat from animals not grass-fed causes inflammation also.

Oh yah, the endocrinologist also said it is well documented that good nutrition and exercise will do more to curb or stop diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol,  but we all know that most will not do that so a simple once a day pill is what they will get.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by hopefull »

Great post! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by cameron »

yes, very interesting. People need to take responsiblity for their health, and try to get rid of the bad habits. Too many keep eating poorly, smoking, too much drinking etc, and just hope they don't come down with some terrible disease, and then hope some pills will fix that. And don't get me wrong, there are certainly some drugs that we need. I am so grateful for this plan, that I managed to make it this far without serious health problems, because it surely was just a matter of time.
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Re: LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by LINDA RN »

Good post Cameron,
Many here are recovering from debilitating conditions brought on by unhealthy living (eating). The rest of us got here "on the brink of disaster" and so thankful to the Lord that we did.
Last edited by LINDA RN on April 26th, 2010, 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by Joyful Friend »

Thanks for the info--very interesting.  Joyful Friend
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Re: LDL Stabilizes Blood Sugar and lowers Cardiac Risks

Post by CodingQueen »


Thanks for the post. It's so true.

I recently had to have some blood work done and the cute little nurse (thought about hooking her up with my son... :laughing:) that was drawing my blood was telling me about her father. He'd just been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus and she didn't know what to do because he's always been noncompliant. I told her about LDL and how it would help him. I just hope she gives him the information.

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