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Re: First time

Posted: June 10th, 2010, 10:48 pm
by Beth B.
Welcome to LDL Thomas! We're Glad you found us!

Re: First time

Posted: June 11th, 2010, 6:33 am
by Mary J
Hi Thomas,

Welcome aboard the train to skinnytown!  You're in for a great ride, with lots of good eating along the way....and a whole new you at the end on your last stop...

Mary J

Re: First time

Posted: June 11th, 2010, 7:29 am
by niki
Thomas111 wrote:I seem to be going on about my faith and not not my Diabetes. Well I hope I haven't offended anyone, not my intent.  But I will never be ashamed of being a follower of Jesus Christ!   I just got carried away.

PRAISE GOD....feel free to get carried away anytime the spirit moves Him, niki

Re: First time

Posted: June 11th, 2010, 3:57 pm
by hopefull
Tom. Just adding another welcome aboard the train to skinny town!! Woohooo. You will enjoy the ride!
All the "bad news" at the DRs will only serve as a great place to see just how much improvement on your health this woe will bring! I see that as a good thing.
Sometimes we get down the road of good health and we forget just how bad our health was so we don't appreciate it as much as we should. You will have some hard facts to measure from and with this woe it will be improvement from now on out.
Big hugs,

Re: First time

Posted: June 11th, 2010, 8:10 pm
by crickadoodle
Well, Tom, isn't it good to know that "He who began a good work in you will complete it?"  Since you were directed by the Lord to follow LDL, it will be a success.  I was very skeptical at first, because it does seem too good to be true.  In a few days, it'll be a year since I started LDL and I've been 50 lbs. lighter since January!  I know God guided me to read that article in First magazine that just happened to be next to me in the hospital waiting room, while waiting for the doctor to tell me about my mom's test.  I'd prayed for a LIVEt, not another DIEt.  I wanted something I could live with -- and having "die" in the word doesn't encourage me to stick to it!  *woot*  Well, Let's Do Lunch is my LIVEt!  I am not only at my lowest weight as an adult, but I have maintained this weight for just about 6 months, so far.  It is easy to maintain, because it is so satisfying. 

My advice:  Find lots of LDL foods that you love.  Like, I love Niki's recipe for her favorite soup (niki's favorite soup) -- in the soup recipe section.  It is so creamy and delicious and it just plain satisfies me.  You see, you do not have to be deprived to lose the weight.  I not only lost the weight, but I enjoyed every bite of the way.  ;)  It was fun discovering all the flavors out there.  Once the cravings were conquered, which seemed to happen almost instantly, I started really enjoying food.  Before -- food controlled me, but now I control it and can actually enjoy it.  God has given us so many good tasting fruits -- watermelon, canteloupe, strawberries, bananas, oranges, peaches, grapes, cherries, blueberries, pineapple, blackberries, nectarines, apricots, raisins, grapefruits, honeydew melons, apples, etc.  Talk about variety!  Then there are all the different vegetables -- OK, I won't list them, but they are so good and can be fixed so many ways.  The soups are so good.  Little Mary is a gift to LDL and has come up with the best tasting main dishes and soups.  So many ordinary LDLers like yourself, have contributed what has worked for them or even contributed what they struggle with.  Don't ever feel you are wasting anyone's time by expressing yourself.  Doing this will help you overcome in this struggle.  Oh, I was on these boards all the time sharing my struggles and victories.  I have to admit they were mostly victories -- and I knew everyone would rejoice with me.  LDL is just as delicious as you make it.  Food that is healthy and slimming can actually be delicious and satisfying.

Tom, we can't wait to hear about your victories -- and your struggles.  Somebody will have experienced the same thing you are experiencing.  We are here for your success.  Everyone here is just a volunteer.  I think we end up getting the same heart that Roger has -- God has blessed us with LDL and now we feel compelled to help others by sharing what we know and experience. 

Re: First time

Posted: June 14th, 2010, 10:46 am
by witheraway1
Crick, very well said........good advice.........Wither

Re: First time

Posted: June 14th, 2010, 1:33 pm
by blessed
Thomas, I see you haven't posted for a while.  I do hope you are OK.  I too have diabetes, and your posting motivated me to get back on the wagon after being off LDL for a couple of months when a death in the family resulted in a trip out of town for a week.  Just couldn't seem to get back on program till now, and reading your post is what did it.  Please come back and post.  We are all pulling for you. 

Re: First time

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by witheraway1
Yes we are pulling for you. We are waiting to hear those tests results....Keep us posted as to how you are doing.......Wither

Re: First time

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 11:48 pm
by Thomas111
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your concern, and the encouragement and care.
I want to thank each of you but don't know how to do individual ones so I'll thank all as a group.

I have been very down and depressed since getting the numbers last Thursday and was afraid to post them. The shame and embarrassment has been something hard to deal with.  Frankly I was down right shocked and scared thinking why even bother, I have done too much damage and this will surely kill me soon.

So after a lot of self doubt and pity, I realized after reading your posts and watching Joel Osteen tonight that this fear and shame is not of God.  It is pure evil and the dark side wants me to fail and blame God and say see I told you that you are worthless just look haw badly you have messed up.

Well, the slewfooted one is WRONG!  God does love me he has forgiven me, and he will do a wonder in me for all to see his glory.........

My sins have been washed away as far as the east is from the west, and I will not let things like fear, shame, abandonment, depression and feelings of worthlessness keep me down and blame these things for the mistakes I have made in my life.  I am the one who got myself in this physical problem by the way I ate and the amounts of it.  Now with Gods help, the guidance of fine people like you and Rogers WOE I can break free of this food addiction in Jesus name!!!!!!!

It is late and I am going to bed so I will post the results tomorrow if I get time (Wed & Thur are very busy days for me) but I will post them for all to see just how bad I have messed up and how far down in the hole I have dug for myself I am starting from.  But when this turns around all the glory will be to God for I surly will not be able to do this without him......

Thanks again for your words, they have helped me pull myself up and dust off and get started.

Re: First time

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 11:53 pm
by MsHeirloom
Tom- Sometimes we need to hit the absolute bottom before we can begin to crawl back up.  Imagine how awesome it will be when you can post your before and after pictures and your before and after bloodwork.  Prepare yourself for the miracle of LDL.  You can do this.  This is the way out of your hopelessness.  Pam

Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 7:21 am
by niki
tom...don't be doesn't matter what your numbers's never too late to eat right and get it's just going to take more time than you thought for your numbers to reflect your changes.....i've struggled with food issues all my life....i know how you feel....but, you CAN do this...

Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 8:12 am
by barrypaxton
Tom, We are here for you. I'm praying for your health to return. Stay with us Brother. You are not alone in this. We are all here for you!!!

Many blessings,

Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 9:47 am
by blessed
Thomas, Thanks for posting again.  I'm glad you are feeling better.  I was concerned about you.  The devil is a liar and will try to keep you down.  Thomas, I don't know when your next blood work will be, but I can guarantee you that if you follow this diet strictly you and your doctor will both be amazed at the improvement.  I'm getting excited just thinking about it.  BTW I talked with God about you this morning and He sends His love. 

Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 4:19 pm
by crickadoodle
Tom, I'll just say it again, "He who began a good work in you will complete it!" 

Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 5:13 pm
by barrypaxton
blessed wrote:  BTW I talked with God about you this morning and He sends His love. 
  I love this!!!


Re: First time

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 5:44 pm
barrypaxton wrote:
blessed wrote:  BTW I talked with God about you this morning and He sends His love. 
  I love this!!!


I loved that too!

Re: First time

Posted: June 17th, 2010, 3:39 am
by Thomas111
Hello Everyone,

Thank you Thank you Thank you.  Your words and prayers touch and encourage me so much.
It's about 3:30 am on Thursday and I am getting ready for work, so I can't post the numbers yet
Hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

Again Thank all of you wonderful people so much.

May God bless you beyond your wildest dreams>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Re: First time

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 1:58 pm
by blessed
Thomas, I'm still praying for you.  Have you been able to start the diet yet?  I don't remember if you have the book yet or not, but if not, you can start it by just using the boards at first.  That's what I did.  There are lots of good advise and recipes on the boards to get you started.  Talking from experience, I know how hard it is to get started, but once you start seeing results you'll be glad you did.  Please let us know how you are doing. 

Re: First time

Posted: June 20th, 2010, 12:20 pm
by witheraway1
Tom, How is it going? Are you still with us? Remember you can do this........kEEP US POSTED ..........WITHER


Re: First time

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 3:13 pm
by Thomas111

I am still here.  I posted the results Friday night but I must have goofed somehow because I was typing away and looked up and everything was gone.  I wasn't sure if it posted or not and didn't want to do it twice and fill up the boards.  I was waiting to see if I could see it but nothing so I guess I lost it.

I will do it again tonight and keep a better eye on it.  I don't know what I hit but I hit something weird and poof it's gone.

See ya later tonight.

Thanks and God Bless everyone....................