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Re: My story so far

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 1:21 pm
by Forever Young

A quote from Little Mary: "I'll FedEx you a tamale pie tomorrow......"  But did she tell you that.....TOMORROW....NEVER  COMES??????  So don't hijack any FedEX trucks cause you won't find any there.....


Re: My story so far

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 1:55 pm
by tcasola

I'm also hearing Niki is sending you her famous Greek Bean soup via UPS .... Maybe both trucks will be at your house soon


Then again .. maybe not ....

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 2:39 pm
by niki
tcasola wrote:Ben,

I'm also hearing Niki is sending you her famous Greek Bean soup via UPS .... Maybe both trucks will be at your house soon


Then again .. maybe not ....

  i GUESS i'll have to jump on my broom and throw a vat of bean soup over my shoulder....i'll be there EVENTUALLY....(picture skinned hag with wart on her nose sitting on her broom wets one finger and holds it up to the wind....fair weather is NOT a friend to a green skinned hag with a wart on her nose who wants to fly via broom from long island to WHERE?) 

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 12:04 pm
by BigBen
So thats why I never got my greek soup & tamale pie, I was wondering what was up with it. maybe we should try Brinks armored car service or pony express next time, thx anyhow for trying ladies.  Ben

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:14 pm
by niki
BigBen wrote:maybe we should try Brinks armored car service or pony express next time, thx anyhow for trying ladies.  Ben

  i'll hop on my pony and be right over.....see you in a month.....miss niki

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 2:08 pm
by tcasola
i'll hop on my pony and be right over.....see you in a month.....miss niki


Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 2:36 pm
by niki
tcasola wrote:
i'll hop on my pony and be right over.....see you in a month.....miss niki


  when i posted about being nurse ratchet?......i WAITED for you to post a picture of nurse ratchet......and you DIDN'T disappoint me...but, when i wrote ben i was coming on pony to deliver food?....i didn't expect a picture......NOW, she's a very cute little cowgirl, BUT, you COULDN'T get me a REAL pony?....HOW far do you expect me to get on that broomstick?..............niki(aka..bean queen...aka..wicked witch.....aka..nurse ratchet)   

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 3:01 pm
>>>>>>>>>hides in the corner covering my eyes

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 3:23 pm
by tcasola
Maybe one of these may help getting there quicker.


Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 3:32 pm
okay ALL I see is a little red X  not fair

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 3:47 pm
by niki
tcasola wrote:Maybe one of these may help getting there quicker.


  ahaha..little ponies and a rainbow......might work.......although what you SHOULD have said was, "women, whatever you do, they're not happy"...

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 3:49 pm
awww so pretty it brought a tear to my eye

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 10:17 pm
by Gwennaford
marysimmons wrote:I've been off the boards for a few days because of a combination of a very busy schedule at my job and my little boy Harrison has been sick on and off for a couple of weeks with fevers and a cough that won't go away.

Mary is Harrison feeling better yet?  I'm praying for you both.  It is very difficult to concentrate on a busy schedule when you know your little one is feeling bad.

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 20th, 2008, 10:08 am
by Gwennaford
Oh, that is so adorable!  Be sure to take pictures of Harrison eating Vita-Mix ice cream wearing his Cat in the Hat!  You are so blessed to have such a smart little man.

I gave my little granddaughter a treasure chest filled with princess style dress up play clothes for Christmas.  I wish I could see her!  My daughter says she wears them exclusively as long as she's home, but runs to change into her play school clothes when it's time to leave.

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 9:42 am
by Vernswifevickie
I read your story and I am so inspired by your progress!

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 9:45 am
by EnJae

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 10:09 am
Miss Vickie.....I strongly encourage you to copy and past your new LDL journal story from the other site and start one over here.  I am sure your story is gonna be just as inspiring to others as Gwennies story was to you!!!!  I know it wont be long before you are everybit as comfortable around these boards as you were at the low carb site.  I can tell already you are pleasantly surprised by the warm and friendly christian tone around here.  We all genuinely care about one another and the tone on these boards is a big Reflection on our love of God and each other.  The food police is happy to critique your daily menus.  It wont be long now before Miss Jeanne is stopping by welcoming you to join us on the train to Skinnytown. lol 
((((( VICKIE)))))))))))  This is the last train we board on our weightloss journey girl and lucky for us its headed to SKINNYTOWN!!!!  Do you remember when Cartbabe told the story on the boards about how one time she was stalled for 11 months or something and then she lost the last 30 lbs in under a month?  We have had similar stories on these boards as well.....not as long a stall as 11 months but serious stalls as your body adjusts to your new plan.  But if you stay true, eventually it realizes you are not going back to the old eating it will reward you with the whoosh you've been wanting.  Roger, Niki, Mary, Jeanne have all proven you cannot gain weight if you eat these foods.  This are healthy carbs your body craves and needs to survive. 
Love and God Bless

Re: My story so far

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 4:02 pm
by Gwennaford
That's right, Vickie -- I'm sure everyone would love to hear YOUR story! 

The Lord is working medical miracles in me through Let's Do Lunch.  Although I haven't really lost any weight since that first dramatic 34 pounds of water loss in the first few weeks after I started the program, I'm not worried about it in the least.  I know I have been faithful in eating the right things.

Roger's reasoning makes sense to me, that if you have been on a plan that restricts portions, it takes time for your body to get used to having all it wants of the healthiest foods and sweetest fruits before it starts losing fat again.  I'm willing to wait, in FAITH, because I haven't FELT this good in 7 years.